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paper list for Emotional dialogue system

Emotional chatting

  • CARE: Commonsense-Aware Emotional Response Generation with Latent Concepts, in AAAI 2021,[paper]
  • Emotional Conversation Generation with Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network, in AAAI 2021,[paper]
  • CDL: Curriculum Dual Learning for Emotion-Controllable Response Generation, in ACL 2020, [paper]
  • A Syntactically Constrained Bidirectional-Asynchronous Approach for Emotional Conversation Generation, in EMNLP 2018, [paper]
  • Emotional Chatting Machine: Emotional Conversation Generation with Internal and External Memory, in AAAI 2018, [paper]
  • MOJITALK Generating Emotional Responses at Scale, in ACL 2018, [paper]
  • Affective Neural Response Generation, in ECIR 2018, [paper]
  • Eliciting positive emotion through affect-sensitive dialogue response generation A neural network approach, in AAAI 2018, [paper]
  • Automatic Dialogue Generation with Expressed Emotions, in NAACL 2018, [paper]

Empathetic Dialogue

  • LLM Reasoning before Responding:Integrating Commonsense-based Causality Explanation for Empathetic Response Generation, in SIGDIAL 2023, [paper]
  • CASE: Aligning Coarse-to-Fine Cognition and Affection for Empathetic Response Generation, in ACL 2023, [paper]
  • DIFFUSEMP:A Diffusion Model-Based Framework with Multi-Grained Control for Empathetic Response Generation, in ACL 2023, [paper]
  • PLM Improving Empathetic Dialogue Generation by Dynamically Infusing Commonsense Knowledge, in ACL 2023, [paper]
  • Don't Lose Yourself! Empathetic Response Generation via Explicit Self-Other Awareness, in findings of ACL 2023, [paper]
  • CAB: Empathetic Dialogue Generation with Cognition, Affection and Behavior, in DASFAA 2023, [paper]
  • Empathetic Response Generation via Emotion Cause Transition Graph, in ICASSP 2023, [paper]
  • Using Extracted Emotion Cause to Improve Content-Relevance for Empathetic Conversation Generation, in CCL 2022, [paper]
  • CARE: Causality Reasoning for Empathetic Responses by Conditional Graph Generation, in findings of EMNLP 2022, [paper]
  • Empathetic Dialogue Generation via Sensitive Emotion Recognition and Sensible Knowledge Selection, in findings of EMNLP 2022, [paper]
  • Wish I Can Feel What You Feel: A Neural Approach for Empathetic Response Generation, in findings of EMNLP 2022, [paper]
  • LLM Does GPT-3 Generate Empathetic Dialogues? A Novel In-Context Example Selection Method and Automatic Evaluation Metric for Empathetic Dialogue Generation, in COLING 2022, [paper]
  • Mitigating Toxic Degeneration with Empathetic Data: Exploring the Relationship Between Toxicity and Empathy, in NAACL 2022, [paper]
  • PLM Emp-RFT: Empathetic Response Generation via Recognizing Feature Transitions between Utterances, in NAACL 2022, [paper]
  • EmpHi: Generating Empathetic Responses with Human-like Intents, in NAACL 2022, [paper]
  • EmoDM: Empathetic Response Generation with Emotion-aware Dialogue Management, in arxiv, [paper]
  • InferEM: Inferring the Speaker's Intention for Empathetic Dialogue Generation , in arxiv, [paper]
  • AFEC: A Knowledge Graph Capturing Social Intelligence in Casual Conversations, in arxiv, [paper]
  • Knowledge Bridging for Empathetic Dialogue Generation, in AAAI 2022, [paper]
  • CEM: Commonsense-aware Empathetic Response Generation, in AAAI 2022, [paper]
  • Generating Empathetic Responses by Injecting Anticipated Emotion, in ICASSP 2021, [paper]
  • Empathetic Dialog Generation with Fine-Grained Intents, in CoNLL 2021, [paper]
  • PLM Exemplars-guided Empathetic Response Generation Controlled by the Elements of Human Communication, in CIKM 2021, [paper]
  • PLM CoMAE: A Multi-factor Hierarchical Framework for Empathetic Response Generation, in findings of ACL 2021, [paper]
  • Perspective-taking and Pragmatics for Generating Empathetic Responses Focused on Emotion Causes, in EMNLP 2021, [paper]
  • Improving Empathetic Response Generation by Recognizing Emotion Cause in Conversations, in findings of EMNLP 2021, [paper]
  • PLM Towards an Online Empathetic Chatbot with Emotion Causes, in SIGIR 2021, [paper]
  • Constructing Emotion Consensus and Utilizing Unpaired Data for Empathetic Dialogue Generation,in EMNLP 2021, [paper]
  • A Computational Approach to Understanding Empathy Expressed in Text-Based Mental Health Support, in EMNLP 2020, [paper]
  • PLM CAiRE: An Empathetic Neural Chatbot, in AAAI 2020 demo paper, [paper]
  • EmpDG: Multi-resolution Interactive Empathetic Dialogue Generation, in COLING 2020, [paper]
  • MIME: MIMicking Emotions for Empathetic Response Generation, in EMNLP 2020, [paper]
  • MoEL: Mixture of Empathetic Listeners, in EMNLP-IJNLP 2019, [paper]

