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docs: update readme for 1.0 (fix #1026, #1055)
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* docs: update readme for 1.0 (fix #1026)

* docs: apply review (fix #1055)
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최규우/FE개발랩/NE authored and GitHub Enterprise committed Dec 28, 2017
1 parent 9d7d5f7 commit 4aa391f
Showing 1 changed file with 185 additions and 52 deletions.
237 changes: 185 additions & 52 deletions
@@ -1,52 +1,185 @@
## ![toast ui editor](
The ToastUI Editor is a two-way editor based on Markdown.
You can choose and use WYSIWYG and Markdown as needed.
And if you are in need, you can switch the editing mode (WYSIWYG ↔ Markdown) while you are writing it fluidly.

## Features
* Input & output with GFM : All documents are exported by "Github Flavored Markdown" format even if it has written in WYSIWYG mode.
* Quick & Easy mode switching : Switch editing mode WYSIWYG and Markdown anytime you need.
* Live preview : Always display current Markdown document's HTML preview.
* Extensible : You can extend features by integrated API & Extension.
* Auto-Scroll : A scroll automatically follows cursor position during editing so that you can see a Markdown preview in real time.
* Text color : You can set the text color using inline html tag.


You can try a demo at [](

## Screenshots

### Markdown Mode
![Markdown Mode](

### Wysiwyg Mode
![WYsiwyg Mode](

## Documentation
* **Getting Started** :
* **API** :

## Dependency
* codemirror
* squire
* jquery 2.1.3
* tui-code-snippet
* highlightjs
* markdown-it
* toMark

## Test environment
* PC
* IE10~11
* Chrome
* Firefox

## Download/Install
* Bower
* Latest version: `bower install`
* Specific version: `bower install[tagName]`

## License
This software is licensed under the [MIT License](
# ![logo](
> GFM Markdown Wysiwyg Editor - Productive and Extensible
[![github version](]( [![npm version](]( [![bower version](]( [![license](]( [![PRs welcome](]( [![code with hearth by NHN ent.](](

<p align="center"><a href=""><img src="" /></a></p>

## 🚩 Table of Contents
- [<img src="" height="14px" /> Standard and Extensible](#-standard-and-extensible)
- [CommonMark + GFM Specifications](#commonmark--gfm-specifications)
- [Powerful Extensions](#powerful-extensions)
- [🎨 Features](#-features)
- [Productive Markdown mode](#productive-markdown-mode)
- [Easy Wysiwig mode](#easy-wysiwig-mode)
- [And more](#and-more)
- [💾 Install](#-install)
- [using npm](#using-npm)
- [using bower](#using-bower)
- [Download](#download)
- [🔨 Usage](#-usage)
- [Editor](#editor)
- [HTML](#html)
- [javascript](#javascript)
- [options](#options)
- [Viewer](#viewer)
- [📙 Docs](#-docs)
- [🐾 Examples](#-examples)
- [🌏 Browser Support](#-browser-support)
- [📜 License](#-license)

## <img src="" height="18px" /> Standard and Extensible
![standard and extensible image](

### CommonMark + GFM Specifications

Today *CommonMark* is the de-facto *Markdown* standard. And *GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)* is another popular specification based on *CommonMark* maintained by *GitHub* which is known as the biggest *Markdown* user.
**ToastUI Editor** respects [*CommonMark*]( and [*GFM*]( specifications. Write documents with easy and productive tools provided by **ToastUI Editor**. You can open this document wherever the specifications are supported.

### Powerful Extensions
*CommonMark* and *GFM* are great, but we often face requirements beyond the specifications. The **ToastUI Editor** comes with powerful **Extensions** in compliance with the *Markdown* syntax. And it also provides APIs so you can develop your own extensions. Please check [here]( to learn about **Extensions**.

Here are some of extensions which you can start right on.

