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CMPE281 - Team Hackathon Project : LinkedIn

Team : AWSome

Team Members

  • Avinav Tyagi
  • Mayur Barge
  • Nikita Bairagi
  • Dharma Dheeraj Chintala

Project Journal

Project Journal available at following locations for AWSome project.

Week1 Journal

Week2 Journal

Week3 Journal

Week4 Journal


1. Microservices : We have used Golang for the development of all the services, which doesn't rely on heavyweight threads but channels which are much more efficient in the concurrent world.

2. MongoDB: For storing the users data and consistent fast retrieval, We chose mongo db. Since mongo db is a non-relational database, it is very convenient to store the data without strict schema definition.

3. JWT: For maintaining sessions, we are using JWTs over the traditional cookie-based sessions. JWTs are as much secure and much more scalable since the server overhead is very less. The JWT signature and the client secret ensures that there was no tampering with the JWT.

4. Redis: For storing the JWT secret, We are using Redis as the in-memory caching layer. Since this will be invoked on every API call, there was a need for in-memory storage which is highly available. The Redis also provided in-built TTL which ensured that a session becomes invalid after 60 minutes.

5. Docker Swarm: Deployed the all the services in AWS instances using docker swarm. This made it even more scalable.

6. MongoDB Sharding: As the size of the data increase, data partitioning becomes very important. For setting this, we created two sharded cluster, two config servers, and one mongos for each service.



  • Auth
- /auth/ping
- /auth/login
- /auth/signup
- /auth/logout
  • Users
- /users/ping -> "GET"
- /users -> "POST"
- /users -> "GET"
- /users/{id} -> "GET"
  • Jobs
- /jobs/ping -> "GET"
- /jobs  -> "POST"
- /jobs -> "GET"
- /job/{id} -> "GET"

Design Principles:

AKF Scaling Cube

  • Scaling With X-Axis - For horizontal scaling we have created a replica set of 3 applicaton servers.Each Application servers is runnning on Amazon EC2 instances using docker.

  • Scaling With Y-Axis - We are achieving scaling across Y axix by decomposing the code base into 4 indepedent microservices. Each microservice is running on docker swarm cluster.

  • Scaling With Z-Axis - We are using Mongo DB sharded cluster for /jobs and /user services. Sharded cluster consist of 2 config serviers and 2 shard servers and 1 mongos query router.

Network Partition Test:

Docker Swarm Cluster:

For replication of services we have used docker swarm as container orchestrater. You will need to initialize the swarm on the Manager node. Following command is used to initialize docker in swarm mode

docker swarm init --advertise-addr <PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS>

You should see following in the output

docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-4b9w5yrifkwqhs32zdsfg1ml3y12277qz1u1x24c5gpbt8gg80-1e1r92ksw2mzohcj0ffymwsb3 <PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS>:2377

Run above command in worker node to join other nodes to cluster You can verify swarm cluster status using docker info and docker node ls command

Extra Credit - Terraform

We have used Terraform to launch API gateway. Following is the output for terraform apply

➜  Terraform git:(master) ✗ terraform plan
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
  + aws_api_gateway_integration.integration
      id:                                                <computed>
      cache_namespace:                                   <computed>
      connection_type:                                   "INTERNET"
      http_method:                                       "ANY"
      integration_http_method:                           "ANY"
      passthrough_behavior:                              <computed>
      request_parameters.%:                              "1"
      request_parameters.integration.request.path.proxy: "method.request.path.proxy"
      resource_id:                                       "${}"
      rest_api_id:                                       "${}"
      timeout_milliseconds:                              "29000"
      type:                                              "HTTP_PROXY"
      uri:                                               "{proxy}"
  + aws_api_gateway_method.method
      id:                                                <computed>
      api_key_required:                                  "false"
      authorization:                                     "NONE"
      http_method:                                       "ANY"
      request_parameters.%:                              "1"
      request_parameters.method.request.path.proxy:      "1"

Technology :

  • BackEnd - GoLang
  • Cloud Services - Amazon EC2, API Gateway, Network Load Balancer, Elastic Load Balancer
  • Data Store - MongoDB, Redis for cache.
  • FrontEnd - React,Redux, HTML5, CSS