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NewCity Shortcodes Wordpress Plugin

This plugin adds shortcodes and an interface for inserting and editing their contents. The editing interface depends on the Shortcake (Shortcode UI) plugin

By default, no shortcodes are added or enabled. To enable individual shortcodes, go to Settings -> NewCity Shortcodes and check the codes you wish to enable.

The following shortcodes are included:

  • custom_blockquote
  • local_script
  • inline_media

Setting default enabled plugins for a theme

This plugin sets a Wordpress option called newcity_shortcodes_options. It contains a single array called enabled_shortcodes[]. By setting this value with PHP, most likely in your theme's functions.php file, you can either lock the values down permanently or set up an initial state for the theme.

Locking down the enabled plugins

// Check for existence of newcity-wp-shortcodes plugin
if ( class_exists('NewCityShortcodes')) {

    // Set value for `newcity_shortcodes_options` only if it does not exist yet
    function set_nc_shortcode_options() {
        $options = array(
            'enabled_shortcodes' => array(

        update_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', $options, '', 'yes');

    // Disabled checkboxes in settings window by setting `"permanent"` to `true`
    // in the plugin's options
    function lock_shortcodes_settings() {
        $current_options = get_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', false);
        $locked_options = array_merge($current_options, array('permanent' => array('enabled_plugins')));
        update_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', $locked_options, 'yes');

    // Check if you need to set the enabled shortcodes each time a page loads
    add_action('init', 'set_nc_shortcode_option');
    add_action('init', 'lock_shortcodes_settings');

Locking down the local scripts path

function lock_shortcodes_settings() {
    $current_options = get_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', false);
    $locked_options = array_merge($current_options, array('permanent' => array('script_path')));
    update_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', $locked_options, 'yes');

Setting initial state for enabled plugins

// Check for existence of newcity-wp-shortcodes plugin
if ( class_exists('NewCityShortcodes')) {

    // Set value for `newcity_shortcodes_options` only if it does not exist yet
    function set_nc_shortcode_options() {
        $options = array(
            'enabled_shortcodes' => array(

        if ( ! get_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', false) ) {
            add_option('newcity_shortcodes_options', $options, '', 'yes');

    // Check if you need to set the enabled shortcodes each time a page loads
    add_action('init', 'set_nc_shortcode_option');

Shortcode Descriptions

Custom Blockquote Shortcode

Creates a blockquote that supports a citation field and wraps the quote body in a <p>:

    <p>Quote body goes here</p>
    <cite>Citation goes here</cite>

Local Script Shortcode

Allows the enqueuing of javascript files that are stored in the theme folder's local-scripts folder. This is a more secure alternative to allowing script code to be pasted directly into the content field.

By default, this shortcode will look for the script named in the source attribute in the folder set as the default on the plugin settings page. This folder can be overridden using the path attribute, but all script paths must be located inside the current theme's folder.

Enqueuing {theme-folder}/js/sample.js when js is the default path

[local_script script="sample" /]

Enqueuing {theme-folder}/custom-path/sample02.js when js is the default path

[local_script script="sample02" path="custom-path"]

Inline Media Shortcode

A replacement for the default media placement WYSIWYG tools. Inserts an image with optional caption, wrapped in sufficient containers to allow for lots of customization.

<div class="media { ALIGNMENT_CLASS }">
        <div class="media__wrapper">
            <img src="{ IMAGE_SOURCE }" alt="{ IMAGE_ALT_TAG }" />

        <figcaption>{ IMAGE CAPTION }</figcaption>