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Some notes about problems with Upgrades
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jcortejoso committed Aug 3, 2022
1 parent 229ad98 commit e314e10
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 1 deletion.
92 changes: 91 additions & 1 deletion docs/
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ This documents explains in detail how [nevermined-contracts](
deployed using zeppelinOS and how the contracts can be upgraded. The latest section describes the test procedure.

## Quickstart

The first step to work with `zos` is to install dependencies then initialize the project. Then compile contracts and add contracts to the project.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,3 +186,94 @@ To check or document that all transactions have been approved in the multi sig w
Confirmed from: 0x7A13E1aD23546c9b804aDFd13e9AcB184EfCAF58
Executed: false

### 6. Typical problems and workarounds

Workarounds for some of the operational problems suffered to the date. For these, you have to configure your environment as for any upgrade (replacing openzeppelin files, artifacts, exporting mnemnic, running `yarn`, `yarn compile`, ...).

#### Transfer Proxy Address Ownership to Upgrader Wallet

- Get the DIDRegistry contract address from the `artifacts/DIDRegistry.json` file: `cat artifacts/DIDRegistry.mumbai.json| grep -i '"address":'`

- Run the `hardhat` console: `npx hardhat console --network mumbai`

- Execute the next snippet replacing the `<DIDRegistryAddress>` with the DIDRegistry contract address:

const PROXY_ADMIN_ABI = `[{
"inputs": [],
"name": "owner",
"outputs": [
"internalType": "address",
"name": "",
"type": "address"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "view",
"type": "function"
}, {
"inputs": [
"internalType": "address",
"name": "newOwner",
"type": "address"
"name": "transferOwnership",
"outputs": [],
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"

const DIDRegistry = '<DIDRegistryAddress>'
const addr = await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(DIDRegistry, '0xb53127684a568b3173ae13b9f8a6016e243e63b6e8ee1178d6a717850b5d6103')
console.log('Proxy admin address', addr)
const admin = new ethers.Contract('0x' + addr.substring(26), PROXY_ADMIN_ABI, ethers.provider)
const adminOwner = await admin.owner()
console.log('Proxy admin owner', adminOwner)
const signer = ethers.provider.getSigner(adminOwner)
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
const upgraderWallet = accounts[8]
await admin.connect(signer).transferOwnership(upgraderWallet)

#### Cannot upgrade Error: Deployment at address 0x... is not registered

This happens when the contract is not registered in openzeppelin file. It can be fixed using the [`forceImport`]( function from openzeppelin library.

Given the next error:

upgrading NFT721EscrowPaymentCondition at 0x7fF506C7148a46e57b8A349C1F848F0cC6d9Cfa8
Cannot upgrade Error: Deployment at address 0xB54C6A5d60cB3984f8120EFA0c629a59DA8881aA is not registered

To register a previously deployed proxy for upgrading, use the forceImport function.

throw new UpgradesError(
Error: Deployment at address 0xB54C6A5d60cB3984f8120EFA0c629a59DA8881aA is not registered

To register a previously deployed proxy for upgrading, use the forceImport function.
at getStorageLayoutForAddress (/Users/jcortejoso/Projects/nevermined/contracts/node_modules/@openzeppelin/upgrades-core/src/manifest-storage-layout.ts:20:11)
at deployImpl (/Users/jcortejoso/Projects/nevermined/contracts/node_modules/@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades/src/utils/deploy-impl.ts:108:27)
at Proxy.prepareUpgrade (/Users/jcortejoso/Projects/nevermined/contracts/node_modules/@openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades/src/prepare-upgrade.ts:25:22)
at upgradeContracts (/Users/jcortejoso/Projects/nevermined/contracts/scripts/deploy/truffle-wrapper/upgradeContracts.js:76:29)
at main (/Users/jcortejoso/Projects/nevermined/contracts/scripts/deploy/truffle-wrapper/upgradeContractsWrapper.js:9:5)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
To fix it you can run the next commands in `hardhat` console, replacing the contract name and the proxy address (`npx hardhat console --network mumbai`):
const { ethers, upgrades, web3 } = require('hardhat')
const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory('NFT721EscrowPaymentCondition')
const update = await upgrades.forceImport("0x7fF506C7148a46e57b8A349C1F848F0cC6d9Cfa8", factory, {kind: "transparent"})

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