Emotion Elicitation

  • Towards Multi-Turn Empathetic Dialogs with Positive Emotion Elicitation, [paper]
  • Emotion Eliciting Machine: Emotion Eliciting Conversation Generation based on Dual Generator, [paper]
  • EmoElicitor: An Open Domain Response Generation Model with User Emotional Reaction Awareness,in IJCAI 2020 [paper]
  • Positive Emotion Elicitation in Chat-Based Dialogue Systems, TASLP 2019, [paper]
  • Unsupervised Counselor Dialogue Clustering for Positive Emotion Elicitation in Neural Dialogue System, in SIGDIAL 2018, [paper]
  • Eliciting Positive Emotion through Affect-Sensitive Dialogue Response Generation: A Neural Network Approach, in AAAI 2018, [paper]
  • Eliciting Positive Emotional Impact in Dialogue Response Selection, in IWSDS 2017, [paper]
  • Predicting and Eliciting Addressee’s Emotion in Online Dialogue, in ACL 2013, [paper]

Emotional Support

  • Building Emotional Support Chatbots in the Era of LLMs, in arxiv, [paper]
  • TransESC:Smoothing Emotional Support Conversation via Turn-Level State Transition, in findings of ACL 2023, [paper]
  • Facilitating Multi-turn Emotional Support Conversation with Positive Emotion Elicitation:A Reinforcement Learning Approach, in ACL 2023, [paper]
  • PAL:Persona-Augmented Emotional Support Conversation Generation, in findings of ACL 2023, [paper]
  • Commonsense-Aware Prompting for Controllable Empathetic Dialogue Generation, in conjunction with AAAI 2023, [paper]
  • PoKE:Prior Knowledge Enhanced Emotional Support Conversation with Latent Variable, in arxiv, [paper]
  • Knowledge-enhanced Mixed-initiative Dialogue System for Emotional Support Conversations, in ACL 2023, [paper]
  • FADO:Feedback-Aware Double COntrolling Network for Emotional Support Conversation, in KBS, [paper]
  • AugESC:Large-scale Data Augmentation for Emotional Support Conversation with Pre-trained Language Models, in findings of ACL 2023, [paper]
  • Improving Multi-turn Emotional Support Dialogue Generation with Lookahead Strategy Planning, in EMNLP 2022, [paper]
  • MISC: A MIxed Strategy-Aware Model Integrating COMET for Emotional Support Conversation, in ACL 2022, [paper]
  • Control Globally, Understand Locally: A Global-to-Local Hierarchical Graph Network for Emotional Support Conversation,in IJCAI 2022, [paper]
  • Towards Motivational and Empathetic Response Generation in Online Mental Health Support, in SIGIR 2022, [paper]
  • Towards Emotional Support Dialog Systems, in ACL 2021, [paper]
  • [Empathic Rewriting]Towards Facilitating Empathic Conversations in Online Mental Health Support: A Reinforcement Learning Approach, in WWW 2021, [paper]

Commonsense Knowledge Graph

  • CICERO V2: Multiview Contextual Commonsense Inference: A New Dataset and Task, in arxiv, [paper]
  • CICERO: A Dataset for Contextualized Commonsense Inference in Dialogue, in ACL 2022, [paper]
  • COMET: Commonsense Transformers for Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction, in ACL 2019, [paper]
  • ATOMIC: An Atlas of Machine Commonsense for If-Then Reasoning, in AAAI 2019, [paper]
  • ConceptNet 5.5: An Open Multilingual Graph of General Knowledge, in AAAI 2017, [paper]


  • [ED]A Taxonomy of Empathetic Questions in Social Dialogs, in ACL 2022, [paper]
  • [ESConv]Towards Emotional Support Dialog Systems, in ACL 2021, [paper]
  • PsyQA:A Chinese Dataset for Generating Long Counseling Text for Mental Health Support, findings of ACL 2021, [paper]
  • [ED]A Taxonomy of Empathetic Response Intents in Human Social Conversations, in COLING 2020, [paper]
  • [LCCC]A Large-Scale Chinese Short-Text Conversation Dataset, in NLPCC 2020, [paper]
  • [ED]Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: a New Benchmark and Dataset, in ACL 2019, [paper]
  • [NRC_VAD]Obtaining Reliable Human Ratings of Valence, Arousal, and Dominance for 20,000 English Words, in ACL 2018, [paper]
  • DailyDialog: A Manually Labelled Multi-turn Dialogue Dataset, in IJCNLP 2017, [paper]


  • DialogueCRN: Contextual Reasoning Networks for Emotion Recognition in Conversations, in ACL 2021, [paper]
  • A Computational Approach to Understanding Empathy Expressed in Text-Based Mental Health Support, in EMNLP 2020, [paper]
  • A Knowledge-Grounded Neural Conversation Model, in AAAI 2018, [paper]


paper list for Emotional dialogue system






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