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File metadata and controls

724 lines (549 loc) · 25.2 KB

Package description

Importat keywords

Throughout this document, the following keywords will be employed very often:

  • channel: pixel in the wavelength direction (X axis)
  • scan: pixel in the spatial direction (Y axis)
  • NCHAN: image size in the wavelength direction
  • NSCAN: image size in the spatial direction
  • STWV: central wavelength of the first pixel of a spectrum
  • DISP: dispersion (Angs./pixel) in the wavelength direction

Running the programs

REDUCEME contains individual programs to perform each desired task. In this section we describe how to use a typical program, giving some guidelines to the use of scripts.

Direct execution

This is the simplest way to run a REDUCEME program. Just type the program name and answer the prompts. For example (assuming --program-prefix=R5- was used when installing the program; i.e., all the programs have the prefix R5-):

$ R5-istat
REDUCEMEv5.0                   Welcome to istat        Version: 7-December-1996

Work with error images (y/n) [n] ? y
Input file name? file001.u
>>> NSCAN :    218
>>> NCHAN :   1024
>>> STWV  : 3740.
>>> DISP  : 2.9000001
>>> OBJECT: X1+56-12
Input error file name [file001e.u] ? file001e.u
>>> NSCAN :    218
>>> NCHAN :   1024
>>> STWV  : 3740.
>>> DISP  : 2.9000001
>>> OBJECT: X1+56-12 @ERROR@
Valid region is: 1,218
1st & Last Scan (0,0=EXIT) [0,0] ? 130,200
1st & Last Scan (0,0=EXIT) [0,0] ? 0,0
Valid region is: 1,1024
1st & Last Channel (0,0=EXIT) [0,0] ? 1,1024
1st & Last Channel (0,0=EXIT) [0,0] ? 0,0
Thinking... ...OK!

* Number of pixels employed/Total number: 72704/223232
> Maximum.........................: 5725.73096     in pixel (x,y): 635,130
> Minimum.........................: 0.             in pixel (x,y): 1,130
> Mean............................: 941.285767
> Sigma...........................: 440.506714
> Median..........................: 872.831665
> Mean (removing pixels > 3 sigma): 890.916565

* Signal-to-noise ratio:
> Mean............................: 27.616251
> Sigma...........................: 6.31950378
NOTE: this last statistic is uncertain (there are pixels with errors <= 0)

(1) change file
(2) change limits
(0) STOP
Option [0] ? 0

Using shell scripts

It is also possible to use shell scripts to run any program. A simple script file will be of the form:


where program_name is the name of the program, string is any character string that will be used to define the end of the parameter list, and parameter1, parameter2,..., are the list of program inputs.

For instance, the following script file will run the program istat in the same way than in the above example:


If the previous file is called, for example, (the name and extension are arbitrary), the following command:

$ source

will run the program istat using the list of arguments givin in this file. The list of arguments matchs exactly the input order, and the string endistat marks the end of the argument list.

You can also give execute access to the script file and run it directly:

$ chmod +x
$ ./

It is also possible to pass variables to scripts from the command line. The previous script could also be written:



In this case, by typing:

$ file001.u

we will obtain the same result than before. The variable $1 is replaced by the first argument in the command line (file001.u).

An even more flexible script file will be:



which can be used with variable arguments in the command line:

$ file001.u 200,203 1,1024
$ file013.u 11,80 1,1024
$ file034.u 54,119 101,101

However, there is an important problem related to the use of shell scripts in the running of programs. This is the fact that all the program inputs are invisible to the user (they are not printed out in the screen). We have been able to handle this problem in a subtle way. All the inputs in REDUCEME programs can be printed out immediately (like an echo) if there is a file in the current directory called .running_RUN. You only need to create a file with this name (no matter its content), and all the programs inputs will be displayed during the execution of any shell script.

In the following tables we summarized the special forms of a variable (in the C shell), filename modifiers, comparison operators and file comparison operators, which are very useful in the building of shell scripts

Multiple execution with R5-RUN

With the aim of simplifying the reduction process, specially when dealing with a program (or set of programs) which is going to be used repeatedly over many images, we have created a special shell script call R5-RUN to run any script file with all the selected images of a fixed directory.

