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File metadata and controls

211 lines (139 loc) · 5.81 KB


A data reduction and analysis software for (SNS) VULCAN based on PyQt.

Format of Files

Time segment file

The format of the time segment file for data slicing is compose of two parts.

The first part is the comment lines started with #.
Two parameters have been defined.
They are Reference Run Number and Run Start Time.

The second part is for time segment. Each row must contain start and stop time for a time segment. The third item is optional to be the target workspace's ID. Two adjacent item must be separated by tab.


Ignored information

Reference Run Number = 12345

Run Start Time = 9999999.99999999

Ignore information

t0 t1 1 t2 t3 2

New Requests

  1. New project need a default name;
  2. Provide hint to user;
  3. If user gives IPTS as project name, then add all files to in that IPTS to project;
  4. Give user hint to add another IPTS to the project
  5. Give user to define filter to load run, such as
  • key word: alignment;
  • file size;
  • refer to AutoRecord.txt;
  1. Reduced scope of vanadium run matching.
  • Example: /SNS/VULCAN/IPTS-13587/shared/Instrument/ only 64927-s.gda exists;
  1. Add a separate window for viewing the reduced data
  2. Add tag to output GSAS file: 'normalized by current', 'normalized by vanadium', ...

Use cases

VDrive is an application that is driven by use cases.

  • Use case: Reduce VULCAN data with VDrivePlot (Beta) without data slicing
  1. Launch VDrivePlot (beta);
  2. Click button Select IPTS folders
  3. The IPTS number with its children run numbers will be shown in a tree view
  4. User wills specify calibration file by either via button *Calibration files or editor for run number.
  5. User selects sample environment with three options
  • VULCAN loadframe
  • Generic DAQ
  • User log file
  1. User chooses VULCAN loadframe
  2. User inputs first run and last run in the sequential tab;
  3. In tab CHOP, user specifies the amount of time to be skipped from the beginning of the algorithm;
  4. User checks checkbox ** Just chop neutron data** in order not to synchronize with log data (loadframe, DAQ, and etc.)
  5. User checks checkbox Chop continuously over runs;
  • without this option, the output files will be i/file1, i/file2, ..., j/file1, j/file2, ... for run i, j and k
  • with this option, the result will be recorded in i/file1, i/file2, ...., i/fileN
  1. User checks checkbox Connect runs, which will chop runs i, j and k, and remove the time lag between any consecutive runs
  2. User chooses data-chopping scheme as 'By picked segments' in two options
  • By constant intervals or
  • By picked segments
  1. Push button Load time segment is thus enabled;
  2. User pushes button Load time segment to load the time segment file;
  3. The name of the loaded segmentation file will be shown on
  • Use case: Slice event data among multiple runs

  • Use case: Modify configuration

  1. In Menu bar, click Tools/Configuration;
  2. A configuration window is thus popped out;
  3. Change the setup in configuration window;
  4. Click button Verify;
  5. If some setup is not allowed, a warning dialog is popped out;
  6. Click button Save;
  7. Alternatively, click button Save As to save configuration file to another file other than ~/.vdrive/config;

PyVDrive Features


Configuration file is search automatically under * ~/.vdrve/config * under Linux/MacOS or C:.vdrive\config;

A customized configuration file can be loaded as an option;


Pair: -rw-rwxr-- 1 13489 49133 403704 Jun 16 16:43 70487-s.gda -rw-rwxr-- 1 13489 49133 3240 Jun 16 16:43 Vulcan-70487-s.prm

Time segment file

A test/xml file that contains the segments of time for slicing;

The time segments are either in relative time to the run start time or absolute time from 1990.01.01:00:00:00

Deprecated use cases

  • Use case: Reduce VUCLAN data with VDrivePlot_Alpha (This use case will be removed after VDrivePlot_Beta is implemented) a) Launch VDrivePlot; b) Create a new project; c) New 'Reduction setup' window; d) In 'reduction setup' window, select Project e) 'Browse' vanadium database file (x) upgrade 1: if vanadium data base file is a valid file name, there is no need to show the file dialog box again;

    upgrade 2: use a config file to pre-select some log names for matching; f) PushButton 'Add' to add IPTS/runs to pool for reduction; upgrade 1: pop out a window to show the matched vanadium runs for all the added runs for future setup; g) Set up bin size h) Reduce!

  • Use case to add data:

    1. User gives an IPTS number;
    2. User says 'Add';
    3. VDrivePlot scans all the runs under that IPTS;
    4. VDrivePlot matches the vanadium runs according to user's specification; and lists all the matched v-runs in an order.


Process vanadium run

  1. Compress events;
  2. SetSampleMaterial;
  3. MultipleScatteringCylinderAbsorption;
  4. Align and focus;
  5. StripVanadiumPeaks;
  6. FFTSmooth;
  7. SetUncertainties;


Here is a detailed introduction on features that have been implemented.


Configuration is a python module to load from current working directory. It is loaded and managed by a VDriveAPI object instantiated in either VDrivePlot or test scripts.

The order of loading configuration is

  • PyVDrive.config


Calibration scripts


New Features

(X) Set up a configuration file for VDrive!

(X) Create a class named 'VDriveConfig' (Empty)

  • Instread: VDriveAPI.myConfigObj ()
  1. Load the selected VDrive logs to match in config