* **Color picker**: [ColorPicker]( provides an easy way to color text with a GUI tool box
* **Chart code block**: A Code block marked as a 'chart' will render [charts](
* **UML code block**: A Code block marked as an 'uml' will render [UML diagrams](
* **Table merge**: You can merge columns and rows in tables

[Here]( you can find and more

## 🎨 Features
**ToastUI Editor** provides **Markdown mode** and **Wysiwyg mode**.

Someone may like the productivity of *Markdown*, but the other can be looking for a way to make it easier to edit. The **ToastUI Editor** can be the coordinator of both. It offers **Markdown mode** and **Wysiwyg mode**, those can be switched at any time during writing content. Work together conveniently in one document.

### Productive Markdown mode
![markdown image](
* **Live Preview**: Edit Markdown while keeping eye on the rendered HTML. Your edits will be applied immediately
* **Scrolling Sync**: Synchronous scrolling between Markdown and Preview. You don't need to scroll those separately
* **Auto indent**: The cursor will always be where you want to be
* **Syntax highlight**: You can check broken Markdown syntax immediately

### Easy Wysiwig mode
![wysiwyg image](
* **Copy and paste**: Paste anything from browser, screenshot, excel, powerpoint etc
* **Codeblock editor**: Highlight 170+ languages with full size code editor
* **Table**: Hate the Markdown table? You can do everything with a mouse

### And more
* **i18n**: English, Dutch, Korean, Japanese, Chinese + language you extend.
* **Viewer**: Renders Markdown content with extensions

## 💾 Install

### using npm
npm install --save tui-editor

### using bower
bower install --save tui-editor

### from downloading
* [Download bundle files from `dist` directory](
* [Download all sources for each version from release](

## 🔨 Usage
Below codes are for *npm*. If you are using *bower* please see [Getting started with bower](

### Editor

#### HTML
Place a `<div></div>` where you want ToastUI Editor rendered.
<div id="editSection"></div>

#### javascript
Initialize Editor class with given element to make an Editor.
var Editor = require('tui-editor');
var editor = new Editor({
el: document.querySelector('#editSection'),
initialEditType: 'markdown',
previewStyle: 'vertical',
height: '300px'

or you can use jquery plugin.
initialEditType: 'markdown',
previewStyle: 'vertical',
height: '300px'

#### options
* **height**: Height in string or auto ex) `300px` | `auto`
* **initialValue**: Initial value. Set Markdown string
* **initialEditType**: Initial type to show `markdown` | `wysiwyg`
* **previewType**: Preview style of Markdown mode `tab` | `vertical`

Find out more options [here](

### Viewer
**ToastUI Editor** provides a **Viewer** in case you want to show *Markdown* content without loading the editor. The **Viewer** has much **lighter** than the editor.

var Viewer = require('tui-editor/dist/tui-editor-Viewer');
var editor = new Viewer({
el: document.querySelector('#viewerSection'),
height: '500px',
initialValue: '# content to be rendered'

Be careful not to load both the editor and the viewer. Since the editor already includes the viewer function, you can initialize editor by calling [Editor.factory()]( with `viewer` option `true` value to make the editor a viewer. You can also call [getHTML()]( to get rendered *HTML* string.

var Editor = require('tui-editor');
var editor = Editor.factory({
el: document.querySelector('#viewerSection'),
viewer: true,
height: '500px',
initialValue: '# content to be rendered'

**ToastUI Editor** respects *CommonMark* and *GFM*. So any *Markdown* renderer including [markdownit]( can handle the content it made. You can use any of those renderer without **Viewer** if you want.

## 📙 Docs
* [Getting Started](
* [APIs](
* [Getting started with bower](

## 🐾 Examples
* [editor basic](
* [viewer basic](
* [jQuery plugin](
* [uml plugin](
* [chart plugin](
* [more examples in demo directory](

## 🌏 Browser Support
|<img src="" alt="IE / Edge" width="16px" height="16px" /> Internet Explorer | <img src="" alt="IE / Edge" width="16px" height="16px" /> Edge | <img src="" alt="Firefox" width="16px" height="16px" /> Firefox | <img src="" alt="Chrome" width="16px" height="16px" /> Chrome | <img src="" alt="Safari" width="16px" height="16px" /> Safari |
| :---------: | :---------: | :---------: | :---------: | :---------: |
| 10+ | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |

## 📜 License
This software is licensed under the [MIT]( © [NHN Ent.](

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