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File metadata and controls

94 lines (71 loc) · 4.6 KB

Feature Validation

Hootenanny allows for tagging features which fail its own validation checks or JOSM validation tests without attempting to fix the validation errors. Failing map elements will be tagged with hoot:validation:error, which describes the error and hoot:validation:error:source which describes the validator that found the error.

Hootenanny Validator Detail

Hootenanny primarily relies on JOSM for validation, as most of its cleaning routines do not double as validators (some could be made to if needed). The validators Hootenanny does have are documented in this section. Note that some Hootenanny validators may have functionality overlap with some JOSM validators. This generally should be avoided, but Hootenanny validators are usually set up to generate conflate feature reviews (something that possibly could be done with the JOSM validators in the future if needed) and sometimes Hootenanny validators used during conflation have different requirements than JOSM validators.

Crossing Roads

Using RoadCrossingPolyMarker, Hootenanny will detect roads that incorrectly cross polygon features automatically after conflation or, alternatively, outside of conflation as part of validation. A rules file, specified by the highway.crossing.poly.rules configuration option, controls which polygons are search for roads over them and which roads are allowed to cross certain polygons (if any). For example, there are no instances where we would want to see a road crossing though most types of buildings but we allow a service road to pass through a parking lot. The rules file requires maintenance over time as more road crossing data scenarios are encountered.

Rules format example:


      "name": "buildings",
      "polyCriteriaFilter": "BuildingCriterion"
      "name": "parking",
      "polyTagFilter": "amenity=parking",
      "allowedRoadTagFilter": "highway=service;highway=footway"

Each rule specifies the polygon criteria to search for that may have roads crossing over them.

name is the name of the rule. It is required and used for readability purposes in review text.

polyCriteriaFilter consists of one or more element criterion class names that are logically OR’d together to create a type filter for the polygons which are searched for roads crossing over them. The form of the value string is: <criterion 1>;<criterion 2>…​; e.g. BuildingCriterion;AreaCriterion"

polyTagFilter consists of one or more tag key/value pairs that are logically OR’d together to create a tag filter used to determine which types of polygons are checked for crossing roads using tag checks of the form: <key1=value1>;<key2=value2>…​; e.g. amenity=parking;leisure=park

At least one of polyCriteriaFilter and polyTagFilter must be specified. Both may be specified but it is not required.

allowedRoadTagFilter determines which type of roads are allowed to cross the polygons being search for in this rule. It consists one or more highway tag key/value pairs that are logically OR’d together to create a tag filter used to determine which types of polygons are checked for crossing roads using tag checks of the form: <key1=value1>;<key2=value2>…​; e.g. highway=service;highway=footway

Crossing Railways

Using RailwaysCrossingMarker, Hootenanny will detect railway lines which cross each other automatically after conflation. Certain rail types may be excluded by adding tag values that have a railway key to the configuration option, railways.crossing.marker.ignore.types.

This feature currently is not available as a validator but may be used to create conflate feature reviews.

Feature Cleaning

Hootenanny allows for cleaning features which fail JOSM validation tests and/or those that Hootenanny internally identifies as requiring cleaning. Both Hootenanny cleaning operations and JOSM auto-fix capabilities may be used for cleaning.