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Wildfire Detection System

Leveraging IOT to monitor, analyse, visualize and disseminate data about Air Quality anomalies for detecting wildfires

Project report can be found here, on google docs and here in this repo in the './report' directory. An overview of the project architecture and technologies is detailed below.

Steps to run the project

  1. Clone the repository
  2. docker compose build
  3. docker compose up
  4. To visit the Grafana port, visit http://localhost:3000/dashboards and click on 'wildfire'. Username: admin, password: admin
  5. You can visit the Wokwi project here to simulate other sensors by changing the string MQTT_CLIENT_ID and restarting the Wokwi simulation (e.g., changing the string value to 'wokwi_sensor2')
  6. To visit the node-red port, visit http://localhost:1880
  7. To visit the InfluxDB port, visit http://localhost:8086/. Username: admin, password: password.
  8. Once you are done, run docker compose down


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