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MOOSE model of the Medium Spiny Neurons and CA1 Piramidal Neurons

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moose_nerp — declarative specification of neuron model in MOOSE

Complete example given for a Striatal Spiny Projection Neuron

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Set of prototype files and parameter files to simplify creation of neuron and network models in a declarative format for the MOOSE simulator ( Each neuron or set of neurons has its own package in moose_nerp, d1d2 for two types of spiny projection neurons, gp for two types of globus pallidus neurons, and ca1 for hippocampal CA1 neurons. Each package, e.g. moose_nerp/d1d2, contains a set of parameter files for creating ion channels, synaptic channels, neuron morphology, plasticity, spines and calcium dynamics, as well as the main program, which both creates and simulates the neurons.

run the simulation from a terminal window (in moose_nerp directory) using the command:

python -m moose_nerp.cells.d1d2

from a python2 console, run using the command:

import moose_nerp.cells.d1d2.__main__, or execfile('moose_nerp/cells/d1d2/')

from a python3 console, run using the commend:


to evaluate variables created in main after the import, use the following syntax: moose_nerp.cells.d1d2.__main__.variable_name

Files in each cell type package

Note that SI units are used everywhere EXCEPT in the morphology file, where x,y,z,dia values are microns

  1. parameters governing channel gating
  2. channel conductances, which can be distance dependent, morphology file, external Ca concentration and Temperature
  3. synaptic channel parameters, including the distance dependent synaptic density
  4. morphology and electrical parameters describing spines, also spine density.
  5. calcium and plasticity parameters. Calcium can be either single time constant of decay, or can have multiple pumps and buffers. Plasticity parameters implement calcium dependent synaptic plasticity, with both amplitude and duration thresholds
  6. *.p: morphology file
  7. default simulation parameter options such as plotting, saving, simtime, etc. New options can be added.
  • Note: Some versions of Moose may not have HDF5DataWriter installed; in that case make sure (and use param_sim.save_txt instead)
  1. binary variables indicating whether to add spines, synapses, calcium, plasticity
  2. specifies all the parameter files that are imported when the module is imported.

To create a new neuron type

  1. clone one of the packages, e.g. d1d2 or gp
  2. edit param_chan to specify ion channels and their gating.
  • Gate equations for TypicalOneD channels have the form:
    • AlphaBetaChannelParams (specify forward and backward transition rates):
      • alpha(v) or beta(v) = (rate + B * v) / (C + exp((v + vhalf) / vslope))
    • StandardMooseTauInfChannelParams (specify steady state and time constants):
      • tau(v) or inf(v) = (rate + B * v) / (C + exp((v + vhalf) / vslope))
    • TauInfMinChannelParams (specify steady state and time constants with non-zero minimum - useful for tau):
      • tau(v) or inf(v) = min + max / (1 + exp((v - vhalf) / vslope))
      • if T_power==2, implements quadratic tau:
      • tau(v) = T_min + T_vdep / (1 + exp((v - T_vhalf) / T_vslope))* 1/ (1 + exp((v - T_vhalf) / -T_vslope))
  • To specify calcium dependent potassium channels (SK) or calcium dependent inactivaion, use ZChannelParams for gating variables (and TypicalOneD in the Channel dictionary):
    • inf(Ca) = (Ca/Kd)^power/(1+(Ca/Kd)^power
    • tau(Ca) = tau+ (taumax-tau)/(1+ (Ca/Cahalf)^tau_power)
  • To specify the voltage and calcium dependent potassium channel (BK), use BKChannelParams for gating variables and TwoD in the Channel dictionary
  1. edit param_cond to list morphology file and conductance of channels. Note that you need only specify a subset of channels listed in param_chan.
    • Distance dependent and structure specific conductances can be specified.
    • helper variables to specify distance, e.g. prox=(0,50e06), then conductance specified as: krp={prox:5}
    • can add structure type to helper variable, e.g. axon=(0,1000e-6,'axon')
    • If using swc files, use these structure names: _1 as soma, _2 as apical dend, _3 as basal dend and _4 as axon, e.g. axon=(0,100e-6,'_4')
  2. edit param_spine for your neuron type.
    • Note that the model performs spine compensation using the spinedensity parameter in param_spine; this should be the actual/estimated density of the neuron type. If you don't want spine compensation then set this spine density to zero.
    • Note that if you don't want spines, set spineYN=0 in
    • Any number of spines can also be explicitly modeled by setting the explicitSpineDensity parameter (less than or equal to the actual spineDensity). The spineParent compartment allows explicitly including spines only on specific branches--make sure to use a compartment name from your pfile. Using the soma name includes all branches.
  3. edit param_ca_plas for your neuron type. Note that if you don't want calcium, no need to edit this, just make calYN=0 in If you want calcium but not plasticity, make calYN=1 and plasYN=0
  4. edit param_syn for your neuron type. Note that if you don't want synapses, no need to edit this, just make synYN=0 in
  5. Note that if calYN=0 or synYN=0, no plasticity will be created, even if plasYN=1
  6. make sure the .p file for your neuron is in the package
  7. Edit and to set your default model and simulation options
  8. edit replace d1d2 in this line "from moose import cell.d1d2 as model" with the name of your package. A "standard" set of graphs are created, showing membrane potential in every compartment, and calcium (if created). You might want to customize this aspect.
  9. The functions in are imported from moose_nerp/prototypes/create_model_sim. This module contains standard functions for setting up and running a model/simulation. It is recommended that this module be extended for customizing simulations, so any customization is available to any model. However, care should be made to not break/alter existing functionality since other simulations depend on this code.


