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Estimator/noshad egde (#200)
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* Add notebook for evaluation of infoplanes of cohort 3

* Add EDGE estimator initial implementation

* Testing speedups

* Convert to dict for speedup

* Update EDGE estimator to first and fast running version

* Include original EDGE estimator by Noshad

* Adapt parameters of EDGE estimator

* Change Grid command to word with new term
  • Loading branch information
felixmzd committed Feb 28, 2019
1 parent 6e39bcc commit a874c40
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Showing 4 changed files with 670 additions and 10 deletions.
22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions deep_bottleneck/experiment.sge
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,23 +25,25 @@ echo ""
echo "Start"
echo ""

source /net/home/student/j/jrebstadt/conda_setup/dneck_setup.bash

export PATH=/home/student/j/jschoening/local/cuda-9.0/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/student/j/jschoening/local/cuda-9.0/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CUDA_HOME=/home/student/j/jschoening/local/cuda-9.0

echo "CUDA VERSION (should be 9):"
nvcc --version
export ADA_ROOT=/net/projects/scratch/winter/valid_until_31_July_2019/fmeyerzudrie
export CONDA_PATH=/net/projects/scratch/winter/valid_until_31_July_2019/fmeyerzudrie/AdaptiveNeurons/miniconda/bin

rm /tmp/* -R -f 2> /dev/null

echo "ROOT"
echo $ADA_ROOT
source activate dneck

echo "Sacred Experiment"
PYTHONPATH=$DNECK_ROOT/$USER/deep-bottleneck WALLTIME=01:30:00 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 START_TIME=$(date +%s) python --name ${1-noname} with ${2-configs/basic.json} seed=0
PYTHONPATH=$ADA_ROOT/deep-bottleneck WALLTIME=01:30:00 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 START_TIME=$(date +%s) python --name ${1-noname} with ${2-configs/basic.json} seed=0

echo ""
echo "*** End of SGE job ***"

conda deactivate

echo ""
Expand Down
315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions deep_bottleneck/mi_estimator/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def load(discretization_range, architecture, n_classes):
estimator = EDGE(n_classes=n_classes, architecture=architecture)
return estimator

import math
from scipy.special import *
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

# from random import randint, seed
# np.random.seed(seed=0)


# Generate W and V matrices (used in LSH)
def gen_W(X, Y):
# Num of Samples and dimensions
N = X.shape[0]
dim_X, dim_Y = X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]

# parameters to control the dimension of W and V
kx, ky = 2, 2
rx, ry = 10, 10

# Find standard deviation vectors
std_X = np.array([np.std(X[:, [i]]) for i in range(dim_X)])
std_Y = np.array([np.std(Y[:, [i]]) for i in range(dim_Y)])

std_X = np.reshape(std_X, (dim_X, 1))
std_Y = np.reshape(std_Y, (dim_Y, 1))

# Compute dimensions of W and V
d_X_shrink = min(dim_X, math.floor(math.log(1.0 * N / rx, kx)))
d_Y_shrink = min(dim_Y, math.floor(math.log(1.0 * N / ry, ky)))

# Repeat columns of std_X and Y to be in the same size as W and V
std_X_mat = np.tile(std_X, (1, d_X_shrink))
std_Y_mat = np.tile(std_Y, (1, d_Y_shrink))

# avoid devision by zero
std_X_mat[std_X_mat < 0.0001] = 1
std_Y_mat[std_Y_mat < 0.0001] = 1

# Mean and standard deviation of Normal pdf for elements of W and V
mu_X = np.zeros((dim_X, d_X_shrink))
mu_Y = np.zeros((dim_Y, d_Y_shrink))

sigma_X = 1.0 / (std_X_mat * np.sqrt(dim_X))
sigma_Y = 1.0 / (std_Y_mat * np.sqrt(dim_Y))

# Generate normal matrices W and V
# np.random.seed(seed=0)
W = np.random.normal(mu_X, sigma_X, (dim_X, d_X_shrink))
V = np.random.normal(mu_Y, sigma_Y, (dim_Y, d_Y_shrink))

return (W, V)

# Find KNN distances for a number of samples for normalizing bandwidth
def find_knn(A, d):
# np.random.seed()
# np.random.seed(seed=int(time.time()))
r = 500
# random samples from A
A = A.reshape((-1, 1))
N = A.shape[0]

k = math.floor(0.43 * N ** (2 / 3 + 0.17 * (d / (d + 1))) * math.exp(-1.0 / np.max([10000, d ** 4])))

