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Llm.cs - C# port of @karpathy llm.c

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Getting Started

  • Install .NET SDK matching version in global.json
  • Restore and build the project (working directory where Llm.sln):
    dotnet restore
    dotnet build -c Release
  • Run (currently defaults to running train "test"/verification):
    dotnet run -c Release --project .\src\Llm\Llm.csproj
    NOTE: First time this is run it will download binary files e.g. weights and input tokens from nietras/llm.bin on Hugging Face. This means there is no need to run any Python here to get data or similar. Clone and run ✅
  • Output should then be something like:
    max_seq_len: 1024
    vocab_size: 50257
    num_layers: 12
    num_heads: 12
    channels: 768
    num_parameters: 124439808
    batch_size: 4
    seq_len: 64
    num_activations: 73323776
    Logits           TENSOR OK
    dwte             TENSOR OK
    dwpe             TENSOR OK
    dln1w            TENSOR OK
    dln1b            TENSOR OK
    dqkvw            TENSOR OK
    dqkvb            TENSOR OK
    dattprojw        TENSOR OK
    dattprojb        TENSOR OK
    dln2w            TENSOR OK
    dln2b            TENSOR OK
    dfcw             TENSOR OK
    dfcb             TENSOR OK
    dfcprojw         TENSOR OK
    dfcprojb         TENSOR OK
    dlnfw            TENSOR OK
    dlnfb            TENSOR OK
    step 0: loss 5.269890 expected loss 5.270007 OK   (took 4219 ms)
    step 1: loss 4.059388 expected loss 4.059707 OK   (took 4099 ms)
    step 2: loss 3.374212 expected loss 3.375123 OK   (took 4050 ms)
    step 3: loss 2.800128 expected loss 2.800783 OK   (took 4073 ms)
    step 4: loss 2.315312 expected loss 2.315382 OK   (took 4089 ms)
    step 5: loss 1.849347 expected loss 1.849029 OK   (took 4052 ms)
    step 6: loss 1.395217 expected loss 1.394656 OK   (took 4071 ms)
    step 7: loss 0.998616 expected loss 0.999147 OK   (took 4057 ms)
    step 8: loss 0.625540 expected loss 0.624080 OK   (took 4073 ms)
    step 9: loss 0.378012 expected loss 0.376511 OK   (took 4059 ms)
    overall okay: True


Public API Reference

[assembly: System.CLSCompliant(false)]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("IsTrimmable", "True")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")]
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Llm.Benchmarks")]
[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("Llm.Test")]
[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0", FrameworkDisplayName=".NET 8.0")]
namespace nietras.LargeLanguageModel
    public interface ILlm
        unsafe void AttentionBackward(float* δoutput, float* postAttention, float* input, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, int headCount, float* δpreAttention, float* δpostAttention, float* δinput);
        unsafe void AttentionForward(float* input, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, int headCount, float* preAttention, float* postAttention, float* output);
        unsafe void CrossEntropyForward(float* probabilities, int* targetTokenIndices, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int vocabularySize, float* losses);
        unsafe void CrossEntropySoftmaxBackward(float* δlosses, float* probabilities, int* targetTokenIndices, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int vocabularySize, float* δlogits);
        unsafe void EmbedBackward(float* δoutput, int* tokenIndices, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* δtokenEmbeddings, float* δpositionEmbeddings);
        unsafe void EmbedForward(int* tokenIndices, float* tokenEmbeddings, float* positionEmbeddings, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* output);
        unsafe void GeLUBackward(float* δoutput, float* input, int count, float* δinput);
        unsafe void GeLUForward(float* input, int count, float* output);
        unsafe void LayerNormBackward(float* δoutput, float* input, float* weight, float* mean, float* invStdDev, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* δweight, float* δbias, float* δinput);
        unsafe void LayerNormForward(float* input, float* weight, float* bias, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* mean, float* invStdDev, float* output);
        unsafe void MatMulBackward(float* δoutput, float* input, float* weight, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int inputChannelCount, int outputChannelCount, float* δweight, float* δbias, float* δinput);
        unsafe void MatMulForward(float* input, float* weight, float* bias, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int inputChannelCount, int outputChannelCount, float* output);
        unsafe void ResidualBackward(float* δoutput, int count, float* δleft, float* δright);
        unsafe void ResidualForward(float* left, float* right, int count, float* output);
        unsafe void SoftmaxForward(float* logits, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int vocabularySize, float* probabilities);
    public class Llm : nietras.LargeLanguageModel.ILlm
        public static unsafe void AttentionBackward(float* δoutput, float* postAttention, float* input, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, int headCount, float* δpreAttention, float* δpostAttention, float* δinput) { }
        public static unsafe void AttentionForward(float* input, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, int headCount, float* preAttention, float* postAttention, float* output) { }
        public static unsafe void CrossEntropyForward(float* probabilities, int* targetTokenIndices, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int vocabularySize, float* losses) { }
        public static unsafe void CrossEntropySoftmaxBackward(float* δlosses, float* probabilities, int* targetTokenIndices, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int vocabularySize, float* δlogits) { }
        public static unsafe void EmbedBackward(float* δoutput, int* tokenIndices, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* δtokenEmbeddings, float* δpositionEmbeddings) { }
        public static unsafe void EmbedForward(int* tokenIndices, float* tokenEmbeddings, float* positionEmbeddings, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* output) { }
        public static unsafe void GeLUBackward(float* δoutput, float* input, int count, float* δinput) { }
        public static unsafe void GeLUForward(float* input, int count, float* output) { }
        public static unsafe void LayerNormBackward(float* δoutput, float* input, float* weight, float* mean, float* invStdDev, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* δweight, float* δbias, float* δinput) { }
        public static unsafe void LayerNormForward(float* input, float* weight, float* bias, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int channelCount, float* mean, float* invStdDev, float* output) { }
        public static unsafe void MatMulBackward(float* δoutput, float* input, float* weight, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int inputChannelCount, int outputChannelCount, float* δweight, float* δbias, float* δinput) { }
        public static unsafe void MatMulForward(float* input, float* weight, float* bias, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int inputChannelCount, int outputChannelCount, float* output) { }
        public static unsafe void ResidualBackward(float* δoutput, int count, float* δleft, float* δright) { }
        public static unsafe void ResidualForward(float* left, float* right, int count, float* output) { }
        public static unsafe void SoftmaxForward(float* logits, int batchSize, int tokenCount, int vocabularySize, float* probabilities) { }