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Famcy Quick Start

This goes through an example to show how to quickly develop a page via Famcy framework.

Start a new project

Setup Famcy YAML

Variable Name Description Example
console_title Name of the website console_title: "Famcy Example"
console_description Description of the website console_description: "This is an example"
main_page Connect default route "/" main_page: overview
side_bar_title Title of side bar and its endpoint is "/" side_bar_title: "dashboard"
side_bar_hierachy Connect side bar title and endpoint side_bar_hierachy:
+ 總覽: overview
+ 車輛管理: car_management
+ 月票管理: season
+ POS功能: pos
+ 財務功能: finance
title_style Icon of title button of side bar title_style: "bxs-spreadsheet"
[Icon library (version 2.0.8) =>]
side_bar_style Icons of buttons of side bar side_bar_style:
總覽: "bxs-share-alt"
車輛管理: "bxs-car-mechanic"
月票管理: "bxs-calendar"
POS功能: "bx-desktop"
財務功能: "bx-trending-up"
[Icon library (version 2.0.8) =>]
main_url Url of current website main_url: ""
with_login Flag of login requirement of the website with_login: True
login_url Endpoint of login page login_url: "iam/login"
default_name Default user name default_name: "Famcy"
default_profile_pic_url Default user picture default_profile_pic_url: ""
【Http Client】 Http url the the developer may use in the project eg.
main_http_url: ""
login_http_url: ""

Correctly setup folder hierarchy under console folder

Folder names that start with _ won't be imported by Famcy, or else objects can be called in the project by writing Famcy.<object name>. Customize javascript, image of css files can be used in the project after including those files in the _static_ folder.

	|__ _static_
	|   |__css
	|   |__image
	|   |__js
	|   |
	|   |

Create a page and connect it with a unique endpoint