T = np.random.choice(A.reshape(-1, ), size=r).reshape(-1, 1)
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, algorithm='auto').fit(A)
distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(T)
d = np.mean(distances[:, -1])
return d

# Returns epsilon and random shifts b
def gen_eps(XW, YV):
d_X, d_Y = XW.shape[1], YV.shape[1]
# Find KNN distances for a number of samples for normalizing bandwidth
eps_X = np.array([find_knn(XW[:, [i]], d_X) for i in range(d_X)]) + 0.0001
eps_Y = np.array([find_knn(YV[:, [i]], d_Y) for i in range(d_Y)]) + 0.0001

return (eps_X, eps_Y)

# Define H1 (LSH) for a vector X (X is just one sample)
def H1(XW, b, eps):
# dimension of X
d_X = XW.shape[0]
# d_W = W.shape[1]
XW = XW.reshape(1, d_X)

# If not scalar
if d_X > 1:
X_te = 1.0 * (np.squeeze(XW) + b) / eps
elif eps > 0:
X_te = 1.0 * (XW + b) / eps
X_te = XW

# Discretize X
X_t = np.floor(X_te)
if d_X > 1:
R = tuple(X_t.tolist())
R = np.asscalar(np.squeeze(X_t))
return R

# Compuate Hashing: Compute the number of collisions in each bucket
def Hash(XW, YV, eps_X, eps_Y, b_X, b_Y):
# Num of Samples and dimensions
N = XW.shape[0]

# Hash vectors as dictionaries
CX, CY, CXY = {}, {}, {}

# Computing Collisions

for i in range(N):
# Compute H_1 hashing of X_i and Y_i: Convert to tuple (vectors cannot be taken as keys in dict)

X_l, Y_l = H1(XW[i], b_X, eps_X), H1(YV[i], b_Y, eps_Y)

# X collisions: compute H_2
if X_l in CX:
CX[X_l] = [i]

# Y collisions: compute H_2
if Y_l in CY:
CY[Y_l] = [i]

# XY collisions
if (X_l, Y_l) in CXY:
CXY[(X_l, Y_l)].append(i)
CXY[(X_l, Y_l)] = [i]

return (CX, CY, CXY)

# Compute mutual information and gradient given epsilons and radom shifts
def Compute_MI(XW, YV, U, eps_X, eps_Y, b_X, b_Y):
N = XW.shape[0]

(CX, CY, CXY) = Hash(XW, YV, eps_X, eps_Y, b_X, b_Y)

# Computing Mutual Information Function
I = 0
N_c = 0
for e in CXY.keys():
Ni, Mj, Nij = len(CX[e[0]]), len(CY[e[1]]), len(CXY[e])

if 1 == 1:
I += Nij * max(min(math.log(1.0 * Nij * N / (Ni * Mj), 2), U), 0.001)
N_c += Nij

I = 1.0 * I / N_c

return I

# Estimator from based on Paper
def NoshadEDGE(X, Y, U=10, gamma=[1, 1], epsilon=[0, 0], epsilon_vector='range', eps_range_factor=0.1, normalize_epsilon=True,
ensemble_estimation='median', L_ensemble=10, hashing='p-stable', stochastic=False):
gamma = np.array(gamma)
gamma = gamma * 0.9
epsilon = np.array(epsilon)

if X.ndim == 1:
X = X.reshape((-1, 1))
if Y.ndim == 1:
Y = Y.reshape((-1, 1))
# Num of Samples and dim
N, d = X.shape[0], X.shape[1]

# Find dimensions
dim_X, dim_Y = X.shape[1], Y.shape[1]
dim = dim_X + dim_Y

## Hash type

if hashing == 'p-stable':
# Generate random transformation matrices W and V
(W, V) = gen_W(X, Y)
d_X_shrink, d_Y_shrink = W.shape[1], V.shape[1]
# Find inner products
XW, YV =, W),, V)

elif hashing == 'floor':
# W = np.identity(dim_X)
# V = np.identity(dim_Y)
d_X_shrink, d_Y_shrink = dim_X, dim_Y
XW, YV = X, Y

