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niemaattarian edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 1 revision


The following Wiki relates to a Developers Diary which I have made to document my Mobile Applications Final Year Project. Here, I will document the progression of my project where I will include updates on any changes I created, interactions with my game creator and any issues I encounter along the way. I received this game design from Cian Doyle (G00335783) as part of my project.

Game Description

The name of the game is Lucky. It begins as a nameless man who lives in a forest. He has lost his dog Lucky and begins his quest through the woods in search of him. Here, he must advanace through various levels and defeat various enemies. There are clues to Lucky's whereabouts scattered throughout the levels.

The games genre is described as a 2D Side Scroller with elements of a 2D Shooter. The player must run, jump, shoot and whack their way through levels and past enemies to advance through the game and complete their task.


This game was designed and developed using Unity.

Game Developer

Name: Niema Attarian
Student ID: G00346901

Game Design Creator

Name: Cian Doyle
Student ID: G00335783

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