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unit tests for minting erc 721
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mrsmkl committed Nov 18, 2021
1 parent 04448e2 commit 6a5a7a4
Showing 1 changed file with 231 additions and 0 deletions.
231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions test/unit/registry/Mintable721DIDRegistry.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
/* eslint-env mocha */
/* global artifacts, contract, describe, it */
const chai = require('chai')
const { assert } = chai
const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised')

const DIDRegistryLibrary = artifacts.require('DIDRegistryLibrary')
const DIDRegistryLibraryProxy = artifacts.require('DIDRegistryLibraryProxy')
const DIDRegistry = artifacts.require('DIDRegistry')
const NFT = artifacts.require('NFT721Upgradeable')
const testUtils = require('../../helpers/utils.js')
const constants = require('../../helpers/constants.js')

contract('Mintable DIDRegistry (ERC-721)', (accounts) => {
const owner = accounts[1]
const other = accounts[2]
const consumer = accounts[3]
const value = ''
let didRegistry
let didRegistryLibrary
let didRegistryLibraryProxy
let nft

beforeEach(async () => {
await setupTest()

async function setupTest() {
if (!didRegistry) {
didRegistryLibrary = await
didRegistryLibraryProxy = await


nft = await
await nft.initialize()

didRegistry = await
await didRegistry.initialize(owner,, nft.address)
await nft.addMinter(didRegistry.address)

describe('Register an Asset with a DID', () => {
it('A Mintable DID can be found in the regular DIDRegistry', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerAttribute(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, { from: owner })

const storedDIDRegister = await didRegistry.getDIDRegister(did)


it('Should not mint automatically a NFT associated with the DID', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerAttribute(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, { from: owner })

await assert.isRejected(nft.ownerOf(did))

it('Should not mint or burn a NFTs without previous initialization', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerAttribute(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, { from: owner })

await assert.isRejected(
// Must not allow to mint tokens without previous initialization
didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: owner }),
'NFT not initialized'

await assert.isRejected(
// Must not allow to mint tokens without previous initialization
didRegistry.burn721(did, { from: owner }),
'NFT not initialized'

it('Should mint and burn NFTs after initialization', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()

await didRegistry.registerMintableDID(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, 20, 0, constants.activities.GENERATED, '', { from: owner })
await didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: owner })

const nftOwner = await nft.ownerOf(did)
assert.strictEqual(owner, nftOwner)

await didRegistry.burn721(did,
from: owner

await assert.isRejected(nft.ownerOf(did))

it('Should initialize the NFT in the registration', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerMintableDID(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, 10, 0, constants.activities.GENERATED, '', { from: owner })

await didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: owner })

const nftOwner = await nft.ownerOf(did)
assert.strictEqual(owner, nftOwner)

it('Should Mint automatically if is configured that way', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerAttribute(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, { from: owner })

await didRegistry.enableAndMintDidNft721(did, 0, true, { from: owner })

const nftOwner = await nft.ownerOf(did)
assert.strictEqual(owner, nftOwner)

it('Should mint if is not capped', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()

await didRegistry.registerMintableDID(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, 0, 0, constants.activities.GENERATED, '', { from: owner })
await didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: owner })

const nftOwner = await nft.ownerOf(did)
assert.strictEqual(owner, nftOwner)

it('Should not mint a NFTs over minting cap', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerMintableDID(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, 1, 0, constants.activities.GENERATED, '', { from: owner })

await didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: owner })
let nftOwner = await nft.ownerOf(did)
assert.strictEqual(owner, nftOwner)

await assert.isRejected(
didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: owner }),
'Cap exceeded'
nftOwner = await nft.ownerOf(did)
assert.strictEqual(owner, nftOwner)

it('Should not mint or burn if not DID Owner', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()
await didRegistry.registerAttribute(
didSeed, checksum, [], value, { from: owner })

await assert.isRejected(
// Must not allow to initialize NFTs if not the owner
didRegistry.enableAndMintDidNft721(did, 0, true, { from: other }),
'Only owner'

await didRegistry.enableAndMintDidNft721(did, 0, true, { from: owner })
await assert.isRejected(
// Must not allow to mint tokens without previous initialization
didRegistry.mint721(did, { from: other }),
'Only owner'

it('Checks the royalties are right', async () => {
const didSeed = testUtils.generateId()
const did = await didRegistry.hashDID(didSeed, owner)
const checksum = testUtils.generateId()

await didRegistryLibraryProxy.update(did, checksum, value, { from: owner })
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.initializeNftConfig(did, 3, 10, { from: owner })

assert.isOk( // MUST BE TRUE. It's the creator selling the DID
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.areRoyaltiesValid(did, [5], [other]))

await didRegistryLibraryProxy.updateDIDOwner(did, other, { from: owner })

const storedDIDRegister = await didRegistryLibraryProxy.getDIDInfo(did)

assert.strictEqual(storedDIDRegister.owner, other)
assert.strictEqual(storedDIDRegister.creator, owner)
assert.strictEqual(Number(storedDIDRegister.royalties), 10)

assert.isNotOk( // MUST BE FALSE. Royalties for original creator are too low
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.areRoyaltiesValid(did, [91, 9], [consumer, owner]))

assert.isOk( // MUST BE TRUE. There is not payment
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.areRoyaltiesValid(did, [], []))

assert.isOk( // MUST BE TRUE. Original creator is getting 10% by royalties
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.areRoyaltiesValid(did, [90, 10], [other, owner]))

assert.isOk( // MUST BE TRUE. Original creator is getting 10% by royalties
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.areRoyaltiesValid(did, [10, 90], [owner, other]))

assert.isNotOk( // MUST BE FALSE. Original creator is not getting royalties
await didRegistryLibraryProxy.areRoyaltiesValid(did, [100], [other]))

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