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Push your pages to cloud buckets (S3 for now).

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initCloudPages($, [name], [dependencies])undefined

Declare cloudPages in the dependency injection system and allow to change its name/dependencies

cloudPages(services, options)Promise

Deploy pages to the cloud and optionnally remove old versions

initCloudPages($, [name], [dependencies]) ⇒ undefined

Declare cloudPages in the dependency injection system and allow to change its name/dependencies

Kind: global function

Param Type Default Description
$ Knifecycle The knifecycle instance
[name] String 'cloudPages' The name of the service
[dependencies] Array ['ENV', 'glob', 'fs', 'log', 's3', 'mime', 'git'] The dependencies to inject

cloudPages(services, options) ⇒ Promise

Deploy pages to the cloud and optionnally remove old versions

Kind: global function
Returns: Promise - A promise to be resolved when the deployment ended

Param Type Description
services Object Services (provided by the dependency injector)
services.ENV Object Environment service
services.glob function Globbing service
services.fs Object File system service
services.log function Logging service
services.s3 Object S3 bucket service
services.mime Object MIME mapping service
services.git Object Repository service
services.time function Time service
options Object Options (destructured)
options.last Number Number of prior versions to keep
options.delay Number Delay for keeping prior versions
options.dir String Directory that contains assets to deploy
options.gitDir String Directory of the git repository to look for versions
options.files String Pattern of files to deploy in the directory
options.ignore String Pattern of files to ignore in the directory
options.remove Boolean Boolean indicating if ld versions should be removed
options.version String Version for the current deployment
options.bucket String Targetted bucket




Push your pages to cloud buckets (S3 for now)



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