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File metadata and controls

172 lines (137 loc) · 6.71 KB

Media Information System {#mainpage}

This file is out of date, this is now done with couchdb. see couch directory for new code

Needed packages:

  • python
  • python-couchdb
  • python-chardet
  • ffprobe (ffmpeg on fedora)

This is an attempt to make it feasable to handle media libraries of ridiculous proportions. Because of that, it uses a library of its own asynchronously from the accurate metadata in the file.

Rediculous proportions at time of writing means bigger then two terabyte. more generally speaking: more then fits on a single unit of (consumer) storage, more then can be read completely (by the computer) in 24 hours, and more entries then can be cached by the processor.

This means it should synchronise from time to time and the media library itself should be reasonably static. Should the data get too much out of sync, mis becomes worthless; so be sure to activate the synchronisation when any is created.

the files are also decoupled from the actual media. This is handy should one have three copies of a single media. support for divided (e.g. film_part1.mpg and film_part2.mpg) may be included in the future.

there is an 'active' boolean in the files list. this should be deactivated rather then the entry removed once the file is unavailable or replaced with another copy (given the sha1 hash). Development is underway to allow redundancy of files or media over different sites.

network protocol

The network protocol is designed to allow two way communication through a single tcp connection. After a connection is made, both nodes may assume the client role of a normal client-server model.

the size of requests/replies can vary from a boolean value to 'the complete media library'. E.g. In case node A makes a big request to node B, at the very least node B should be able to take requests from node A.

Because of this, we use a little 'network' protocol within the network protocol. The purpose of this protocol is to 'emulate' a bidirectional rcp connections over a single tcp connection.

the client of the tcp connection is called node A. the server of the tcp connection is node B. Each transmission is tagged with the originating rpc node, a transaction identifier, and a package size field, and a request/response size field.

To start of with the transaction identifier, since nodes should be able to send multiple requests to the other server, it makes sense to identify them individually over the single connection.

the originating rpc node identifier allows for both hosts to have a individual pool of transaction numbers, eliminating the need to synchronise transaction numbers.

the request/response size field is the size of the complete request/reply, excluding overhead from the package(s) used, this allows to track wether or not a request is fulfilled without knowing about the underlying data.

the package size is the size of the current packet, including the overhead of the headers. this allows to identify packages regarding the underlying structure or protocol.

we rely on underlying protocols to guarantee us a complete, sequential and correct bitstream. Therefore we do not use error correction/checking, sequence numbers or other safeguards. However, the protocol should be implemented to allow later versions of the protocol and negotiation on which version to use, in order to allow extensions in the future SSL encryption should be used as well in order to further guarantee integrity of the bitsream.


Commands are central to the operation of mis. It is where local and remote users access the system. Credentials need to be assessed here, although validation and recording can happen elsewhere.

list all:

  • Debugging function giving all known shasums within the system, should be disabled when deployed. get filedata:
  • Returns the data of the shasum following the command get metadata:
  • Returns all metadata known for said shasum add metadata:
  • Adds metadata to the database


configuration is saved in three places. The (complete) default configuration is set up and saved in-code. /etc/mis.conf is read as system wide setting, and ~/.mis/config is read as user settings. Keep in mind, system config always takes precedence over default config and user config always takes precedense over system config. All entries are included to the config, even if they seem nonsensical.

Configuration files are done using the configparser from python. This means we have .ini like config files. These have sections, signified by the [] (e.g. [section_name]); and options (key-value pairs).

current configurable options are described in the default config at

name_of_log as defined by the log. This should follow the configuration 'mis.filename'. e.g. 'mis.pathwalker' valid loglevel options are from least to most severe: 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'critical'. Setting the log level ensures only logs from that level and higher are logged. By default, only INFO and higher is considered for logging (including the debug log).

SHA512 hash

Within this application, at least in the beinning, the sha512 hash will be assumed to be a perfect hashing algorithm. However, in reality, it is not.

According to the principles of the birthday attack; at 1.25 * sqrt(2**512) = 1.4474011154664524e+77 we can expect to have a collision.

in fact, here is a nice list courticy of wikipedia:

Desired probability of random collision (p)
10e−18  10e−15  10e−12  10e−9   10e−6   0.1%    1%      25%     50%     75%
1.6e68  5.2e69  1.6e71  5.2e72  1.6e74  5.2e75  1.6e76  8.8e76  1.4e77  1.9e77

so you can be about 99.9999999999999999% sure you have no collisions and have 160000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 files indexed.

general list of todo stuff


  • unittests


  • media-specifics recogniser.
  • clean up file extensions business (a.k.a. grab superiour list).


  • collections (of one episode, series, series of series, universes)
  • 'watched' list
  • connect to external instance
  • up/download files
  • report errors
  • redundant jbod storage usage/detection
  • storage importance settings (unimportant - no redundancy, superimportant - omnipresent redundancy)
  • user interface


containers are the part of the file which holds it all together. they coordinate the interleave between video and audio frames, contain general information and usually also information about the streams within them. containers contain multiple streams. They usually contain a title but are not uniquely identifiable by it.

Okay. Back to reality. The container kinda meta-is the media. it contains info we want.