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RailsConf 2011 notes, verbatim from back in... May 2011 (how time flies)
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Benjamin Oakes committed Oct 3, 2011
1 parent 3bc1d60 commit 5641a2b
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Showing 13 changed files with 517 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Confident
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Confident Code

* Timid code
* Prone to digressions
* Second-guessing itself
* Confident code
* Intention
* No provisos or digressions
* Narrative
* Gather input
* Perform work
* Deliver results
* Handle failure
* True duck typing is a confident style
* If in doubt, coerce
* to_a isn't in 1.9, use Array()

require 'delegate' # Ruby std lib

class WithPath < SimpleDelegator
def path
case 1
case 2

* Reject unexpected values outright
* Assert your contract (no DbC framework needed)
# NOTE raise Exception, message, caller # sets context to caller
* Guard clause to short-circuit, avoids special cases later
* Or... the Special Case pattern
* NullObject pattern # Maybe()
* Hash#fetch to give back a symbol
* jQuery selectors are confident
* Instead of returning nil, consider returning a NullObject or other Special Case object

* Happy path first

* rescue idiom
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions Cutting Your Own
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Cutting Your Own Gems
---------------------!/benjaminoakes/status/71270520879976448 #TODO

* Manuals are important
* RubyGems is centralized, may change
* .gem file:
* docs
* code
* gemspec
* A gem is a tarball of tarballs
* metadata.gz: your gemspec, transformed to YAML
* RubyGems has a whole implmenetation of tar
* Needs to work on all platforms
* Gem:
* It's your job to share/modularize code
* Super easy to release
* Don't call it:
* [rR].*
* rials
* cute names, etc
* Don't use capitals
* Use underscores
* Use dashes for extensions on something else (e.g. hedgeye and THEN hedgeye-client) #TODO
* push goes up to the server
* irb -rubygems
* gem list -r hola # lists remote gems

* bin for bins # TODO
* ruby -Ilib ./bin/hola
Hello world!
* ruby -Ilib ./bin/hola Baltimore
hello Baltimore!
* test

* doc-rails #TODO
* yard #TODO
* Versioning
* Minor: when you add features
* Major: when you have backwards incompatible features

* twiddle-wakka
~> 2.2 (more than or equal to 2.2, less than 3.0)

74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions Getting Started with JavaScript
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Getting Started with JavaScript Testing

* JS as a first class citizen -- it's real code

* integration: AJAX, complicated DOM, etc
* Capybara is great for integration testing
* Simulates user behavior
* Switch seamlessly between drivers
* JS targeted:
* Selenium
* Akephalos (HTMLUnit based, slower)
* capybara-envjs (bad support)
* capybara-webkit (unproven

* can use rack-test to do non-JS

* gem 'capybara-enjs'

it 'does (with JS)', :js => true do
# ...

* Can do in Cucumber too

* Best Practices:
* Helper modules (e.g. for things like sign_in_as(name))
* Use selectors to get back in your domain language
* Assert on things you can see
* Not URLs
* Not cookies
* Not session
* Not application state
* This is less brittle, doesn't depend on underlying implementation
* Use field labels, not field names
* Use domain stuff, not implmenetation
* Unit testing: standaolone logic
* Favorite: Jasmine
* Stable, full featured, general purpose
* Evergreen packages up Jasmine
* Evergreen: /evergreen
* Allows commandline testing
* Evergreen:
* Nice requires
* Templates (HTML snippets)
* toHaveElement (in spec_helper)
* Does CoffeeScript based on filename

* Suggestions
* Testable JS code
* Create abstractions
* Keep consistent feel to JS (functional or OO, pick one)
* Separate files (esp. with asset pipeline), not just application.js TODO
* *Mostly* test event bindings, maybe integration, still experiment
* Custom matchers are good
* Isolate AJAX to avoid brittleness
* Maybe mock AJAX
* Simplify your DOM

* Qs
* JSTestDriver?
* Why have to click?


* individual components key
* Jasmine: Scenario, Given, When, Then
* Act like a user
* Unit tests: systemic (internal quality)
* Can split into controllers, etc

25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1 +1,24 @@
Welcome to the railsconf2011 wiki!
RailsConf 2011 Notes

In the spirit of my open [RubyConf 2011 Notes][rubyconf2011], these are the notes I already had for RailsConf 2011 for use by others.


### Talks

These are just in alphabetical order:

* [[Confident Code]]
* [[Cutting Your Own Gems]]
* [[Getting Started with JavaScript Testing]]
* [[Home]]
* [[Mining Rails]]
* [[README]]
* [[Rails 3 Refactoring]]
* [[Rails on the Tracks]]
* [[Securing Your Rails App]]
* [[Splittin Yo App]]
* [[Upgrading from Rails 2 to 3]]
* [[When and How to Expose Services]]
* [[Wooga]]
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Mining
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Mining Rails

* Not so much process, more about the product (code)


* LOC not a good metric (normalize against the language, at least)
* Cyclomatic Complexity (decision points), a little dated (only really whiles and ifs), but still indicative
* Flog: weighting for complexity
* But: we have history!
* Universal truths? Maybe not...
* Queries against git logs
* Social science (article about parole hearings)

* Commits are patterned -- lots around 17:00
* Beware noise
* Can detect refacoring from method lifelines
* Can learn more about you do, things you can act on

* complexity from flog

Q: Have you done any analysis to discover root causes for problems?

