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류선임 edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 1 revision

Load required files

<script type="text/javascript" src="code-snippet.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="component-effect-slide.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="component-gesture-flick.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="component-m-flicking.js"></script>

There are 3 files that you need to use flicking component.
First, FE code snippet(code-snippet) that is library,
second, Effect slide(component-effect-slide) that support to slide effect such as linear, easeIn,
and Gesture reader(component-gesture-reader) that support to read touch event position and return figured whether flick or not.

After 3 files load, create flicking instance.

Create flicking component

You can create flicking component with next options.

Name Feature
element A root element
wrapper A wrapper element that include flicking items
flow A flicking flow
isCircular Whether use circular flicking or not
isFixedHTML Whether flicking item is fix or not(load new data when touch start to flicking)
itemClass : A class for flicking items
data A data that are needed, what if isFixedHTML option is false
flickRange A minimum distance that conclude flicking
effect A name of effect
duration A duration for effect
<div id="flick" class="flick">
    <div id="flick-wrap1" class="panelwrap">

There are required css that for flicking action.
The root element should have overflow:hidden style and the wrapper element should have position:absolute.

// Create
    var flick = new tui.component.m.Flicking({
        element: document.getElementById('flick'), // element(mask element)
        wrapper: document.getElementById('flick-wrap1'), // warpper
        flow: 'horizontal', // direction ('horizontal|vertical)
        isMagnetic: true, // use magnetic
        isCircular: true, // circular
        isFixedHTML: false, // fixed HTML
        itemClass: 'item', // item(panel) class
        data: '<strong style="color:white;display:block;text-align:center;margin-top:100px">item</strong>', // item innerHTML
        flickRange: 100, // flickRange(Criteria to cognize)
        effect: 'linear', // effect(default linear)
        duration: 300 // animation duration

You can create flicking instance with this code.

Data change

This component support to change data, if you want to change when flicking event fire.
See, next code.

    var leftcount = 0,
        rightcount = 0;
    function getData(str) {
        var count = (str === 'left') ? leftcount++ : rightcount++;
        return '<strong style="color:white;display:block;text-align:center;margin-top:100px">item' + str + count + '</strong>';
    flick.on('beforeMove', function() {
        var left = getData('left');
        var right = getData('right');
        document.getElementById('move').innerHTML = 'beforeMove';
    flick.on('afterFlick', function(data) {
        if (data.way === 'forward') {
            leftcount -= 1;
        } else if (data.way === 'back') {
            rightcount -= 1;
        console.log(leftcount, rightcount)
        document.getElementById('move').innerHTML = 'after Flicking';
    flick.on('returnFlick', function(data) {
        leftcount -= 1;
        rightcount -= 1;

You can get different data when you flick element via custom event.


  • Flicking component do not work without 3 files.
    • code-snippet
    • component-gesture-reader
    • component-effect-slide
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