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Deploying a container application to AWS EKS


  • Kubernetes speeds deployments and provides a declarative configuration enabling a GitOps workflow.
  • AWS EKS provides a managed Kubernetes cluster
  • Terraform is a GitOps-friendly and well-known way to standup a VPC and EKS cluster
  • Helm packages and deploys Kubernetes deployments
  • Istio will provide security within a service mesh where we replace the 'perimeter and segments' paradigm that goes hand-in-hand with managing IP addresses and network paths, and instead, use a services paradigm where all services in the mesh verify their identify and use mutual TLS for authentication and encryption.

Finally, we will standup components representing a traditional 3-tier archetecture withing the mesh

  • Db (mysql from Helm)
  • App (one or more simple microservices)
  • Web (L7 manipulation with Istio)


  • Terraform 0.11.10
  • Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) 1.10.7
    • aws-iam-authenticator for RBAC
  • Helm 2.12
  • Istio 1.0.4

Infrastructure Components

  • Infrastructure build with Terraform
    • VPC and EKS components
      • Leverage terraform-aws modules for the heavy-lifting
      • Apply IAM roles
      • Creates NAT GW
      • Creates kubeconfig

NB Not providing a bastion for access as

  • we don't neeed SSH access to nodes
  • a bastion can be stood up and torn down on-demand as a separate exercise

Kubernetes Components

  • Helm for deployments
  • Istio for security


  • Account in us-west-2 (corresponding with the AMI used)
  • key pair in the target region called 'eks-worker' (or change the template)
  • AWS CLI profile configured for above account

Install the aws-iam-authenticator

go get -u -v \

export the AWS profile to the environment

export AWS_PROFILE=demo

Initialise terraform modules, backend and providers for the vpc module

cd <root_of_repo>
terraform init dev/vpc/

Install the VPC component

terraform plan \
--var-file=dev/terraform.tfvars \
-state=dev/vpc/terraform.tfstate \

terraform apply \
--var-file=dev/terraform.tfvars \
-state=dev/vpc/terraform.tfstate \

Initialise terraform modules, backend and providers for the eks module

cd <root_of_repo>
terraform init dev/eks/

Install the EKS component

terraform plan \
--var-file=dev/terraform.tfvars \
-state=dev/eks/terraform.tfstate \

terraform apply \
--var-file=dev/terraform.tfvars \
-state=dev/eks/terraform.tfstate \

I deployed the above successfully four times and then, on the fifth deployment got a 400 error from the AWS API which was resolved by running the plan and apply again (for eks)

After successful deployment of EKS, configure the KUBECONTEXT

(Still from the root of the repo)

export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kubeconfig_demo-dev-cluster

Verify API access to the cluster:

kubectl cluster-info

kubectl get nodes

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Note that kubectl still relies on the exported AWS_PROFILE (for the aws-iam-authenticator to fetch RBAC permissions)

Without it, you'll get an error like

could not get token: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated. For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors Unable to connect to the server: getting token: exec: exit status 1


Install helm locally per

Do not install Tiller at this point.


Fetch the latest Istio release

curl -L | sh -
cd istio-1.*

From the Istio root dir, install the service account for Helm and initialise Helm

kubectl create -f install/kubernetes/helm/helm-service-account.yaml

helm init --service-account tiller 

Verify that Tiller pod and service is running

kubectl get pod --namespace kube-system
kubectl get pod, svc --namespace kube-system

Install Istio to the cluster

NB I had an issue that heml complains crd already exists. At this stage, I am trying to work around it with

Default: does not currently work for me

helm install \
    --wait \
    --name istio \
    --namespace istio-system \


Install the CRDs first

kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml 

Install Istio using '--no-crd-hook'

helm install \
--no-crd-hook \
--wait \
--name istio \
--namespace istio-system \
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

If you still get

Error: release istio failed: "" already exists

then you've hit the same issue

cleanup the deployment

helm ls --all
helm delete --purge istio

This should delete all the crds but, for good measure,

kubectl delete -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml -n istio-system

A Successful Istio installation

kubectl get pods -n istio-system
NAME                                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
istio-citadel-cb5b884db-28kgs             1/1       Running   0          13h
istio-egressgateway-dc49b5b47-gspf4       1/1       Running   0          13h
istio-galley-5b494c7f5-zh4v5              1/1       Running   0          13h
istio-ingressgateway-64cb7d5f6d-2ll4h     1/1       Running   0          13h
istio-pilot-85747ff88-r46t5               2/2       Running   0          13h
istio-policy-858884d9c-nmv5z              2/2       Running   0          13h
istio-sidecar-injector-7f4c7db98c-dgnrc   1/1       Running   0          13h
istio-telemetry-748d58f6c5-l8b4q          2/2       Running   0          13h
prometheus-f556886b8-48nj5                1/1       Running   0          13h


cd <root of repo>

terraform destroy \
--var-file=dev/terraform.tfvars \
-state=dev/eks/terraform.tfstate \

terraform destroy \
--var-file=dev/terraform.tfvars \
-state=dev/vpc/terraform.tfstate \


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