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Unity Window Panel

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What’s this?

'Unity Window Panel' is simple and extensible window UI component for Unity.

Supported Unity versions

Unity 2020.3 or higher.


Via Package Manager.
Open the Package Manager window in your Unity editor, select Add package from git URL... from the + button in the top left, enter following and press the Add button.

Or open the Packages/manifest.json file and add an item like the following to the dependencies field.

"jp.neuneu9.window-panel": "",

How to use

3 components are available by default:

  • Fade Window Panel: Fade style
  • Slide In Window Panel: Slide-in style
  • Animated Window Panel: Animation style


Select GameObject -> UI -> Window Panel -> *** Window Panel in the menu to create a constructed GameObject.

Set initial open/close

Press Default To Open to set it open, and press Default To Close to set it close in the inspector.

Inspector exposed parameters

Name Explanation
Window Reference to window object
Background Reference to background object
Skip Opening On Clicked Whether to complete the transition immediately if clicked while open transitioning
Close On Background Clicked Whether to close if the background is clicked
Open Duration Open transition time [s]
Close Duration Close transition time [s]
On Pre Open Called before starting the open transition
On Opened Called after opened
On Pre Close Called before starting the close transition
On Closed Called after closed

Scripting APIs

Method name Explanation
Open(UnityAction onCompleted)
Open the window panel. If it's already open or about to be opened, nothing will be done.
onCompleted: Completion callback
Close(UnityAction onCompleted)
Close the window panel. If it's already closed or about to close, nothing will be done.
onCompleted: Completion callback
OpenImmediately() Open the window panel instantly. If it's already open, nothing will be done.
CloseImmediately() Close the window panel instantly. If it's already closed, nothing will be done.
GetWindow<TWindow>() Get a component of the window object.
TWindow: Type of component to get

Customize animations of Animated Window Panel

  1. Create open and close animation clips
    NOTE: The clip length is arbitrary, but Animated Window Panel normalizes it to 1 [s].
    To set the length of the open/close transition, use Open Duration and Close Duration in the inspector.
  2. Create an Animator Override Controller based on Packages/jp.neuneu9.window-panel/Animations/WindowPanel.controller.
  3. Set the open animation clip to window_panel_open and the close animation clip to window_panel_close.


Want to use your behavior? It’s easy.

  1. Create a class that inherits from neuneu9.WindowPanel.
  2. Override the following two methods:
    (The argument progress is a transition rate between 0 and 1.)
    • void OpenAction(float progress): Code the open transition processing.
    • void CloseAction(float progress): Code the close transition processing.
  3. Use the class script instead of scripts such as Fade Window Panel.

Below is an example implementation of a pop-up styled window using DOTween.


using UnityEngine;
using DG.Tweening;
using neuneu9.WindowPanel;

public class PopUpWindowPanel : WindowPanel
    private Ease _openEase = Ease.OutBack;

    private Ease _closeEase = Ease.InQuart;

    private Vector3 _scaleOnClosed = new Vector3(0.6f, 0.6f, 1f);

    protected override void OpenAction(float progress)
        _window.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 1f, progress * 2f);
        _window.transform.localScale = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(_scaleOnClosed,, DOVirtual.EasedValue(0f, 1f, progress, _openEase));

    protected override void CloseAction(float progress)
        _window.alpha = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 0f, (progress - 0.5f) * 2f);
        _window.transform.localScale = Vector3.LerpUnclamped(, _scaleOnClosed, DOVirtual.EasedValue(0f, 1f, progress, _closeEase));