In order to use the script R5-RUN, it is necessary to create, previously, the script file that is going to be executed many times. For example, we could use the file already described:



Note that in this script only one variable $1 is present. If we want to execute the program istat with the files file001, file002,..., file0??, one possibility is to execute the script with all the files, i.e.,

$ file001
$ file002
$ file0??

However, it is much easier to employ the script R5-RUN:

#> Script file ./ found. OK.
#> Enter file specification.............: file0??
#> Verify before running ([y]/n)........: n
(script is executed over all the files file0??)
#> End of script /usr/local/bin/R5-RUN

The first argument in the command line of R5-RUN is the name of the script file which is going to be executed repeatedly. The file specification determines the names of the files (wildcards are allowed) which are going to be searched to run the script with. If we are sure that the script is working properly, we do not need to verify the process. Otherwise, or if we are skipping some images, we must ask R5-RUN to verify each individual execution of

#> Verify before running ([y]/n)........: y

Number of files found with current specifications: 14

File No. 1 out of 14
--> FILE FOUND ------------------------> ? file001
Image size (NSCAN,NCHAN): 218,1024
Object  : X1+56-12
#> Run program with this file ([y]/n/x/g)? y
#> Work in progress...

There are four possible answers to the question #> Run program with this file ([y]/n/x/g)?: [y]es, [n]o, e[x]it (finish the execution of R5-RUN) and [g]o (continue running without asking for verification).

As you probably can imagine, this is not the end of the story. The script file R5-RUN accepts more than one single argument in the command line. For example

$ R5-RUN 1,200 1,1024

has 3 arguments: $, $2=1,200, and $3=1,1024. The additional arguments following the first one are passed to the script file in this way

$ file??? 1,200 1,1024

Note that in this case, the script file must be of the form



In addition, R5-RUN also creates a file called .running_RUN while running, and all the inputs that are introduced in the REDUCEME programs are clearly visible in the standard output device. If this script is going to be used, it could be interesting to spend some time in its reading. This script can be modified to introduce additional improvements to match the requirements of more demanding users.

Handling error images

In order to follow in detail the error propagation throughout the reduction process, REDUCEME programs which perform arithmetical manipulations can also translate the effect of such manipulations in associated error files. For this purpose, an error file can be created for each data image in an early stage of the reduction process. From that point, most of the programs will be executed simultaneously with data and error files (if this is the user's wish). REDUCEME programs assume that error files are named in the same way than the normal data files, but with an additional "e" character between the portion of the file name preceding the last period (if present) and the last period itself. If no period is present in the file name, the character "e" is assumed to be the last character of the complete file name. Some examples are

data file name assumed error file name
file001 file001e
file398_xi.biased file398_xie.biased file001.newe.u

Anyway, it is important to note that this convention is not mandatory, and error file names can be chosen arbitrarily (although in this last case, the default values for the error files will not be of any use).

General reduction process

Here there is a short description of how to employ REDUCEME programs in a typical reduction.

Data files involved in the reduction process

The reduction of spectroscopic data requires, apart from images of the objects of astronomical interest, the utilization of calibration frames. Basically, we can summarize the different types of images (commonly employed in the reduction process) in the following list:

  • BIAS: frames with no illumination (exposure time = 0 sec), to determine a possible stationary, two-dimensional, additive background pattern (which is repeated in each CCD readout).
  • DARKS: frames with no illumination but with exposure times > 0 sec, to measure the background level resulting from thermally created electrons.
  • FLATFIELDS: frames obtained by observing a uniform light source (typically a tungsten lamp or the telescope dome). However, since the illumination of the slit by a lamp might no be uniform, sky frames (usually twilights or, preferably, although time demanding, night-sky exposures) are also needed. Lamp and dome flatfields are employed to correct pixel-to-pixel differential response, whereas twilight and night-sky flatfields are used to compensate for two-dimensional low-frequency scale sensitivity variations on the chip.
  • ARCS: lamp spectra for wavelength calibration and correction of C-distortion.
  • STANDARDS: observations of spectrophotometric standards to perform the absolute/relative flux calibrarion (this type of observation is not always necessary, depending on the science requirements of the observations).
  • OBJECTS: observations of science objects, aim of the observations.