70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions Rails 3
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Rails 3 Refactoring

Robert C. Martin (Agile Software Devlopment): SOLID

S: Single Resp Prin.

* Rails 0.x: ActionView::Base had too many responsibilities (details, templates, context, etc)
* Rails 1.0: Reduce responsibilities, separate classes out, (Template handlers (builder, rjs, haml, erb): single responsibility)
* Rails 2.2: view paths extracted (multiple places for view templates, allows Rails Engines)
* Rails 3.0: View paths split into 'view paths' and 'resolvers'
* Resolvers make it so views don't have to come from the filesystem (could be web service, database)
* Added lookup context too, so less back and forth between view and controller
* Rails 3.1: AV::Renderer in from of ActionView -- only single responsibility per class
* Allows you to use something other than ActionView (e.g. Merb's views)
* Allows you to use the renderer in Sinatra

class BasicController <actionControlle::Base
include ActionView::Context

* Single reponsibilities: easier to separate out pieces and use them, and also replace them
* Easier to understand each piece
* Not as easy to take in the whole piece (top-down comprehension)

O: Open/closed Prin.

* Extend class behavior without modifying the class
* Class open for etension, closed for modification
* Latter isn't enforced by Ruby

* Don't break other people that depend on a library (e.g. modifying ActiveRecord::Base)
* Lots of poeple do --- makes it hard to run multiple rails apps on a single process

D: Dependency Inversion Prin.

"Depend on abstractions, not on concretions"

* Duck typing, basically. Depend on abstractions (e.g. what methods are available), rather than a single concrete class.

match '/foo', to: 'posts#index'
match '/foo', to: PostsController.action(:index) # Missed this last part, but it's a rack app!

* Controllers have a middleware stack
* Remove hard-coded dependencies (e.g. pass as an optional parameter)
* Defining hooks (done in Railties)

L: Liskov Subs Prin.

"Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes"

* Need to respond to the same interface
* What about a new version of Rails?
* Static language: check to interface

include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests # kind of the same idea

I: Interface Seg. Prin

* Simplest protocol possible
* How to ensure?
* When you test, odn't use the conrete class -- use a Mock that only implements what you're expecting! (It's testing the 'concrete' interface, in a way)

Modularity driven by principles
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions Rails on the
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
On the Tracks


* 40 apps in the last 12 months
* Wrote ActionMailer
* Antipatterns


* Working vs Sexy
* Not just a green light
* Sexy can be a time waster
* If it's not necessary, don't worry about it
* Maintainable
* Patterns are good, but don't always try to be a case study
* Trivial to understand == good code
* Budget matters: beautiful is ugly if it's too expensive/no one buys it
* Trade-offs are life
* Don't go overboard on refactoring if rarely used
* Not selling code, buying a solution (app)

* DOCUMENT how to deploy (e.g. in README) TODO
* Heroku, Chef, Puppet, etc
* Bundler
* Be explicit in versioning
* Don't depend on git repositories you don't control
* Fork if you have to, making a branch for your app
* Make db/seeds.rb for what you nee
* Makes it easier to add a new developer (including you sometime down the road)
* No passwords in the app
* API keys included
* Hard to add a consultant, or if a dev leaves
* TODO 'app' gem
* TODO list what you need in terms of servers, access, etc.
* Big Session == Slow Site
* Pushing to the browser isn't a bad idea; scalability!
* Turn off sessions for parts of your app where one isn't necessary
* Opinions
* Work with the opinions, not against them
* Ruby has opinions too. Don't be too verbose and work with Ruby.
* Being smart can be stupid
* Filters are for state modification
* They inherit! You'll run into problems
* Alternative to before in Rspec: make a method that's explicit
* Don't overdo metaprogramming
* Takeaway: Writing Ruby and it's pissing you off? You're doing it wrong!
* You don't need database agnostic code
* Rare
* SQL has its place (45 minutes vs 15 seconds)
* "Control flow is code smell"
* Extract methods if you have way to many cases/ifs outside the object

* TODO get an inspection
* Code review is important

* Shared security
* Keep your YAML in the shared dir
* Or env vars for Heroku

* slides:
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions Securing Your Rails
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Securing Your Rails App

* Rails is a fairly safe framework
* We normally provide features, not prohibiting something
* Trust no one
* Don't trust the browser
* DB: user entered data
* attr_accessible (whitelist), attr_protected (blacklist)
* a lesson in timing attacks ( #TODO
* XSS so'ns
* Don't use raw, unless you have a good reason.
* Don't blacklist or try to correct suspicious code
* Rails: sanitize() helper, lets you give allowed tags
* Look more at CanCan #TODO
* Look more at FireSheep #TODO
* SSL for more than login forms
* Secure cookies
* Strict-Transport-Security header (basically redirects to SSL), avoids a redirect that contains the cookie
* Big takeaway: upgrading to Rails 3 includes lots of security changes
* Security audit #TODO
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions Splittin Yo
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Splittin' Yo' App

* MVC vs MC (API)
* Same Model logic
* Thin layer around your controller rather than two copies of the app
* Flexible API
* Autogenerates API docs
* Built on top of Sinatra
* TODO check out shotgun
* Constructor ... like ActiveResource?
* Does rate limiting

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