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Add TypeScript type definitions (#132)
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Fixes #62.
  • Loading branch information
fimars authored and edmorley committed Jan 22, 2019
1 parent 9b208f9 commit 1ecbb5d
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Showing 7 changed files with 651 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ install:
- yarn lint
- yarn test
- yarn test:types
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"name": "webpack-chain",
"version": "5.1.0",
"main": "src/Config.js",
"typings": "types/index.d.ts",
"repository": "neutrinojs/webpack-chain",
"keywords": [
Expand All @@ -11,12 +12,14 @@
"files": [
"author": "Eli Perelman <>",
"license": "MPL-2.0",
"scripts": {
"test": "ava test",
"test:types": "tsc -p ./types/test/tsconfig.json",
"lint": "eslint --cache --report-unused-disable-directives --format codeframe \".*.js\" src test",
"changelog": "auto-changelog --remote upstream --commit-limit false",
"version": "yarn changelog --package && git add"
Expand All @@ -26,6 +29,8 @@
"javascript-stringify": "^1.6.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^10.12.17",
"@types/webpack": "^4.4.21",
"auto-changelog": "^1.8.0",
"ava": "^1.0.0",
"eslint": "^5.6.1",
Expand All @@ -35,6 +40,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.14.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.0.0",
"prettier": "^1.14.3",
"typescript": "^3.2.2",
"webpack": "^4.20.2"
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions types/index.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
import * as webpack from 'webpack';
import * as https from 'https';

export = Config;

declare namespace __Config {
class Chained<Parent> {
end(): Parent;

class TypedChainedMap<Parent, Value> extends Chained<Parent> {
clear(): this;
delete(key: string): this;
has(key: string): boolean;
get(key: string): Value;
set(key: string, value: Value): this;
merge(obj: { [key: string]: Value }): this;
entries(): { [key: string]: Value };
values(): Value[];
when(condition: boolean, trueBrancher: (obj: this) => void, falseBrancher?: (obj: this) => void): this;

class ChainedMap<Parent> extends TypedChainedMap<Parent, any> {}

class TypedChainedSet<Parent, Value> extends Chained<Parent> {
add(value: Value): this;
prepend(value: Value): this;
clear(): this;
delete(key: string): this;
has(key: string): boolean;
merge(arr: Value[]): this;
values(): Value[];
when(condition: boolean, trueBrancher: (obj: this) => void, falseBrancher?: (obj: this) => void): this;

class ChainedSet<Parent> extends TypedChainedSet<Parent, any> {}

declare class Config extends __Config.ChainedMap<void> {
devServer: Config.DevServer;
entryPoints: Config.TypedChainedMap<Config, Config.EntryPoint>;
module: Config.Module;
node: Config.ChainedMap<this>;
output: Config.Output;
optimization: Config.Optimization;
performance: Config.Performance;
plugins: Config.Plugins<this>;
resolve: Config.Resolve;
resolveLoader: Config.ResolveLoader;

amd(value: { [moduleName: string]: boolean }): this;
bail(value: boolean): this;
cache(value: boolean | any): this;
devtool(value: Config.DevTool): this;
context(value: string): this;
externals(value: webpack.ExternalsElement | webpack.ExternalsElement[]): this;
loader(value: any): this;
mode(value: 'development' | 'production') : this;
parallelism(value: number) : this;
profile(value: boolean): this;
recordsPath(value: string): this;
recordsInputPath(value: string): this;
recordsOutputPath(value: string): this;
stats(value: webpack.Options.Stats): this;
target(value: string): this;
watch(value: boolean): this;
watchOptions(value: webpack.Options.WatchOptions): this;

entry(name: string): Config.EntryPoint;
plugin(name: string): Config.Plugin<this>;

toConfig(): webpack.Configuration;

declare namespace Config {
class Chained<Parent> extends __Config.Chained<Parent> {}
class TypedChainedMap<Parent, Value> extends __Config.TypedChainedMap<Parent, Value> {}
class ChainedMap<Parent> extends __Config.TypedChainedMap<Parent, any> {}
class TypedChainedSet<Parent, Value> extends __Config.TypedChainedSet<Parent, Value> {}
class ChainedSet<Parent> extends __Config.TypedChainedSet<Parent, any> {}

class Plugins<Parent> extends TypedChainedMap<Parent, Plugin<Parent>> {}

class Plugin<Parent> extends ChainedMap<Parent> implements Orderable {
init(value: (plugin: PluginClass, args: any[]) => webpack.Plugin): this;
use(plugin: PluginClass, args?: any[]): this;
tap(f: (args: any[]) => any[]): this;

