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nicferrier committed Sep 30, 2012
0 parents commit 95aef7c
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Showing 2 changed files with 359 additions and 0 deletions.
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions db.el
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
;;; db.el --- A database for EmacsLisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2012 Nic Ferrier

;; Author: Nic Ferrier <>
;; Maintainer: Nic Ferrier <>
;; Keywords: data, lisp
;; Created: 23rd September 2012
;; Package-Requires: ((kv "0.0.7"))
;; Version: 0.0.1

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; This is a simple database interface and implementation.
;; It should be possible to specify any kind of key/value database
;; with this interface.
;; The supplied implementation is an Emacs hash-table implementation
;; backed with serializing objects. It is NOT intended for anything
;; other than very simple use cases and will not scale very well at
;; all.

;; However, other implementations (mongodb, redis or PostgreSQL
;; hstore) would be easy to implement and fit in here.

;;; Code:

(require 'cl))
(require 'kv)

(defvar db--types (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
"Hash of database type ids against funcs?")

(defun* db-make (reference)
"Make a DB based on the REFERENCE."
(if (and (listp reference)
(car reference)))
;; this should be part of what we find when we look it up?
(db-hash reference)
;; Otherwise look it up...
(let ((db-func (gethash (car reference) db--types)))
(if (functionp db-func)
(funcall db-func reference)
;; there should be a specific db error
(error "no such database implementation")))))

(defun db-get (key db)
"Get the value from the DB with the KEY."
(funcall (plist-get db :get) key db))

(defun db-put (key value db)
"Put a new VALUE into the DB with the specified KEY.
Return the VALUE as it has been put into the DB."
(funcall (plist-get db :put) key value db))

(defun db-map (func db &optional query filter)
"Call FUNC for every record in DB optionally QUERY filter.
QUERY, if specified, should be a list of query terms.
FUNC should take 2 arguments:
where the DB-VALUE is whatever the DB has attached to the
specified KEY.
This returns an alist of the KEY and the value the function
returned. If FILTER is `t' then only pairs with a value are
(let (retlist)
(funcall (plist-get db :map)
(lambda (key value)
(when key
(funcall func key value)
db query)
(if filter
(loop for p in retlist
if (cdr p)
collect p)

(defun db-query (db query)
"Do QUERY on DB and return the result.
This is `db-map' with an identity function."
(db-map 'kvidentity db query))

(defun db-hash (reference)
"Make a db-hash database.
REFERENCE comes from the call to `db-make' and should
include a `:filename' key arg to point to a file:
'(db-hash :filename \"/var/local/db/auth-db\")
If the filename exists then it is loaded into the database."
(let* ((filename (plist-get (cdr reference) :filename))
(db (list
:db (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
:get 'db-hash-get
:put 'db-hash-put
:map 'db-hash-map
:query-equal 'kvassoq=
:filename filename)))
(when (and filename
(file-exists-p (concat filename ".elc")))
(db-hash--read db))
;; Return the database

(defun db-hash--read (db)
"Loads the DB."
(let ((filename (plist-get db :filename)))
(when filename
(load-file (concat filename ".elc"))
(plist-put db :db (symbol-value (intern filename))))))

(defvar db-hash-do-not-save nil
"If `t' then do not save the database.
This is very useful for testing.")

(defun db-hash--save (db)
"Saves the DB."
(unless db-hash-do-not-save
(let ((filename (plist-get db :filename)))
(when filename
;; Make the parent directory for the db if it doesn't exist
(let ((dir (file-name-directory filename)))
(unless (file-exists-p dir)
(make-directory dir t)))
;; Now store the data
(with-temp-file (concat filename ".el")
(let ((fmt-obj (format
"(setq %s (eval-when-compile %S))"
(intern filename)
(plist-get db :db))))
(insert fmt-obj)))
;; And compile it and delete the original
(byte-compile-file (concat filename ".el"))
(delete-file (concat filename ".el"))))))

(defun db-hash-get (key db)
(let ((v (gethash key (plist-get db :db))))

(defun db-hash-map (func db &optional query)
"Run FUNC for every value in DB.
The QUERY is ignored. We never filter."
(let* ((equal-fn (plist-get db :query-equal))
(filterfn (kvquery->func query :equal-func equal-fn)))
(lambda (key value)
(when (funcall filterfn value)
(funcall func key value)))
(plist-get db :db))))

(defun db-hash-put (key value db)
(let ((v (puthash key value (plist-get db :db))))
;; Instead of saving every time we could simply signal an update
;; and have a timer do the actual save.
(db-hash--save db)

(defvar db--hash-clear-history nil
"History variable for completing read.")