The following scheme shows a typical reduction pipeline with REDUCEME, in which it is easy to see how the information obtained from the calibration images is incorporated into the reduction procedure of the OBJECT frames. The reduction process starts in the upper left corner of the diagram (BIAS images) and ends in the lower right corner (measurement of line-strength indices/equivalent widths). The arrows indicate the way in which the calibration images are being employed in the pipeline. This diagram also contains the nomenclature adopted by the packages developpers to name the intermediate files after each manipulation. When the file name contains a "*" character (file*), the indicated process is performed simultaneously over data and error images.


Download a PDF version of this figure :download:`here<images/esquema_a4.pdf>`.

Reduction of BIAS frames

1.- Create a log file with R5-fitshead and, if necessary, a LaTeX table with R5-fitstex.

2.- Transform FITS images to REDUCEME format: R5-readfits: file000 --> file000.u

3.- Remove cosmic rays: R5-cleanest or R5-autocos: file000.u --> file000.uc

4.- Determine underscan and overscan regions. For this purpose, it is convenient to use the program R5-plots with flatfield images.

5.- Subtract the BIAS value (mean, median,...) measured in the underscan and/or overscan region(s), and extract the useful region of the images: basicred: file000.uc --> file000.ucb

6.- If the total number of BIAS frames obtained for each night is large, obtain the normalized added frame (R5-addnf). If a two-dimensional structure is apparent, fit it with a smooth surface by using a filter (R5-ifilter), a polynomial surface (R5-fit2dpol) or a composite polynomial/spline surface (R5-fit2dspl).

7.- Obtain the residual frame (using R5-imath if necessary), measure the standard deviation (R5-istat) around the mean (that must be zero!) and obtain the readout noise as this standard deviation times the square root of the number of indiviual BIAS frames added.

Reduction of DARK frames

1.- Create a log file with R5-fitshead and, if necessary, a LaTeX table with R5-fitstex.

2.- Transform FITS images to REDUCEME format: R5-readfits: file000 --> file000.u

3.- Remove cosmic rays: R5-cleanest or R5-autocos: file000.u --> file000.uc

4.- Subtract the BIAS value (mean, median,...) measured in the underscan and/or overscan region(s), the fitted two-dimensional BIAS surface, and extract the useful region of the images: basicred: file000.uc --> file000.ucb

5.- If a two-dimensional structure is apparent, fit it (for each night) with a smooth surface by using a filter (R5-ifilter), a polynomial surface (R5-fit2dpol) or a composite polynomial/spline surface (R5-fit2dspl).

6.- Determine the dark current (constant value, with R5-imath, or two-dimensional surface, with R5-ifilter, R5-fit2dpol or R5-fit2dspl).

Reduction of FLATFIELD frames

1.- Create a log file with R5-fitshead and, if necessary, a LaTeX table with R5-fitstex.

2.- Transform FITS images to REDUCEME format: R5-readfits: file000 --> file000.u

3.- Remove cosmic rays: R5-cleanest or R5-autocos: file000.u --> file000.uc

4.- Subtract the BIAS value (mean, median,...) measured in the underscan and/or overscan region(s), the fitted two-dimensional BIAS surface, the dark current (constant or two-dimensional surface), and extract the useful region of the images (if desired, error frames for lamp/dome flatfields can also be generated ---gain and readout noise must be known---): basicred: file000.uc --> file000.ucb

5.- Average flatfields for each observing night: R5-addnf: file000.ucb, file000e.ucb,..., file???.ucb, file???e.ucb --> flatn?, flatn?e

6.- Normalize the averaged lamp/dome flatfields of each night by dividing the original frame by the averaged spectrum:

R5-adnsc: flatn?, flatn?e --> flatn?.sx, flatn?

R5-imath:: flatn?, flatn?e, flatn?.sx, flatn? --> flatn?.nor, flatn?e.nor

7.- Divide twilight/sky flatfields by the normalized lamp flatfields.

