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nevakee716 edited this page Aug 27, 2018 · 11 revisions
Name Gantt Version
Updated by Mathias PFAUWADEL 1.0

Patch Notes

  • 1.0 : 1st version working

To be Done

  • More Options
  • Add Translations i18n like Data/Common/i18n


Allow you to display objects in a gantt Chart with Milestones and dependency

Screen Shot

The layout will scan all of your hierarchy tree, and put it in a Gantt Chart


Custom Display String Enhanced

You can use the Custom Display String Enhanced specific to have the PopOut icon

Node setup


Options in the evolve Designer

Json Configuration :

Describe your configuration in a json object, then mimify it on

Here is an exemple of a json configuration.

    "nodes": [{
        "nodeID": "projet_474185792",
        "startDate": "STARTDATE",
        "endDate": "ENDDATE",
        "completion": "PERCENTCOMPLETE",
        "finishToStart": [],
        "startToStart": [],
        "finishToFinish": [],
        "milestone" : [],
        "classStyle": "ggroupblack"
    }, {
        "nodeID": "projet_20027_205402790",
        "startDate": "STARTDATE",
        "endDate": "ENDDATE",
        "completion": "PERCENTCOMPLETE",
        "finishToStart": ["projet_20217_39247427"],
        "startToStart": ["projet_20218_858571321"],
        "finishToFinish": ["projet_20219_1725533778"],
        "milestone" : ["projet_20027_2109559671"],
        "classStyle": "gtaskred"
    "hiddenNodes": [""],
    "complementaryNode": [],
    "dateDisplayFormat": "mm/dd/yyyy",
    "scale": "month",
    "fixedColumnMap": {
        "startdate": {
            "scriptname": "startdate",
            "width": "70"
        "enddate": {
            "scriptname": "enddate",
            "width": "70"
        "duration": {
            "scriptname": "duration",
            "width": "70"
        "pccomplete": {
            "scriptname": "pccomplete",
            "width": "50"
        "taskname": {
            "scriptname": "taskname",
            "width": "400"
    "customColumnMap": [{
        "scriptname": "type",
        "label": "Category",
        "width": "70"

You can create your json easily by going on this site

Json Editor


List here all the node that will be use in the gantt chart. Structure of the object

"nodeID": "projet_20027_205402790",              // node ID in evolve                                                               
"startDate": "STARTDATE",                        // Scriptname of the property containing the startDate                                
"endDate": "ENDDATE",                            // Scriptname of the property containing the endDate                            
"completion": "PERCENTCOMPLETE",                 // Scriptname of the property containing the completion pourcentage                                       
"finishToStart": ["projet_20217_39247427"],      // The start of the task of this node will be trigger by the end of the tasks in these association Node                                                 
"startToStart": ["projet_20218_858571321"],      // The start of the task of this node will be trigger by the start of the tasks in these association Node                                                 
"finishToFinish": ["projet_20219_1725533778"],   // The end of the task of this node will be trigger by the end of the tasks in these association Node                                                  
"milestone" : ["projet_20027_2109559671"],       // The task of this node will has as milestone the child object in these association Node                                                
"classStyle": "gtaskred"                         // Choose the style of your task, ggroupblack, gtaskblue, gtaskred, gtaskgreen, gtaskyellow, gtaskpurple, gtaskpink

Hidden Nodes

Set the ID of the nodes you don't want to appear in the gantt, the children will be display instead.

Complementary Node :

If you want to add a side Node, use this option.


Date Display Format :

Select the format of display of your dates :

h: Hour (1-12)

hh: Hour (01-12)

pm: am/pm indicator

PM: AM/PM indicator

H: Hour (0-23)

HH: Hour (01-23)

mi: Minutes (1-59)

MI: Minutes (01-59)

d: Day (1-31)

dd: Day (01-31)

day: Abbreviated day of week

DAY: Day of week

m: Month (1-12)

mm: Month (01-12)

mon: Abbreviated month text

month: Full month text

yy: Year, excluding century

yyyy: Year

q: Quarter (1-4)

qq: Quarter (Q1-Q4)

w: ISO Week number (1-53)

ww: ISO Week number (01-53)

week: Full ISO Week date format

separated by one of the following characters: "/-.,':


Default scale when you arrived on the gantt, can be changed via buttons : "day","week","month","quarter"

Fixed Column Map

Set the option for the different default column of the gantt chart, you can choose the width or if it's hidden or not

don't modify the scriptname

    "startdate": {
        "scriptname": "startdate",
        "width": "70"
    "enddate": {
        "scriptname": "enddate",
        "width": "70"
    "duration": {
        "scriptname": "duration",
        "width": "70"
    "pccomplete": {
        "scriptname": "pccomplete",
        "width": "50"
    "taskname": {
        "scriptname": "taskname",
        "width": "400"

Custom Column Map

You can add a property to be display in the column. Choose the width, the label and the casewise scriptname

"customColumnMap": [{
    "scriptname": "type",
    "label": "Category",
    "width": "70"