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IRR Slurp

This code carefully mirrors:

  • local copies of the most recent RIR delegated stats files
  • local copies of the most recent RIR resource transfer logs
  • the most recent copy of the RIPE nonauth whois database

then runs a patricia trie search to assess which prefixes in the RIPE nonauth db are invalid. The code lists a prefix as being invalid if the route entry refers to unallocated or reserved address space, or if the route entry was part, or all, of a network block which was subsequently the subject of a RIR or inter-RIR transfer.


% perl Makefile.PL && make
% perl -I lib bin/ --debug info > ipv4-invalids.json
% perl -I lib bin/ --debug info --protocol 6 > ipv6-invalids.json

The invalid prefixes are emitted in json format on stdout. These can be parsed on the command-line using gron[1] or jq[2], or fed into another json consumer.

All debugging information is emitted on stderr.

    --authsource [delegated|transfers]			# check delegated files, or transfer files. defaults to both
    --[no]checkregstatus				# invalidate objects based on delegated registration status
    --[no]checkregtime					# invalidate objects based on time-based status transfer check
    --debug [error|warning|notice|info|debug]		# set minimum level for logging output
    --protocol [4|6]					# specify the protocol to check
    --rirs <rirname> [--rirs <rirname> ...]		# list of RIRs to check. defaults to: afrinic apnic arin lacnic


  1. Check database for reserved and unregistered address space in LACNIC and Afrinic only. Check delegated files only. Check IPv4 only. Reasonable debugging output.
% perl -I lib bin/ --debug info --protocol 4 --no-checkregtime --authsource delegated --rirs lacnic --rirs afrinic
  1. Check all RIRs database for transfers only, ipv6:
% perl -I lib bin/ --protocol 6 --nocheckregstatus --authsource transfers

The output of this is "null", indicating no whois objects could be viewed as invalid on the basis that the ipv6 address space was transferred to another party.

Perl dependencies

The perl library depends on several modules from CPAN. The perl Makefile.PL command will provide a list of which ones are missing. These can be installed on Ubuntu / Macos using the following commands:


# apt update
# apt install -y git libnet-patricia-perl libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl libnet-ip-perl liblog-dispatch-perl libjson-perl liblwp-protocol-https-perl

Macos with Macports:

# port -N install git perl5 p5-datetime-format-iso8601 p5-json p5-log-dispatch p5-lwp-protocol-https p5-net-ip p5-net-patricia
# port upgrade -s -n --force p5-net-patricia

The extra command for macos rebuilds the p5-net-patricia port from scratch. This can be necessary if there is a misalignment in the operating system build environment.


  • the code does not handle the great RIPE-NONAUTH db modification of 2018-09-04. This means that any prefix which was subject to a transfer or reregistration before that date may end up not being listed as invalid.

  • the code could handle ARIN-NONAUTH analysis if ARIN supported last-modified: lines on DB entries.

  • doesn't handle supernet nonauth prefixes, i.e. where there is a route entry for a network block, and part of that network block is transferred.

  • doesn't handle merger/acquisitions unless the RIR specifies this in the transfers json blob.

[1] [2]


An IRR ancillary data slurper library







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