8.- Twilight flatfields can be normalized using the same procedure than with lamp flatfields. However, if C-distortion is apparent, the normalization can be obtained using R5-nortwi.

9.- Obtain a smooth two-dimensional surface by fitting the normalized twilight flatfields with R5-ifilter, R5-fit2dpol or R5-fit2dspl.

Since the slit jaws usually are not perfectly parallel, the illumination correction that will be performed by the low frequency flatfields depends on the slit width.

Reduction of ARC frames

1.- Create a log file with R5-fitshead and, if necessary, a LaTeX table with R5-fitstex.

2.- Transform FITS images to REDUCEME format: R5-readfits: file000 --> file000.u

3.- Subtract the BIAS value (mean, median,...) measured in the underscan and/or overscan region(s), the fitted two-dimensional BIAS surface, the dark current (constant or two-dimensional surface), divide by the corresponding lamp flatfield, reverse the spectra in the wavelength direction (if required), and extract the useful region of the images (arc error frames are no generated): basicred: file000.u --> file000.ub

4.- Remove cosmic rays: R5-cleanest: file000.ub --> file000.ubc

5.- Correct C-distortion:
  • Obtain one averaged arc spectrum: R5-adnsc: file000.ubc -->

  • Search line peaks automatically: R5-findmax: --> lincdis.dat

  • Run R5-fitcdis and remove from the file lincdis.dat the arc lines which are not well suited for the fit.

  • Obtain one averaged arc spectrum for each available arc frame: R5-adnsc: file000.ubc -->

  • Determine the relative offsets between the first averaged arc spectrum (from which one have obtained the file lincdis.dat) and all the rest, with the help of the program R5-corrfft. Note that the offsets measured with this program must be rounded to an integer and change their sign before introducing them in R5-fitcdis.

  • Running R5-fitcdis and R5-cdisc, create the polynomial for the C-distortion correction:

    R5-fitcdis: lincdis.dat, file000.ubc --> file000.cdis1

    R5-cdisc: file000.ubc, file000.cdis1 --> file000.c1

    R5-fitcdis: lincdis.dat, file000.c1 --> file000.cdis2

    R5-cdisc: file000.c1, file000.cdis2 --> file000.c2

    R5-fitcdis: lincdis.dat, file000.c2 --> file000.cdis3

    R5-cdisc: file000.c2, file000.cdis3 --> file000.c3


6.- After the correction of the C-distortion, all the spectra of each corrected frame can be added: R5-adnsc: file000.c? -->

7.- Wavelength calibration:
  • Identify all the visible lines: R5-findarc: --> fitlin.dat
  • Perform the wavelength calibration: R5-fitlin: fitlin.dat, > pol000

8.- Determine the spectral resolution by fitting gaussians (with R5-plots) to different, well-isolated arc lines.

Reduction of STANDARD stars

1.- Create a log file with R5-fitshead and, if necessary, a LaTeX table with R5-fitstex.

2.- Transform FITS images to REDUCEME format: R5-readfits: file000 --> file000.u

3.- Subtract the BIAS value (mean, median,...) measured in the underscan and/or overscan region(s), the fitted two-dimensional BIAS surface, the dark current (constant or two-dimensional surface), divide by the corresponding lamp/dome and twilight/sky flatfields, reverse the spectra in the wavelength direction (if required), and extract the useful region of the images (standard error frames are no generated): basicred: file000.u --> file000.ub

4.- Remove cosmic rays: R5-cleanest: file000.ub --> file000.ubc

5.- Wavelength calibration, C-distortion and radial velocity correction:

R5-rebincw: file000.ubc, file000.cdis?, pol000, radial velocity --> file000.w

If arc frames are not available, one can use wcnoarc (note that in this case, an intermediate sky subtraction could be required if sky lines are present): R5-wcnoarc: file000.ubc, pol???, radial velocity --> file000.w

6.- S-distortion correction: R5-sdistor: file000.w --> file000.wsd

7.- Atmospheric (and interestellar?) extinction correction: R5-corrext: file000.wsd, airmass --> file000.wsde

8.- Sky subtraction: R5-skysubm: file000.wsde --> file000.wsdek

9.- Obtain the flux calibration curve for each standard (the tabulated flux calibration curve must be known): R5-fcalspl: file000.wsdek, table --> file000.res

10.- If there are more than one calibration curve, it is useful to create an image with the average and all the individual flux calibration curves: R5-prfcal: file000.res,...,file???.res --> curvresf

Reduction of OBJECT frames

1.- Create a log file with R5-fitshead and, if necessary, a LaTeX table with R5-fitstex.

