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Ansible NGINX Controller Agent Role

This repository has been archived. There will likely be no further development on the project and security vulnerabilities may be unaddressed.

This role installs, configures, and upgrades the NGINX Controller agent alongside an NGINX Plus instance in a machine.


NGINX Controller and NGINX Plus


  • This role is developed and tested with maintained versions of Ansible core (above 2.11).
  • You will need to run this role as a root user using Ansible's become parameter. Make sure you have set up the appropriate permissions on your target hosts.
  • Instructions on how to install Ansible can be found in the Ansible website.

Molecule (Optional)

  • Molecule is used to test the various functionalities of the role. The recommended version of Molecule to test this role is 3.3.
  • Instructions on how to install Molecule can be found in the Molecule website. You will also need to install the Molecule Docker driver.


Ansible Galaxy

Use ansible-galaxy install nginxinc.nginx_controller_agent to install the latest stable release of the role on your system. Alternatively, if you have already installed the role, use ansible-galaxy install -f nginxinc.nginx_controller_agent to update the role to the latest release.


Use git clone to pull the latest edge commit of the role from GitHub.


The NGINX Controller agent Ansible role supports all platforms supported by the NGINX Controller agent:

  - 2017.09
Amazon Linux 2:
  - any
  - 7.4+
  - stretch (9)
  - buster (10)
  - 7.4+
  - bionic (18.04)
  - focal (20.04)

Role Variables

Variable Default Description Required
nginx_controller_fqdn "" FQDN of the NGINX Controller instance Yes
nginx_controller_api_key "" The API key used to authenticate to NGINX Controller Yes
nginx_controller_location "unspecified" The location in NGINX Controller this instance will be automatically added to No
nginx_controller_hostname "" The unique name of the NGINX instance as reflected in NGINX Controller -- currently redundant with nginx_controller_instance_name No
nginx_controller_instance_name "" The unique name of the NGINX instance as reflected in NGINX Controller -- currently redundant with nginx_controller_hostname No

Example Playbook

To use this role you can create a playbook such as the following:

- name: Fetch NGINX Controller API Key
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    nginx_controller_user_email: ""
    nginx_controller_user_password: "mySecurePassword"
    nginx_controller_fqdn: ""
    nginx_controller_validate_certs: false
    - name: Fetch NGINX Controller auth token
        name: nginxinc.nginx_controller_generate_token

    - name: Fetch NGINX Controller API Key for the NGINX Controller agent registration
        url: "https://{{ nginx_controller_fqdn }}/api/v1/platform/global"
        method: GET
        return_content: yes
        status_code: 200
        validate_certs: false
          Cookie: "{{ nginx_controller_auth_token }}"
      register: ctrl_globals

    - name: Filter API Key to a variable
        api_key: "{{ ctrl_globals.json.currentStatus.agentSettings.apiKey }}"

- name: Install NGINX Controller agent
  hosts: tag_new_gateway
  remote_user: ubuntu
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
    # - name: Install minimal support for python2 for Agent install script
    #   apt:
    #     name:
    #       - python-minimal
    #       - libxerces-c3.2

    - name: Install the NGINX Controller agent
        name: nginxinc.nginx_controller_agent
        nginx_controller_api_key: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['api_key'] }}"

Other NGINX Ansible Collections and Roles

You can find the Ansible NGINX Core collection of roles to install and configure NGINX Open Source, NGINX Plus, and NGINX App Protect here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX role to install NGINX OSS and NGINX Plus here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX configuration role to configure NGINX here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX App Protect role to install and configure NGINX App Protect WAF and NGINX App Protect DoS here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX Controller collection of roles to install and configure NGINX Controller here.

You can find the Ansible NGINX Unit role to install NGINX Unit here.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Author Information

Alessandro Fael Garcia

Brian Ehlert

Daniel Edgar

© F5 Networks, Inc. 2020 - 2021