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Result fields reference

Reuben Mangubat edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 6 revisions


The BarcodeResult supports Linear or 2D Barcode formats (See supported formats here)


  • corners (string) : 4 corner points of the overall barcode being scanned
  • imagePath (string) : Image path of the barcode successfully captured
  • image (string) : Image in Base64 string of the barcode successfully captured
  • value (string) : Barcode value as it was encoded in the barcode


The IDPassLiteResult class is a wrapper result representation of ID PASS Lite which are biometrically-binding QR code identity cards. (More info here)


  • card (Card) : A representation of an ID PASS Card
  • raw (List<Byte>) : The QR code value as it was encoded as byte list


  • reader (IDPassReader) : The ID Pass reader instance
  • cards (IDPassCards) : The ID Pass cards instance
  • privateCardDetails (CardDetails) : The private card details
  • publicCardDetails (CardDetails) : The public card details
  • isAuthenticated (boolean) : Signifies that card is authenticated
  • cardPublicKey (byte[]) : The card public key as byte array
  • cardAsByte (byte[]) : The card as byte array
  • scale (int) : The scale of number of pixels per module
  • margin (int) : The margin of QR Code
See more info on Card class


The MRZResult class where MRZ code stands for Machine Readable Zone contains the corresponding result response fields


  • code (string) : All supported MRZ record types (a.k.a. document codes)
  • code1 (short) : 1st character code of MRZ
  • code2 (short) : 2nd character code of MRZ
  • dateOfBirth (string) : Date of birth.
  • documentNumber(string) : Document number, e.g. passport number
  • expirationDate(string) : Expiration date of MRZ
  • format (string) : Detected MRZ format
  • givenNames (string) : The given names in uppercase, separated by spaces
  • issuingCountry (string) : The country code of issuing country
  • mrz (string) : Unparsed complete MRZ string
  • nationality (string) : The country code of nationality
  • optional (string) : Optional data at the discretion of the issuing State. May contain an extended document number
  • optional2 (string) : 2nd Optional data at the discretion of the issuing State
  • sex (string) : Sex or gender
  • surname (string) : The surname in uppercase
  • validComposite (boolean) : composite check digit of MRZ, usually will check the validity of MRZ string


The NFCResult class where NFC stands for Near Field Communication is most commonly used in tandem with the MRZ Scan, particularly in obtaining data from e.g. modernized passports or documents with integrated NFC chip.


  • custodyInformation (string) : The person's custody information
  • dateOfBirth (string) : Date of birth
  • dateOfIssue (string) : Issuing date of document
  • dateAndTimeOfPersonalization (string) : The date and time of Personalization
  • documentNumber(string) : Document number, e.g. passport number
  • dateOfExpiry(string) : Expiration date
  • endorsementsAndObservations (string) : The document's endorsements and observations
  • format (string) : Detected MRZ format
  • givenNames (string) : The given names in uppercase, separated by spaces
  • image (string) : Image from NFC document
  • issuingAuthority (string) : The issuing authority
  • issuingState (string) : The code of issuing country
  • mrzImage (string) : Image of the MRZ
  • mrzOptional (string) : The MRZ Optional data at the discretion of the issuing State. May contain an extended document number
  • mrzOptional2 (string) : The MRZ 2nd Optional data at the discretion of the issuing State
  • nameOfHolder (string) : The complete Name of Holder containing surname and given names
  • nationality (string) : The country code of nationality
  • otherNames (string) : The other names from the person details
  • personalizationSystemSerialNumber (string) : The personalization system serial number
  • profession (string) : The person's profession
  • sex (string) : Sex or gender
  • taxOrExitRequirements (string) : The tax or exit requirements
  • telephone (string) : The telephone contact information
  • title (string) : The person's title
  • surname (string) : The surname in uppercase

Via Intents

The result fields returned by the scanner intent. More info in using Intent via convenience API here.


The Barcode result when intentBarcode() scanner intent is called.


  • corners (string) : 4 corner points of the overall barcode being scanned
  • image (string) : Image path of the barcode successfully captured
  • value (string) : Barcode value as it was encoded in the barcode

ID Pass Lite

The ID Pass Lite result when intentIDPassLite() scanner intent is called.


  • full_name (string) : The Person's Full Name
  • given_names (string) : The Person's given names
  • surname (string) : The Person's surname
  • date_of_birth (string) : Date of Birth
  • place_of_birth (string) : Place of Birth
  • gender (string) : Gender or Sex
  • uin (string) : User Identification Number
  • address_postal_code (string) : The Address Postal Code
  • address_administrative_area (string) : The Address Administrative Area
  • address_address_lines (string) : The Address Lines
  • address_language_code (string) : The Address Language code
  • address_locality (string) : The Address Locality
  • address_sublocality (string) : The Address SubLocality
  • raw_card (string) : The ID Pass Lite raw card value


The MRZ result when a intentMRZ() scanner intent is called.


  • code (string) : All supported MRZ record types (a.k.a. document codes)
  • code_1 (short) : 1st character code of MRZ
  • code_2 (short) : 2nd character code of MRZ
  • date_of_birth (string) : Date of birth.
  • document_number(string) : Document number, e.g. passport number
  • expiry_date(string) : Expiration date of MRZ
  • format (string) : Detected MRZ format
  • given_names (string) : The given names in uppercase, separated by spaces
  • issuing_country (string) : The country code of issuing country
  • nationality (string) : The country code of nationality
  • optional (string) : Optional data at the discretion of the issuing State. May contain an extended document number
  • optional2 (string) : 2nd Optional data at the discretion of the issuing State
  • raw_mrz (string) : Unparsed complete MRZ string
  • sex (string) : Sex or gender
  • surname (string) : The surname in uppercase


The NFC result when intentNFCScan() scanner intent is called.


  • custody_info (string) : The person's custody information
  • date_of_birth (string) : Date of birth
  • date_of_issue (string) : Issuing date of document
  • date_time_of_personalization (string) : The date and time of Personalization
  • document_number(string) : Document number, e.g. passport number
  • expiry_date(string) : Expiration date
  • endorsements_and_observations (string) : The document's endorsements and observations
  • format (string) : Detected MRZ format
  • given_names (string) : The given names in uppercase, separated by spaces
  • image (string) : Image from NFC document
  • issuing_authority (string) : The issuing authority
  • issuing_state (string) : The code of issuing country
  • name_of_holder (string) : The complete Name of Holder containing surname and given names
  • nationality (string) : The country code of nationality
  • other_names (string) : The other names from the person details
  • personal_system_serialNumber (string) : The personalization system serial number
  • profession (string) : The person's profession
  • sex (string) : Sex or gender
  • tax_or_exit_requirements (string) : The tax or exit requirements
  • telephone (string) : The telephone contact information
  • title (string) : The person's title
  • surname (string) : The surname in uppercase

QR Code

The QR Code result when intentQRCode() scanner intent is called.


  • qr_code_json_value (string) : The QR Code value in JSON Format
  • qr_code_text (string) : The raw data text of QR Code Value
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