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Angular service to connect to Parse database much more easily

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Angular-parse is an Angularjs service to connect to Parse database much more easily and quickly by bypassing entire server side, everything will be handle on client side with Angularjs. This project is only intended for building MVP or prototype. ###Project is terminated, use Python-parse instead


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Get started

Set keys

parseServices.setKeysSimple(applicationId, javascriptKey);

You can find your keys in Parse -> Settings -> Keys

Set pointer type


dataStructure has to be an object containing column names and where the pointers pointing to

Example: dataStructure = { createdBy: '_User', onShelf: 'Shelves' }

createdBy and onShelf are column name which are pointing to _User and Shelves classes respectively


Return format

  • Success

      	\-results						# Data returned from Parse
      	\-code 							# Status code
  • Fail

      		\-message					# Error message
      		\-code 						# Status code


var params = { 
    where: {
    	"number" = { "$gt" : 5 }		# Query entries that have "number" value greater than 5
    include: ["createdBy"],				# Return object that "createdBy" column pointing to
    limit: 5							# Limit results to 5 entries
parseServices.get(table_name, params).then(function(response){
	if (!response.results.error) {
		# do something
	} else{
		# Error
  • params structure

      	\-where							(Arguments for query)
      	\-order 						(Specify a field to sort by)
      	\-limit							(Limit the number of objects returned by the query)
      	\-skip 							(Use with limit to paginate through results)
      	\-keys 							(Restrict the fields returned by the query)
      	\-include						(Use on Pointer columns to return the full object)
  • Query Constraints

      $lt				Less Than
      $lte			Less Than Or Equal To
      $gt				Greater Than
      $gte			Greater Than Or Equal To
      $ne				Not Equal To
      $in				Contained In
      $nin			Not Contained in
      $exists			A value is set for the key
      $select			This matches a value for a key in the result of a different query
      $dontSelect		Requires that a key's value not match a value for a key in the result of a different query
      $all			Contains all of the given values
      $regex			Requires that a key's value match a regular expression

Angular-parse will converse object_id in 'where' to pointer type. So use

where: {
	createdBy: "object_id of an entry"

instead of

where: {
	createdBy: {
		__type: "Pointer",
		className: "_User",
    	objectId: "object_id of an entry"

Post, payload).then(function(reponse){
	if (!response.results.error) {
		# do something
	} else{
		# Error


parseServices.put(table_name, object_id, payload).then(function(reponse){
	if (!response.results.error) {
		# do something
	} else{
		# Error


parseServices.delete(table_name, objectId).then(function(reponse){
	if (!response.results.error) {
		# do something
	} else{
		# Error


Angular service to connect to Parse database much more easily






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