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🖖 What is Guma ?

If you are a League of legends fan you already know Gumayusi but if you don't He is a League of Legends esports player, currently bot laner for T1 and 2023 LOL world champion. My fav player.

In this context

Guma is a Lightweight and Self Hosted project management app highly inspired by Linear, Plane and Jira that allows to manage multiple projects.

🚨Warning 🚨

I built Guma to apply things i have learned about building microservices. I will use it for my own (to track my projects) so if you trust me enough you can use the version hosted on my server but if you don't you can self-host the project on your own infrastructure.

I will keep improving the code base by adding new features or new practices i will learn in the feature.

🚀 Features

Guma provides the features below:

  • Issues: Track and manage all tasks, bugs, and feature requests. Create, assign, prioritize, and monitor issues.
  • Sprints: Implement Agile methodologies by organizing work into time-boxed sprints. Plan, track, and review sprint progress.
  • Documents:
  • Modules: Organize and manage different project components or functional areas. Break down projects into manageable parts to maintain focus and alignment.
  • Dashboard: Get a comprehensive overview of project status and key metrics.

🛠️ Overall architecture

overall architecture


Note: Each project in the monorepo contains its own architecture details which you can refer to.

Name Path Stack Description
Frontend /frontend React The frontend app
Gateway /gateway Nestjs Gateway built with GraphQL Federeration
Identity /backend-services/users NestJS Service responsible of auth and users handling
Project /backend-services/project NestJS Service responsible for project handling
Team /backend-services/team NestJS Service responsible for team, workflow and members handling
Issues /backend-services/issues NestJS Service responsible for handling everything related to tasks, sprints, reminders etc.
Wiki /backend-services/wiki NestJS Service responsible of the wiki part document handling
Notification /backend-services/notifications NestJS Service responsible for sending notifications (Push and email)
Data-Access /backend-services/data-access/ NestJS Service connected to the database and responsible of exposing a REST api

We have implemented an anti-pattern here by having only one service connected to the database, all the services need to communicate with that data-access service in order to retrieve the data they need, it has created a single point of failure that we need to fix.

External services

The system uses external services

Name Role Description
PostgreSQL Database The database for the app
Redis Cache Caching system (in progress)
RabbitMQ Messaging For messaging between services

👀 Observability

Observability refers to the ability to understand, measure, and gain insights into the internal state and behavior of a system based on its external outputs. For this project we have setup traces, logs and metrics. The schema below shows the tools we have used.

observability stack

Name Role
Promtail The agent responsible for collecting the logs from the service
Loki Store the logs forwarded by Promtail
OpenTelemetry Responsible for collecting traces and metrics
Tempo Store the traces
Prometheus Store the metrics
Grafana Dashboard to visualize all logs, traces and metrics

An example of traces:


Our application infrastructure leverages Kubernetes to manage and orchestrate all microservices within the same repository. Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. By utilizing Kubernetes, we ensure that our microservices are highly available, scalable, and resilient.

All Kubernetes manifests required to deploy and manage our services are located in the k8s directory of this repository. This directory contains the necessary YAML files to define the desired state of our application components, including:

  • Deployments
  • Services
  • ConfigMaps
  • Ingress

For now each resource is manually created, infra automation will be added using tools like Terraform or Pulumni.


Deploying microservices, with their interdependence, is a much more complex process than deploying a monolithic application. It is really important to have a fully automated infrastructure. We can achieve the following benefits with the Continuous Delivery approach:

  • The ability to release software anytime
  • Any build could end up being a release
  • Build artifacts once - deploy as needed

Here is a simple Continuous Delivery workflow, implemented in this project:

In this configuration, Github Actions builds tagged images for each successful git push in the main branch. So, there are always the latest images for each microservice on Docker Hub and older images, tagged with git commit hash. It's easy to deploy any of them and quickly rollback, if needed. Once the image has been built and deployed to the registry the job will connect to the server to update the image version used by the Kubernetes Deployment. I know there is no ArgoCD here but i will definitely add it at some point.



The tool is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License

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