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npm install web-atoms-generator typescript -g

Web Atoms MVVM Sample

Sample Todo Application using Web Atoms MVVM contains following features.

  • REST Service and Mock
  • Small and Minimal Dependency Injection
  • View Model and Reusable Components
  • Unit Tests


Components are organized in app/views folder. Component generator uses waconfig.json to convert HTML components into views.js, it also contains views.js.d.ts so you can statically reference them in your typescript files.

  1. TaskStatusCombo dropdown is reusable dropdown that loads values from ConfigService
  2. TaskListView is a main view that hosts list of tasks and button to add/remove tasks.
  3. NewTaskWindow is window components that will allow you to validate/edit and save task.


REST Services are kept in app/services folder. They are decorated with HTTP methods and parameter bindings.

  1. TaskService provides CRUD operations on tasks.
  2. ConfigSerice provides configuration lists such as status list etc.


In this folder, Task and ConfigItem models are stored, Task is a class where else ConfigItem is just a type.

View Models

Components have corresponding View Model in app/view-models folder. Not every component needs ViewModel.


  1. TaskListViewModel provides list of tasks, which are loaded asynchronously from TaskService in init method.
  2. It provides add/remove method for task.
  3. In add method it opens new task window and awaits for result asynchronously.


  1. NewTaskWindowViewModel provides task model and validation for the model.
  2. Validations are added as inline lambda expressions. Validation expression is evaluated automatically when any referenced property is modified.
  3. When you call this.close(task) method, parameter task is resolved in promise that was created when the task list opened a window.

Unit Tests

We have created two unit tests.

Test for Task List View Model

  1. We will call expectWindow on MockWindowService.instance to register what window should open when we call a method. We will also provide result that we will expect to resolve in promise.
  2. We will verify that second task in the list is the new task we were expecting from the window.

NewTaskWindow Test

  1. We will call expectAlert to notify test manager that we will expect an alert when we will try to save empty task.
  2. We will call expectAlert again after setting label.
  3. In end of test we will call MockWindowService.instance.assert(), that will throw an error if any of expected alert/window was never called from the target methods.