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Olivier Poitrey edited this page Jan 7, 2020 · 8 revisions

Support for DD-WRT is work in progress. Do not use yet.

  1. Enable JFFS if not done already
    1. On the router web page click on Administration.
    2. Scroll down until you see JFFS2 Support section.
    3. Click Enable JFFS.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Wait couple seconds, then click Apply.
    6. Wait again. Go back to the Enable JFFS section, and enable Clean JFFS.
    7. Do not click Save. Click Apply instead.
    8. Wait till you get the web-GUI back, then disable Clean JFFS again.
    9. Click Save.
  2. Connect to SSH
  3. Execute:
sh -c "$(printf "GET /install HTTP/1.0\nHost:\n\n" |
    openssl s_client -quiet -connect "" 2>/dev/null |
    sed -n '/^\r/,$p' | sed 1d)"
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