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Update quality-foundation-implementation-guide.mdx
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barbnewrelic committed Sep 2, 2021
1 parent 9792a42 commit 96d6917
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 0 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -49,18 +49,93 @@ Quality Foundation measures the following KPIs:
This KPI measures the number of JavaScript errors per page view.


* Remove irrelevant JavaScript errors being tracked either by tuning ingest or using filtering.
* Reduce JavaScript errors that impact customer performance.


title="HTTP error rate KPI"
HTTP errors (or HTTP `4xx` and `5xx` responses) happen when calls to the backend are not successful.


Measure and reduce the HTTP error rate to ensure your customers are able to do what they came to your site to do.


title="Time to first byte KPI"
This KPI measures the time from navigation start (a user clicking a link) to the browser receiving the first byte of the response from the server.


Reduce the time to first byte by improving CDN, network, and service performance.


title="Core web vitals: Largest contentful paint (LCP) KPI"
[Core Web Vitals]( are part of Google’s [Page Experience Metrics]( They measure the experience from when a page begins rendering. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the time it takes to load the largest image after a user has navigated to a new page.


* Reduce LCP to 2.5 seconds or better for the 75% percentile for all pages or at least the most critical pages.
* Reduce FID to 100 milliseconds or better for the 75% percentile for all pages or at least the most critical pages.


title="Core web vitals: First input delay (FID) KPI"
This KPI measures the experience from when a page begins rendering.


Reduce FID to 100 milliseconds or better for the 75% percentile for all pages or at least the most critical pages.


title="Cumulative layout shift (CLS) KPI"
This KPI measures how much the page layout shifts during render.


Maintain a score of 0.1 or less for the 75% percentile for all pages or at least the most critical pages.



## Prerequisites

### Required knowledge

* Familiarity with [synthetic monitoring](/docs/synthetics/synthetic-monitoring/getting-started/get-started-synthetic-monitoring/)
* Familiarity with [browser monitoring](/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/getting-started/)
* Familiarity with [basic Browser UI views](/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/getting-started/introduction-browser-monitoring/)
* Familiarity with [SPA data in Browser UI](/docs/browser/single-page-app-monitoring/use-spa-data/view-spa-data-browser-ui/)

## Required Installation and Configuration

* [Browser Pro installed in all pages](/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/installation/)
* [SPA enabled for single page applications](/docs/new-relic-solutions/best-practices-guides/full-stack-observability/browser-monitoring-best-practices-guide/#how-to-do-it)
* Synthetics monitors configured:

- [Ping monitors configured for anonymous users ](/docs/synthetics/synthetic-monitoring/using-monitors/add-edit-monitors/)
- [Scripted synthetics check configured for login flow](/docs/synthetics/synthetic-monitoring/using-monitors/store-secure-credentials-scripted-browsers-api-tests/)
- Monitors should be configured to [test from all regions applicable to your users](/docs/synthetics/synthetic-monitoring/using-monitors/add-edit-monitors/#setting-location)
- Monitors should be configured for each domain and each login flow
* Data retention for browser events is at least 2x an average sprint.

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