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Support for Video Files

Ann Kennedy edited this page May 1, 2019 · 2 revisions

Paths to movie files are linked to experiments by unpackExperiment when data is initially loaded into Bento. Movies are not opened for reading until a trial is selected in the user interface, when the function setActiveMouse calls loadMovie.

Movies are read as follows:

  • .seq format movies are accessed using Piotr's Toolbox.
  • All other formats are accessed using Matlab's VideoReader. Video formats supported will depend on your system, but typically include avi, mov, mp4, mpg, wmv, and others. To determine which formats are supported on your computer, call VideoReader.getFileFormats() from the Matlab command line.

Bento can load and display multiple movies per trial; to do so, enter multiple filenames in the Experiment Manager, sparated by semicolons.

  • movie_1.avi;movie_2.avi stacks movies vertically
  • movie_1.avi;;movie_2.avi displays movies side-by-side