2.- Transform FITS images to REDUCEME format: R5-readfits: file000 --> file000.u

3.- Subtract the BIAS value (mean, median,...) measured in the underscan and/or overscan region(s), the fitted two-dimensional BIAS surface, the dark current (constant or two-dimensional surface), divide by the corresponding lamp/dome and twilight/sky flatfields, reverse the spectra in the wavelength direction (if required), and extract the useful region of the images (if desired, error frames for objects can also be generated ---gain and readout-noise must be known---): basicred: file000.u --> file000.ub

4.- Remove cosmic rays: R5-cleanest: file000.ub --> file000.ubc

5.- Wavelength calibration, C-distortion and radial velocity correction:

R5-rebincw: file000.ubc, file000.cdis?, pol000, radial velocity --> file000.w

If arc frames are not available, one can use wcnoarc (note that in this case, an intermediate sky subtraction could be required if sky lines are present): R5-wcnoarc: file000.ubc, pol???, radial velocity --> file000.w

6.- S-distortion correction: R5-sdistor: file000.w --> file000.wsd

7.- Atmospheric (and interestellar?) extinction correction: R5-corrext: file000.wsd, airmass --> file000.wsde

8.- Sky subtraction: R5-skysubm: file000.wsde --> file000.wsdek

9.- Extract final spectra (R5-snratio, R5-gluesc), and measure indices (and errors?) with R5-index, R5-midelines.

Image format

The REDUCEME data files are stored as unformatted binary files, and they are composed by a header, which contains basic frame information, and the data records. Next, we give the simple FORTRAN code required to read and write files with this format (those files can be found in the reduceme/specials/ subdirectory):

  • Program simple_read: read a data file with REDUCEME format.
  • Program simple_write: write a data file with REDUCEME format.

Let's have a look to the file simple_read.f:

       REAL SPECTRA(1124,1124)
C open file
C read header information
       READ(10) STWV,DISP
       READ(10) AIRMASS
       READ(10) TIMEXPOS
       READ(10) NCHAR
       READ(10) NCHAR
       READ(10) NCHAR
C read data frame
       DO I=1,NSCAN
         READ(10) (SPECTRA(J,I),J=1,NCHAN)
       END DO
C end of program

The first header element, IDENTIFICATION, is a character string (length=12 characters), which is employed by the programs to identify the data frames written in REDUCEME format. Due to historical reasons, this string was chosen to be 'abcdefghijkl'.

It is important to note that the data array SPECTRA must be dimensioned at least to the maximum expected NCHAN and NSCAN.

In order to distinguish data frames from their associated error frames, we have decided to add the extra character string ' @ERROR@' (CHARACTER*8) to the OBJECT header keyword. For example:

data file: file000.dat, with OBJECT='NGC 9999' --> error file: file000e.dat, with OBJECT='NGC 9999 @ERROR@'

Auxiliary libraries

REDUCEME programs have been written as single files (located in the directory reduceme/src), although some commonly employed subroutines and functions have been stored in five different libraries. A short description of these libraries is given in this table:

libred.a: directory reduceme/red
  • declaration of global parameters and header keywords
  • input/output of files with REDUCEME format
  • opening of graphic device(s)
libfutils.a: directory reduceme/futils
  • input of data from keyboard
  • character string manipulation
libfspec.a: directory reduceme/fspec
  • miscellaneous collection of functions and subroutines to perform fits, sorting, find the solution of linear algebraic equations, minimize functions,...
libbutton.a: directory reduceme/button
  • manipulation of graphic buttons (within user interfaces)