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Signature Record

The NDEF Signature Record is a well-known record type defined by the `NFC Forum`_. It contains three fields: a version field, a signature field and a certificate field.

The version field is static. Currently this implementation only supports v2.0 of the NDEF Signature Record.

The signature field contains the signature type, the message hash type and either the signature itself or a URI to the signature.

The certificate field contains the certificate format type, a certificate chain store and an option URI to the next certificate in the chain.

The SignatureRecord class decodes or encodes an NDEF Signature Record.

param str signature_type:initial value for the signature_type attribute, default None
param str hash_type:initial value for the hash_type attribute, default 'SHA-256'
param bytes signature:initial value for the signature attribute, default b''
param str signature_uri:initial value for the signature_uri attribute, default ''
param str certificate_format:initial value for the certificate_format attribute, default 'X.509'
param list certificate_store:initial value for the certificate_store attribute, default []
param str certificate_uri:initial value for the certificate_uri attribute, default ''
.. attribute:: type

   The Signature Record type is ``urn:nfc:wkt:Sig``.

.. attribute:: name

   Value of the NDEF Record ID field, an empty `str` if not set.

.. attribute:: data

   A `bytes` object containing the NDEF Record PAYLOAD encoded from the
   current attributes.

.. attribute:: version

   The version of the NDEF Signature Record.

.. attribute:: signature_type

   The signature type used in the signature algorithm.

   >>> import ndef
   >>> print('\n'.join([str(x[1]) for x in ndef.signature.SignatureRecord()._mapping_signature_type]))

.. attribute:: hash_type

   The hash type used in the signature algorithm.

   >>> import ndef
   >>> print("\n".join([str(x[1]) for x in ndef.signature.SignatureRecord()._mapping_hash_type]))

.. attribute:: signature

   The signature (if not specified by `signature_uri`).

.. attribute:: signature_uri

   The uniform resource identifier for the signature (if not specified by

.. attribute:: certificate_format

   The format of the certificates in the chain.

   >>> import ndef
   >>> print("\n".join([str(x[1]) for x in ndef.signature.SignatureRecord()._mapping_certificate_format]))

.. attribute:: certificate_store

   A list of certificates in the certificate chain.

.. attribute:: certificate_uri

   The uniform resource identifier for the next certificate in the
   certificate chain.

This is default usage:

>>> import ndef
>>> signature_record = ndef.SignatureRecord(None, 'SHA-256', b'', '', 'X.509', [], '')

This is a full example creating records, signing them and verifying them:

>>> import ndef
>>> import io
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
>>> from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import utils
>>> from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
>>> from asn1crypto.algos import DSASignature
>>> private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256K1(), default_backend())
>>> public_key = private_key.public_key()
>>> r1 = ndef.UriRecord("")
>>> r2 = ndef.TextRecord("TEST")
>>> stream = io.BytesIO()
>>> records = [r1, r2, ndef.SignatureRecord("ECDSA-P256", "SHA-256")]
>>> encoder = ndef.message_encoder(records, stream)
>>> for _ in range(len(records) - 1): e=next(encoder)
>>> signature = private_key.sign(stream.getvalue(), ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256()))
>>> records[-1].signature = DSASignature.load(signature, strict=True).to_p1363()
>>> e=next(encoder)
>>> octets = stream.getvalue()
>>> records_verified = []
>>> records_to_verify = []
>>> known_types = {'urn:nfc:wkt:Sig': ndef.signature.SignatureRecord}
>>> for record in ndef.message_decoder(octets, known_types=known_types):
...     if not record.type == 'urn:nfc:wkt:Sig':
...         records_to_verify.append(record)
...     else:
...         stream_to_verify = io.BytesIO()
...         encoder_to_verify = ndef.message_encoder(records_to_verify + [record], stream_to_verify)
...         for _ in range(len(records_to_verify)): e=next(encoder_to_verify)
...         try:
...             public_key.verify(DSASignature.from_p1363(record.signature).dump(), stream_to_verify.getvalue(), ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256()))
...             records_verified.extend(records_to_verify)
...             records_to_verify = []
...         except InvalidSignature:
...             pass
>>> records_verified = list(ndef.message_decoder(b''.join(ndef.message_encoder(records_verified))))