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Interactive widgets for clojupyter.


The widget models are found in the clojupyter-plugin.widgets namespace.

(require '[clojupyter-plugin.widgets :as widget])

A widget is a clojure object whose state gets synced with the front-end. It acts as an atom, it can be used with deref, swap!, reset!, compare-and-set! and it supports adding and removing watchers and validators.


The state is represented by a hash-map i.e. {:min 0 :max 100 :value 20 ...}. The attributes that get sent to the front-end must be converted to json so they can't contain nested keys, clojure functions or java classes as values.

For more examples, check out the examples directory.


$ lein metajar


The packages installs itself as a clojupyter plugin. In order to use it, you'll need to install a version of clojupyter which supports plugins (0.4.0 or later).

Make sure you've built the metajar and run:

$ bin/install <kernel identity>

To make the plugin available at runtime, you'll need to enable the plugin manually:

$ cd <clojupyter src dir>
$ bin/enable-plugin -k <kernel identity> widgets

To view and interact with the models, you also need to install the right extension for your front end.

  • Jupyter Notebook requires widgetsnbextension plugin
  • Jupyter Lab requires jupyterlab-manager.

See detailed instructions here