(defun db-hash-clear (db)
"Clear the specified DB (a hash-db)."
(list (symbol-value
"Database: "
(clrhash (plist-get db :db))
(if (file-exists-p (plist-get db :filename))
(delete-file (plist-get db :filename))))

;; Filter db - let's you filter another db

(defun db-filter-get (key db)
(let* ((filter-func (plist-get db :filter))
(origin (plist-get db :source))
(value (db-get key origin)))
(funcall filter-func key value)))

(defun db-filter-put (key value db)
(let* ((filter-func (plist-get db :filter))
(origin (plist-get db :source))
(ret (db-put key value origin)))
(funcall filter-func key ret)))

(defun db-filter-map (key db &optional query)
(let* ((filter-func (plist-get db :filter))
(origin (plist-get db :source)))
(db-map key origin query))))

(defun db-filter (reference)
"Make a database object that is a filter around another.
The reference should look something like:
:source (db-hash :filename ....)
:filter (lambda (value) ...)
The `:filter' function takes 2 arguments: KEY and VALUE with
VALUE being the returned value from the `:source' database."
(let* ((ref-plist (cdr reference))
(db (list
:get 'db-filter-get
:put 'db-filter-put
:map 'db-filter-map
:filter (plist-get ref-plist :filter)
:source (plist-get ref-plist :source))))

(puthash 'db-filter 'db-filter db--types)

(provide 'db)

;;; db.el ends here
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions tests.el
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
;;; tests for the emacs db.

(require 'cl)
(require 'ert)
(require 'db)
(require 'kv)

(ert-deftest db-get ()
"Test the database interface and the hash implementation."
;; Make a hash-db with no filename
(let ((db (db-make '(db-hash))))
(should-not (db-get "test-key" db))
(db-put "test-key" 321 db)
(db-get "test-key" db)))))

(ert-deftest db-put ()
"Test the put interface."
(let ((db (db-make '(db-hash))))
(should-not (db-get "test-key" db))
'("1" "2" "3")
(db-put "test-key" '("1" "2" "3") db)))))

(ert-deftest db-query ()
"Test the query interfce."
(let ((db (db-make '(db-hash))))
(db-put "test001"
'(("username" . "test001")
("title" . "Miss")
("surname" . "Test")) db)
(db-put "test002"
'(("username" . "test002")
("title" . "Mr")
("surname" . "Test")) db)
("username" . "test001")
("title" . "Miss")
("surname" . "Test")))
(db-map 'kvidentity db '(= "username" "test001"))))))

(ert-deftest db-hash--save ()
"Test the saving of a hash db."
(let ((db (db-make
;; You shouldn't use an extension but let elnode deal
;; with it.
'(db-hash :filename "/tmp/test-db"))))
;; Override the save so it does nothing from put
(flet ((db-hash--save (db)
(db-put 'test1 "value1" db)
(db-put 'test2 "value2" db))
;; And now save
(db-hash--save db))
;; And now load in a different scope
(let ((db (db-make
'(db-hash :filename "/tmp/test-db"))))
(equal "value1"
(db-get 'test1 db)))))
(delete-file "/tmp/test-db.elc")))

(ert-deftest db-filter ()
"Test the filtering."
(let ((db (db-make
'(db-hash :filename "/tmp/test-db"))))
'(("uid" . "test001")
("fullname" . "test user 1"))
'(("uid" . "test002")
("fullname" . "test user 2"))
'(("uid" . "test001")
("fullname" . "test user 1"))
(flet ((filt (key value)
(cdr (assoc "fullname" value))))
(let ((filtered
:source ,db
:filter filt))))
(plist-get filtered :source)
(equal (db-get "test002" filtered) "test user 2"))))))

(provide 'db-tests)

;;; db-tests.el ends here

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