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Data Transformers

This utility provide to you some transformers for transform your data to another representation.


composer require new-inventor/transformers

Simple usage of normalizer

$transformer = new ToInt();
$transformer = ToInt::make();
$res = $transformer->transform($value);

Transformers transform values from different types to needed type and format

Signatures of normalizer constructors

  • ArrayToCsvString(string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\', bool $encloseAll = false) // transform one dimension array to csv string
  • AsEmpty() // transform empty value to null
  • BoolToMixed($true = '1', $false = '0') // transform boll to value according to construct parameters
  • ChainTransformer(TransformerInterface ...$transformers) // apply transformers for value in same order as in constructor
  • CsvStringToArray(string $separator = ',', string $enclosure = '"', string $escape = '\') transforms csv string to array
  • DateTimeToString(string $format = 'd.m.Y H:i:s') // transforms \DateTime object to string
  • InnerTransformer(TransformerInterface ...$transformers)// apply transformers to array of values if pass null then value should return as is, if array length > transformers count then last transformer should be applied to array[$key] there $key > transformers count
  • StringToCamelCase()//transform string to camel case (for example 'qwe asd_zxc' transforms to 'qweAsdZxc')
  • StringToDateTime(string $format = 'd.m.Y H:i:s')//transform string to \DateTime object
  • StringToLowerCase()// run strtolower() on string
  • StringToPhone()//transform string to international phone (fore example '5-123-123-23-23' transforms to '+51231232323')
  • StringToScreamingSnakeCase()//transform string to screaming case (for example 'qwe asd_zxc' transforms to 'QWE_ASD_ZXC')
  • StringToUpperCase()// run strtoupper() on string
  • ToArray()//transform object, implementing \Iterator or \ArrayAccess or have toArray method, or scalar to array
  • ToBool()//transform variable to boolean
  • ToFloat()//transform numeric value to float
  • ToInt()//transform numeric value to int
  • ToRange()//transform value to range
  • ToString()//transform value that can be transformed to string
  • Utf8StringToAsciiString()//transform string to ascii string for example '😁' transforms to 'U+1F601'

If you transform value with wrong type then transformer throw \NewInventor\TypeChecker\Exception\TypeException If transformer can not transform value it throw \NewInventor\Transformers\Exception\TransformationException



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