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Releases: nhammond129/ONRL

v0.2 alpha

09 Jun 04:24
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Well, you can walk around and watch moss get eaten by goblins..
One of the goblins is biG.

vi-like movement: HJKL as LEFT/DN/UP/RIGHT
SPACE to pass turn

Total time spent on this is probably about 6 hours, so it's still /technically/ a "one night" roguelike, if you think of it as one discontinuous night.

May need to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 (see #2, thanks mar)

ok i forgot to include the data folder which had the font before. oops. (thanks skrib)

v0.1 alpha

08 Jun 21:59
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Bare bones release, for the sake of having something visible.