// Orderable
before(name: string): this;
after(name: string): this;

class Module extends ChainedMap<Config> {
rules: TypedChainedMap<this, Rule>;
rule(name: string): Rule;
noParse(noParse: RegExp | RegExp[] | ((contentPath: string) => boolean)): this;

class Output extends ChainedMap<Config> {
auxiliaryComment(value: string | { [comment:string]: string }): this;
chunkFilename(value: string): this;
chunkLoadTimeout(value: number): this;
crossOriginLoading(value: boolean | string): this;
filename(value: string): this;
library(value: string): this;
libraryExport(value: string | string[]): this;
libraryTarget(value: string): this;
devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate(value: any): this;
devtoolLineToLine(value: any): this;
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate(value: any): this;
hashFunction(value: string): this;
hashDigest(value: string): this;
hashDigestLength(value: number): this;
hashSalt(value: any): this;
hotUpdateChunkFilename(value: string): this;
hotUpdateFunction(value: any): this;
hotUpdateMainFilename(value: string): this;
jsonpFunction(value: string): this;
path(value: string): this;
pathinfo(value: boolean): this;
publicPath(value: string): this;
sourceMapFilename(value: string): this;
sourcePrefix(value: string): this;
strictModuleExceptionHandling(value: boolean): this;
umdNamedDefine(value: boolean): this;

class DevServer extends ChainedMap<Config> {
allowedHosts: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;

bonjour(value: boolean): this;
clientLogLevel(value: 'none' | 'error' | 'warning' | 'info'): this;
color(value: boolean): this;
compress(value: boolean): this;
contentBase(value: boolean | string | string[]): this;
disableHostCheck(value: boolean): this;
filename(value: string): this;
headers(value: { [header: string]: string }): this;
historyApiFallback(value: boolean | any): this;
host(value: string): this;
hot(value: boolean): this;
hotOnly(value: boolean): this;
https(value: boolean | https.ServerOptions): this;
inline(value: boolean): this;
info(value: boolean): this;
lazy(value: boolean): this;
noInfo(value: boolean): this;
open(value: boolean): this;
overlay(value: boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }): this;
pfx(value: string): this;
pfxPassphrase(value: string): this;
port(value: number): this;
progress(value: boolean): this;
proxy(value: any): this;
public(value: string): this;
publicPath(publicPath: string): this;
quiet(value: boolean): this;
setup(value: (expressApp: any) => void): this;
socket(value: string): this;
staticOptions(value: any): this;
stats(value: webpack.Options.Stats): this;
stdin(value: boolean): this;
useLocalIp(value: boolean): this;
watchContentBase(value: boolean): this;
watchOptions(value: any): this;

class Performance extends ChainedMap<Config> {
hints(value: boolean | 'error' | 'warning'): this;
maxEntrypointSize(value: number): this;
maxAssetSize(value: number): this;
assetFilter(value: (assetFilename: string) => boolean): this;

class EntryPoint extends TypedChainedSet<Config, string> {}

class Resolve extends ChainedMap<Config> {
alias: TypedChainedMap<this, string>;
aliasFields: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
descriptionFiles: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
extensions: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
mainFields: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
mainFiles: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
modules: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
plugins: TypedChainedMap<this, Plugin<this>>;

enforceExtension(value: boolean): this;
enforceModuleExtension(value: boolean): this;
unsafeCache(value: boolean | RegExp | RegExp[]): this;
symlinks(value: boolean): this;
cachePredicate(value: (data: { path: string, request: string }) => boolean): this;
cacheWithContext(value: boolean): this;

