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Nicola Suter edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 20 revisions

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Adding network drive mapping entries

UNC Path - enter the network path for your file share. Examples:

  • \\\dfsroot\public

If you want to use environment variables use PowerShell environment variables:

  • \\\dfsroot\homes\$env:username

Drive Letter - select a drive letter where the drive becomes available.

Display Name - reflects the name displayed in windows explorer.

Security Group Filter - enter the sAMAccountName without domain prefix of an on-premises Active Directory group the user needs to be a member of.

Migrate Group Policy Preferences

To convert your existing drive mapping group policy configuration, save the GPO as XML report with the group policy management console.

The import is quite self-explaining. Please do not make changes in the exported XML file. Just upload the previously exported file to the generator.

Download the script

If you select the remove stale drives option before downloading the script, network drives not specified in the configuration gets disconnected. This is useful if you want to automatically remove stale drives which are no longer required and/or maintained by your configuration.

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