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@github-actions github-actions released this 01 Sep 15:18
· 38807 commits to develop since this release

馃殌 What's new?

@rhetoric101 - Made changes based on discussion with SME. ->
@rhetoric101 - Added preceding digit to clarify percentage is less than zero. ->
@rhetoric101 - Added sentence to clarify why this example is below 1 percent. ->
@rhetoric101 - Made change per SME request. ->
@zuluecho9 - Update nrql-syntax-clauses-functions.mdx ->
@zuluecho9 - small change ->
@barbnewrelic - delete standalone java taxonomy ->
@barbnewrelic - delete net standalone taxonomy ->
@rudouglas - Update auto-telemetry-pixie-data-model.mdx ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #3726 from newrelic/rudouglas-patch-3 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #3722 from newrelic/lic-java-net-cats ->
@zuluecho9 - Update full-stack-observability.yml ->
@zuluecho9 - Update full-stack-observability.yml ->
@zuluecho9 - implementing peer edits ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #3710 from newrelic/Aggregator-functions-fix ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #3729 from newrelic/Fix-FSO-category-view ->
@mnevilleoneill - Update logs-21-07-28.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - fix: Clarified text of span.kind based on SME feedback. ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #3732 from mnevilleoneill/patch-2 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #3588 from newrelic/rhs-hero-doc-7250-nrql-conditions ->
@XiXiaPdx - Update compatibility-requirements-java-agent.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #3696 from newrelic/rhs-hero-spankind-fix ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #3736 from XiXiaPdx/patch-9 ->
@x8a - Python v3.9 added to compatibility ->
@urbiz-nr - Fixes some front matter weirdness ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #3738 from newrelic/Fixing-AWS-Lambda-legacy-doc ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #3737 from newrelic/issue-3728 ->
@urbiz-nr - Solutions - remove link and update nav name ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #3740 from newrelic/Removing-addition-NR-solutions-link ->