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Pipeline Creation

from deepsparse import TextGeneration

MODEL_PATH = "path/to/model/or/zoostub"
text_pipeline = TextGeneration(model_path=MODEL_PATH)

Inference Runs

PROMPT = "how are you?"
SECOND_PROMPT = "what book is really popular right now?"

All defaults

text_result = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT)

Enable Streaming

generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, streaming=True)
for text_generation in generations:

Multiple Inputs

text_output = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPTS)

prompt_output = text_output.generations[0]
second_prompt_output = text_output.generations[1]

Use generation_config to control the generated results

  • Limit the generated output size using the max_length property
  • For a complete list of supported attributes, see the tables below
generation_config = {"max_length": 10}
generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, generation_config=generation_config)

Use the transformers GenerationConfig object for the generation_config

from transformers import GenerationConfig

generation_config = GenerationConfig()
generation_config.max_length = 10

generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, generation_config=generation_config)

Use just kwargs

  • The attributes supported through the generation_config are also supported through kwargs
generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, max_length=10)

Use the GenerationConfig during pipeline creation

  • Every inference run with this pipeline will apply this generation config, unless also provided during inference
MODEL_PATH = "path/to/model/or/zoostub"
generation_config = {"max_length": 10}
text_pipeline = TextGeneration(model_path=MODEL_PATH, generation_config=generation_config)

generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT)

# Override the generation config by providing a config during inference time
generation_config = {"max_length": 25}
generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, generation_config=generation_config)

Get more then one response for a given prompt

generation_config = {"num_return_sequences": 2}
generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, generation_config=generation_config)

Get more than one unique response

generation_config = {"num_return_sequences": 2, "do_sample": True}
generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, generation_config=generation_config)

Use multiple prompts and generate multiple outputs for each prompt


generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPTS, num_return_sequences=2, do_sample=True, max_length=100)
prompt_outputs = text_output.generations[0]
second_prompt_outputs = text_output.generations[1]

print("Outputs from the first prompt: ")
for output in prompt_outputs:

print("Outputs from the second prompt: ")
for output in second_prompt_outputs:


Outputs from the first prompt:
text="  are you coping better with holidays?\nI'm been reall getting good friends and helping friends as much as i can so it's all good." score=None finished=True finished_reason='stop'

text="\nI'm good... minor panic attacks but aside from that I'm good." score=None finished=True finished_reason='stop'

Outputs from the second prompt: 
text='\nHAVING A GOOD TIME by Maya Angelou; How to Be a Winner by Peter Enns; BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WHORE FOR by Sarah Bergman; 18: The Basic Ingredients of a Good Life by Jack Canfield.\nI think you might also read The Sympathy of the earth by Charles Darwin, if you are not interested in reading books. Do you write? I think it will help you to refine your own writing.' score=None finished=True finished_reason='stop'

text='  every school or publication I have looked at has said the same two books.\nIt depends on the school/master. AIS was the New York Times Bestseller forever, kicked an ass in the teen fiction genre for many reasons, a lot of fiction picks like that have been around a while hence popularity. And most science fiction and fantasy titles (but not romance or thriller) are still popular.' score=None finished=True finished_reason='stop'

Output scores

generations = text_pipeline(prompt=PROMPT, output_score=True)

Text Generation GenerationConfig Features Supported

Parameters controlling the output length:

Feature Description Deepsparse Default HuggingFace Default Supported
max_length Maximum length of generated tokens. Equal to input_prompt + max_new_tokens. Overridden by max_new_tokens None 20 Yes
max_new_tokens Maximum number of tokens to generate, ignoring prompt tokens. 100 None Yes
min_length Minimum length of generated tokens. Equal to input_prompt + min_new_tokens. Overridden by min_new_tokens - 0 No
min_new_tokens Minomum number of tokens to generate, ignoring prompt tokens. - None No
max_time - - - No

Parameters for manipulation of the model output logits

Feature Description Deepsparse Default HuggingFace Default Supported
top_k The number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k-filtering 50 50 Yes
top_p Keep the generated tokens where its cumulative probability is >= top_p 1.0 1.0 Yes
repetition_penalty Penalty applied for generating new token. Existing token frequencies summed to subtraction the logit of its corresponding logit value 1.0 1.0 Yes
temperature The temperature to use when sampling from the probability distribution computed from the logits. Higher values will result in more random samples. Should be greater than 0.0 1.0 1.0 Yes
typical_p - - - No
epsilon_cutoff - - - No
eta_cutoff - - - No
diversity_penalty - - - No
length_penalty - - - No
bad_words_ids - - - No
force_words_ids - - - No
renormalize_logits - - - No
constraints - - - No
forced_bos_token_id - - - No
forced_eos_token_id - - - No
remove_invalid_values - - - No
exponential_decay_length_penalty - - - No
suppress_tokens - - - No
begin_suppress_tokens - - - No
forced_decoder_ids - - - No

Parameters that control the generation strategy used

Feature Description Deepsparse Default HuggingFace Default Supported
do_sample If True, will apply sampling from the probability distribution computed from the logits False False Yes

Parameters for output variables:

Feature Description Deepsparse Default HuggingFace Default Supported
num_return_sequences The number of sequences generated for each prompt 1 1 Yes
output_scores Whether to return the generated logits False False Yes
return_dict_generate - - - No

Special Tokens:

Feature Description Deepsparse Default HuggingFace Default Supported
pad_token_id - - - No
bos_token_id - - - No
eos_token_id - - - No