plugin(name: string): Plugin<this>;

class ResolveLoader extends ChainedMap<Config> {
extensions: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
modules: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
moduleExtensions: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;
packageMains: TypedChainedSet<this, string>;

class Rule extends ChainedMap<Module> {
oneOfs: TypedChainedMap<this, OneOf>;
uses: TypedChainedMap<this, Use>;
include: TypedChainedSet<this, webpack.Condition>;
exclude: TypedChainedSet<this, webpack.Condition>;

parser(value: { [optName: string]: any }): this;
test(value: webpack.Condition | webpack.Condition[]): this;
enforce(value: 'pre' | 'post'): this;

use(name: string): Use;
oneOf(name: string): OneOf;
pre(): this;
post(): this;

class Optimization extends ChainedMap<Config> {
concatenateModules(value: boolean): this;
flagIncludedChunks(value: boolean): this;
mergeDuplicateChunks(value: boolean): this;
minimize(value: boolean): this;
minimizer(name: string): Config.Plugin<this>;
namedChunks(value: boolean): this;
namedModules(value: boolean): this;
nodeEnv(value: boolean | string): this;
noEmitOnErrors(value: boolean): this;
occurrenceOrder(value: boolean): this;
portableRecords(value: boolean): this;
providedExports(value: boolean): this;
removeAvailableModules(value: boolean): this;
removeEmptyChunks(value: boolean): this;
runtimeChunk(value: boolean | "single" | "multiple" | RuntimeChunk): this;
sideEffects(value: boolean): this;
splitChunks(value: SplitChunksOptions): this;
usedExports(value: boolean): this;

interface RuntimeChunk {
name: string | RuntimeChunkFunction;

type RuntimeChunkFunction = (entryPoint: EntryPoint) => string;

interface SplitChunksOptions { [name: string]: any; }

interface LoaderOptions { [name: string]: any; }

class Use extends ChainedMap<Rule> implements Orderable {
loader(value: string): this;
options(value: LoaderOptions): this;

tap(f: (options: LoaderOptions) => LoaderOptions): this;

// Orderable
before(name: string): this;
after(name: string): this;

class OneOf extends ChainedMap<Rule> implements Orderable {
resourceQuery(value: webpack.Condition | webpack.Condition[]): this;
use(name: string): Use;

// Orderable
before(name: string): this;
after(name: string): this;

type DevTool = 'eval' | 'inline-source-map' | 'cheap-eval-source-map' | 'cheap-source-map' |
'cheap-module-eval-source-map' | 'cheap-module-source-map' | 'eval-source-map' | 'source-map' |
'nosources-source-map' | 'hidden-source-map' | 'nosources-source-map' | '@eval' |
'@inline-source-map' | '@cheap-eval-source-map' | '@cheap-source-map' |
'@cheap-module-eval-source-map' | '@cheap-module-source-map' | '@eval-source-map' |
'@source-map' | '@nosources-source-map' | '@hidden-source-map' | '@nosources-source-map' |
'#eval' | '#inline-source-map' | '#cheap-eval-source-map' | '#cheap-source-map' |
'#cheap-module-eval-source-map' | '#cheap-module-source-map' | '#eval-source-map' |
'#source-map' | '#nosources-source-map' | '#hidden-source-map' | '#nosources-source-map' |
'#@eval' | '#@inline-source-map' | '#@cheap-eval-source-map' | '#@cheap-source-map' |
'#@cheap-module-eval-source-map' | '#@cheap-module-source-map' | '#@eval-source-map' |
'#@source-map' | '#@nosources-source-map' | '#@hidden-source-map' | '#@nosources-source-map' |

interface PluginClass {
new (...opts: any[]): webpack.Plugin;

interface Orderable {
before(name: string): this;
after(name: string): this;
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions types/test/tsconfig.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"lib": ["es6"],
"noImplicitAny": true,
"noImplicitThis": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"strictFunctionTypes": true,
"noEmit": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"webpack-chain": ["../index.d.ts"]
"files": ["../index.d.ts", "webpack-chain-tests.ts"],
"compileOnSave": false

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