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Final Project Report

Kartik Sibal edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 1 revision


Have you ever used a software and wondered if the personal details that you are sharing, are safe? If there exists, a backdoor, in the software, using which a third person; with malicious intents. Can ultimately lead to you, your sensitive data?

We were faced with the same dilemma, the same question.

Will our use of a particular software hamper our security in any form?

Has the developer released an update to patch these existing vulnerabilities?

This question gave birth to an idea "What if there could be a software that could scan other softwares for known vulnerabilities?" And I was entrusted by the org mentors to plant the saplings of this project. As part of Google Summer Of Code, 2017.

Project Details

The original project proposal can be accessed @ Project Proposal

Project Parts

The whole project as a whole can be divided into four sub-parts:

  • Vulnerability Database
  • Vulnerability Scanner
  • Vulnerability Reports
  • Community Feedback

Owing to the vast expanse of the project, the most crucial element, i.e. vulnerability database, was worked on during the summer.


Project Blueprint

Intricate Details

All commits can be accessed @ Commits by Kartik Sibal


I was fortunate enough to have spent my summer with some of the pioneers of the software development community. Their vision for minute details and eloquence of the subject has insured a very strong foundation stone of the project. And a great learning curve for me.

Philippe Ombrédanne

Thomas Druez