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yaml-graph is a golang-based utility which enables graph-orientated data structures to be defined in simple yaml files. These definition files can be stored within a source code management system, allowing graph-based models to be controlled using standard development workflows, notably including authentication & authorisation-based controls, and implicit auditability. yaml-graph provides the ability for definition files to be quickly validated, parsed and converted into a graph representation.

yaml-graph also provides functionality to produce simple reports from the resulting graph using go template syntax. This is typically used to produce html or json summaries of specific subsets of the data.

yaml-graph currently uses the neo4j community edition for the graph database implementation.

Note: this utility is currently still in development and is subject to breaking changes.

Example Repository & Report

Refer to cloud-taxonomy for an example repository of yaml-graph definitions; cloud-taxonomy shows a tabular representation of these definitions (below).

Cloud Taxonomy generated from yaml-graph definitions



  • Local Docker installation: compilation, test and execution of yaml-graph is implemented within a Docker container
  • Local make installation: a makefile is used to co-ordinate the activities listed above


yaml-graph is compiled and packaged into a Docker container, complete with a neo4j community edition database installation for ease as follows:

# clone the yaml-graph repository
$ git clone

# move into the root of the repository
$ cd yaml-graph

# invoke the docker-build target in the makefile
$ make docker-build



When running a yaml-graph Docker container, we need to mount one or more directories on the host machine containing the yaml definitions within the container. In the example below, we mount host directory $(PWD)/example-definitions/CloudTaxonomy which is a sample directory provided in this repository for example purposes only. We will usually also mount a directory containing report definitions to allow us to build reports; in the example below this is set to

docker run -it -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 -v $(PWD)/example-definition:/home/ymlgraph/definition -v $(PWD)/example-report:/home/ymlgraph/report nextmetaphor/yaml-graph

From within the Docker container, the definition directory provided will then be mounted at /home/ymlgraph/definitions. This directory will need to be specified for the majority of the yaml-graph operations, as demonstrated below.

Command Line Options

From within the running container, use the --help flag to examine the various command line options available.

                       _                             _
 _   _  __ _ _ __ ___ | |       __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ | |__
| | | |/ _` | '_ ` _ \| |_____ / _` | '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \
| |_| | (_| | | | | | | |_____| (_| | | | (_| | |_) | | | |
 \__, |\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|      \__, |_|  \__,_| .__/|_| |_|
 |___/                         |___/          |_|


yaml-graph $ yaml-graph --help
Define data in YAML then generate graph representations to model relationships

  yaml-graph [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  load        Load definition files into graph representation
  report      Generate report from graph representation
  validate    Validate definition files
  version     Print the version number of yaml-graph

  -d, --dbURL string      URL of graph database (default "bolt://localhost:7687")
  -e, --ext string        file extension for definitions (default "yaml")
  -h, --help              help for yaml-graph
  -l, --logLevel int8     log level (0=debug, 1=info, 2=warn, 3=error) (default 2)
  -p, --password string   password (default "password")
  -u, --username string   username for graph database (default "username")

Use "yaml-graph [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Validate Definitions

To validate the YAML definitions, execute the following command:

yaml-graph $ yaml-graph validate -f definition/definition-format.yml -s definition
successfully validated definitions

Note that multiple definition source directories can be supplied. This is useful, for example, if you are referencing a separate taxonomy that you want to reference, but it makes sense to control the definition files separately.

# note: example only
yaml-graph $ yaml-graph validate -s <<BASE_DEFINITION_DIRECTORY>> -s <<ADDITIONAL_DEFINITION_DIRECTORY>>
successfully validated definitions

Load Definitions

To load the YAML definitions into a graph representation, execute the following command:

yaml-graph $ yaml-graph load -s definition

Visualise Graph Representation

Examine the graph database structure at http://localhost:7474/browser/ using the CYPHER of match (n) return n

Generate Report

To generate a report from the loaded graph representation, based on specified classes and fields together with a gotemplate report definition, execute the following command:

yaml-graph $ yaml-graph report -f report/fields.yaml -t report/template.gohtml > report/output.html

The HTML report is available on the host machine at $(PWD)/example-report



This project is licenced under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License licence.


Utility to help define graph relationships from simple YAML files







No packages published
