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Releases: neutrak/accirc


24 Nov 02:03
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0.12.0 release. There are a number of differences since the 0.10.0, mostly to the internals.

Notable changes since the previous stable release are as follows:

added timeout detection to avoid zombie connections
fixed bug that could leak rc file contents
added --rc option to allow an explicit rc file path to be given
added a log-formatting script
added morse code functionality with /morse and /unmorse
added an option to consider every pm as a ping (ping_on_pms)
added name count display (number of users in the channel)
changed a number of null-padded pointer arrays to be doubly linked lists, which means there is no longer any limit to the number of post_commands, aliases, names in a channel, etc.
added /swsl and /swsr commands to allow re-ordering the servers in the UI without reconnecting


02 Jan 18:13
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0.10.0 release. There are a number of changes since the last official release; the commit log will show a full history (differences from 0.8).

added unicode support, via ncursesw
added line-edit bindings
added ability to move channels around in the channel list
added common aliases as "easy mode", allowing new users to not have to deal with the server/client command differences as much
added ability to put custom messages in the default /exit behavior
added ping_toggle, allowing users to set custom messages which ping them, aside from just your nick
added ability to tab-complete channel names
added auto_hi, automatically creating a faux-channel PM when a user PMs you