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File metadata and controls

56 lines (40 loc) · 2.01 KB

Layer Config

Now that we have a parser, we can hook that up to a layer. OpenSphere automatically configures layers through registered classes dubbed "layer configs". Given a JSON object like:

  "type": "georss"

OpenSphere looks up the registered layer config class for the type georss, instantiates it, and passes it that JSON object to create the layer.

Let's create that class.

.. literalinclude:: src/plugin/georss/georsslayerconfig.js
  :caption: ``src/plugin/georss/georsslayerconfig.js``
  :language: javascript

The parent class, os.layer.config.AbstractDataSourceLayerConfig handles most of the heavy lifting and common key/value pairs like title, url, description, etc. All we have to do is pass it a parser.

And, since we are good developers, here is a test for it.

.. literalinclude:: test/plugin/georss/georsslayerconfig.test.js
  :caption: ``test/plugin/georss/georsslayerconfig.test.js``
  :language: javascript

Now that we have that tested, we need to modify our plugin and register the layer config:

.. literalinclude:: src/plugin/georss/georssplugin-layer_config.js
  :caption: ``src/plugin/georss/georssplugin.js``
  :language: javascript
  :emphasize-lines: 3,8,28-29

Running yarn build and viewing the debug instance of the application should allow you to drop this in the console and have a GeoRSS layer:

const {default: CommandProcessor} = goog.module.get('os.command.CommandProcessor');
const {default: LayerAdd} = goog.module.get('os.command.LayerAdd');
  new LayerAdd({
    type: 'georss',
    id: 'georss-test',
    title: 'Test GeoRSS Layer',
    url: '',
    color: 'FFFF00'

Cool! But unfortunately this layer is not saved across sessions and it does not support the OpenSphere file/URL import flow. We will do that next!