Networks are used to create networks of multiple neurons or to create a single neuron with spike train input.

  1. clone the package, spn1_net, and edit Note there are three neuron types specified in this network: D1, D2 and FSI. Delete all lines with FSI in you only want two neuron types, and delete all the lines with FSI or D2 if you want only one neuron type in your network.
  2. change the netname, etc from "striatum" to name of your tissue (global search and replace)
  3. replace "D1", and optionally "D2" and "FSI" with the names of your neuron types (from the single neuron package your created)
  4. Edit grid, which specifies the size of the network (in meters, from xyzmin to xyzmax in each of three dimensions) and the distance between neuron types (variable spacing) in each dimension (in meters, inc=).
  5. For each population, specify the percent of total neurons. The percents summed over neuron types should equal 1
  6. Specify connections.
  • Each intrinsic connection uses the NamedList 'connect', and specifies synapse type (e.g. GABA), neuron class of pre-synaptic neuron, neuron class of post-synaptic neuron, and a connection rule: either a probability (not distance dependent), or a distance dependence give by the space_const.
  • Each extrinsic connection (spike train input) uses the NamedList 'ext_connect', and specifies synapse type (e.g. AMPA), name of the TableSet that specifies the list of spike times, neuron class of post-synaptic neuron, and what fraction of the synapses should be filled with those time tables (e.g. 1.0 if only a single TableSet specified, 0.5 if two TableSets specified).
  • Specify one TableSet for each file that contains multiple lists of spike times. One timetable object will be created for each list. Specify how many synapses can receive input from the same timetable.
  • After specifying each connection, collect all connections for each post-synaptic neuron type into a dictionary, e.g. D1['gaba']={'D1': D1pre_D1post, 'D2': D2pre_D1post}; D1['ampa']={'extern1': ctx_D1post, 'extern2': thal_D1post}
  • then collect all those connections into one big dictonary with neuron type as key, e.g. connect_dict['D1']=D1
  1. Specify conduction velocity (cond_vel) and minimum delay (mindelay) for each neuron type. These are used to calculate a distance dependent time between pre-synaptic firing and post-synaptic event.
  2. edit
  • replace spn_1comp (celltype package) and spn1_net with the names of your packages.
  • Change neuron_modules to specify the names of additional celltype packages.
  • Make neuron_modules empty list if all cell types are specified in a single cell package

A "standard" set of graphs are created, showing membrane potential and calcium (if created) in each neuron. You might want to customize this aspect.