## Initial epsilon and apply smoothness gamma

# If no manual epsilon is set for computing MI:
if epsilon[0] == 0:
# Generate auto epsilon and b
(eps_X_temp, eps_Y_temp) = gen_eps(XW, YV)

# Normalizing factors for the bandwidths
cx, cy = 3 * d_X_shrink, 3 * d_Y_shrink
eps_X0, eps_Y0 = eps_X_temp * cx * gamma[0], eps_Y_temp * cy * gamma[1]
eps_X_temp = np.ones(d_X_shrink, ) * epsilon[0]
eps_Y_temp = np.ones(d_Y_shrink, ) * epsilon[1]
cx, cy = 3 * d_X_shrink, 3 * d_Y_shrink
eps_X0, eps_Y0 = eps_X_temp * cx * gamma[0], eps_Y_temp * cy * gamma[1]

## epsilon_vector
if epsilon_vector == 'fixed':
T = np.ones(L_ensemble)
elif epsilon_vector == 'range':
T = np.linspace(1, 1 + eps_range_factor, L_ensemble)

## Compute MI Vector

# MI Vector
I_vec = np.zeros(L_ensemble)

for j in range(L_ensemble):

# Apply epsilon_vector
eps_X, eps_Y = eps_X0 * T[j], eps_Y0 * T[j]

## Shifts of hashing
if stochastic == True:
f = 0.1
b_X = f * np.random.rand(d_X_shrink, ) * eps_X
b_Y = f * np.random.rand(d_Y_shrink, ) * eps_Y
b_X = np.linspace(0, 1, L_ensemble, endpoint=False)[j] * eps_X
b_Y = np.linspace(0, 1, L_ensemble, endpoint=False)[j] * eps_Y

I_vec[j] = Compute_MI(XW, YV, U, eps_X, eps_Y, b_X, b_Y)

## Ensemble method

if ensemble_estimation == 'average':
I = np.mean(I_vec)
elif ensemble_estimation == 'optimal_weights':
weights = compute_weights(L_ensemble, d, T, N)
weights = weights.reshape(L_ensemble, )
I =, weights)
elif ensemble_estimation == 'median':
I = np.median(I_vec)

## Normalize epsilon according to MI estimation (cross validation)
if normalize_epsilon == True:
gamma = gamma * math.pow(2, -math.sqrt(I * 2.0) + (0.5 / I))
normalize_epsilon = False
I = NoshadEDGE(X, Y, U, gamma, epsilon, epsilon_vector, eps_range_factor, normalize_epsilon, ensemble_estimation,
L_ensemble, hashing, stochastic)

return I

class EDGE:

def __init__(self, n_classes, architecture):
self.n_classes = n_classes
self.architecture = architecture

def _compute_mi_per_epoch_and_layer(self, X, Y):
MI = NoshadEDGE(X,Y, U=12, L_ensemble=1, gamma=[1,0.001])

return MI

def _init_dataframe(self, epoch_numbers, n_layers):
info_measures = ['MI_XM', 'MI_YM']
index_base_keys = [epoch_numbers, list(range(n_layers))]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(index_base_keys, names=['epoch', 'layer'])
measures = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=info_measures)
return measures

def compute_mi(self, data, file_dump) -> pd.DataFrame:
print(f'*** Start running {self.__class__.__name__}. ***')

labels = data.labels

one_hot_labels = data.one_hot_labels

n_layers = len(self.architecture) + 1 # + 1 for output layer
epoch_numbers = [int(value) for value in file_dump.keys()]
epoch_numbers = sorted(epoch_numbers)
measures = self._init_dataframe(epoch_numbers=epoch_numbers, n_layers=n_layers)

for epoch in epoch_numbers:
print(f'Estimating mutual information for epoch {epoch}.')
summary = file_dump[str(epoch)]
for layer_index in range(n_layers):
layer_activations = summary['activations'][str(layer_index)]
layer_activations = np.asarray(layer_activations, dtype=np.float32)

mi_with_label = self._compute_mi_per_epoch_and_layer(layer_activations, labels[:, np.newaxis])
mi_with_input = self._compute_mi_per_epoch_and_layer(layer_activations, data.examples)

measures.loc[(epoch, layer_index), 'MI_XM'] = mi_with_input
measures.loc[(epoch, layer_index), 'MI_YM'] = mi_with_label
return measures

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