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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 Apr 23:31
· 29634 commits to develop since this release

馃殌 What's new?

@reese-lee - Update with note to sign up for CNCF Slack account ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #7225 from reese-lee/patch-9 ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(estimated cost removal): some more ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(dd): add coreusersbillable ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(coreUsersBillable): typo ->
@smalsam-newr - Added iOS XCFramework Agent version 7.3.5 release notes. ->
@smalsam-newr - Added the actual content ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(attribute entry): restarting build ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7256 from newrelic/Remove-estimatedCost-from-data-dict ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(xcframework release): small cap fix ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7258 from smalsam-newr/ios735ReleaseNotes ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(DD): add CoreUsers ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7257 from newrelic/Add-missing-core-user-related-attributes-to-DD ->