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Better provide perceptive tips and TS checks for VUEX 4.x

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Typescript enhanced for VUEX 4.x

Better intelligent prompt and TS checks and without affecting functions already supported by TS.

  • Enhance state, getters infinite hierarchical property hints, and support read-only checks.
  • Enhanced commit, dispatch methods sense all operational type names and check payload parameters.
  • Support the 'namespaced' attribute configuration to automatically generate 'type' parameter names.

中文 | effect screenshot

Vuex PR: vuejs/vuex#2054


$ yarn add vuex-ts-enhanced


import { createStore} from 'vuex'
import { ExCreateStore } from 'vuex-ts-enhanced'

class State {
  count: number = 1

export const store = (createStore as ExCreateStore)({
  state: new State()

Or to do so, adding a declaration file in your project folder:

// vuex.d.ts
declare module 'vuex' {
  export * from 'vuex/types'
  export { createStore } from 'vuex-ts-enhanced'

Then you can use vuex without any change!


Unsupported actions:

  1. does not support object-style commit or dispatch because there is no limit to the payload must be object type.
  2. does not support the "Accessing Global Assets in Namespaced Modules", this usage is not recommended.
  3. does not support dynamic registration of the module, need to use (store.dispatch any)('doSomething') way to skip detection.

Incompatible usage createStore<State>({...})
Instead of manually specifying <State>, the default will automatically infer from the state option; When you need a custom type, use class to define and set the initial value, and then create an instance in the state configuration item;

class State {
  name = ''
  count = 1
  list?:string[] = []
const store = createStore({
  state: new State(),

global type supplement

When you install a store into a Vue app, you mount the this.$store property and inject the store into an app-level dependency, using "store" as the default key when InjectionKey is not specified, so we can use inject('store') in the combined API to get the store instance, but we can't sense the type of data returned, so we can give it the following way Store for type addition:

import { store } from '.. /src/store'

interface InjectionMap {
  'store': typeof store

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {

  interface ComponentCustomProperties {
    $store: InjectionMap['store']
  export function inject<S extends keyof InjectionMap>(key:S):InjectionMap[S]

vuex 4.x TS增强


  • 增强 state, getters 无限层级属性提示,并支持只读校验;
  • 增强 commit、dispatch 方法感知所有操作类型名称并对载荷参数检查,
  • 类型名称支持namespaced配置进行拼接。


使用覆盖声明方式, 只需要在你的项目文件夹中添加一个以下代码的d.ts文件:

// vuex.d.ts
declare module 'vuex' {
  export * from 'vuex/types'
  export { createStore } from 'vuex-ts-enhanced'




  1. 不支持对象方式提交或分发,因为没有限制载荷必须为对象类型
  2. 不支持在带命名空间的模块注册全局 action,不推荐这种用法
  3. 不支持动态注册的模块, 需要使用 (store.dispatch as any)('doSomething') 的方式来跳过检查,

不兼容的使用方法 createStore<State>({...})

无需手动指定<State>,默认将会自动从 state 选项中推断;当需要自定义类型时,请使用 class 进行定义并设置初始值,然后在state配置项中创建一个实例;

class State {
  name = ''
  count = 1
  list:string[] = []
const store = createStore({
  state: new State(),


将 store 安装到 Vue 应用时,会挂载 this.$store 属性,同时将 store 注入为应用级依赖,在未指定 InjectionKey 时将使用 "store" 作为默认 key, 因此我们可以在组合式 API 中使用inject('store')来拿到 store 实例,但是却无法感知返回的数据类型,为此我们可以使用下面的方式给 store 进行类型补充:

import { store } from '.. /src/store'

interface InjectionMap {
  'store': typeof store

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {

  interface ComponentCustomProperties {
    $store: InjectionMap['store']
  export function inject<S extends keyof InjectionMap>(key:S):InjectionMap[S]




Better provide perceptive tips and TS checks for VUEX 4.x






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