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welcome to virdom npm page(or github repository)

what's virdom?

virdom is a html parser, it means you can use virdom to control html code

It has some bugs and it cant give you a completely access to html like DOM

how to install?

first you need to install the module it isn't hard =) you can use npm to install it :

npm install virdom

and in next step you should to required it in your project:

var virdom = require ('virdom')

how to use it?

virdom is a class and you can make a new object from it and this class need a parameter for making

  1. path: this parameter is the path of html file and this file will parse so our code is like this:
var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')

now we get the path and ready to parse it but how? its easy there is a method in virdom class and that's name is render() what's that method work?that method will parse the file and save it in a json array in the class and the name of this array is dom so our code be complete with this line:


now let's test the module our html code will be like this:

<html >
   <body >
      <h1 >hi world</h1>

and our js code will be like this:

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')file.render()console.log(file.dom)

and the output will be like this:

         [{    type: 'open',    name: 'html',    tag: { openTagIndex: 0, closeTagIndex: 6, tag: '<html >' },    line: 1  },  {    type: 'open',    name: 'body',    tag: { openTagIndex: 3, closeTagIndex: 9, tag: '<body >' },    line: 2  },  {    type: 'open',    name: 'h1',    tag: { openTagIndex: 6, closeTagIndex: 20, tag: "<h1 id='text' >" },        line: 3,    id: 'text',    into: 'hi world'  },  {    type: 'close',    name: 'h1',    tag: { openTagIndex: 29, closeTagIndex: 33, tag: '</h1>' },    line: 3,                                                                    openTag: { openIndex: 6, closeIndex: 14, tag: "<h1 id='text' >" }  },  {    type: 'close',                                                              name: 'body',    tag: { openTagIndex: 3, closeTagIndex: 9, tag: '</body>' },    line: 4,    openTag: { line: 2, openIndex: 3, closeIndex: 9, tag: '<body >' }  },                                                                          {    type: 'close',    name: 'html',    tag: { openTagIndex: 0, closeTagIndex: 6, tag: '</html>' },    line: 5,    openTag: { line: 1, openIndex: 0, closeIndex: 6, tag: '<html >' }  }]

now we have a json array of html but when we change it how we can get a html code ? its easy there is another method in virdom class and this method should to make a html code from the json array and the name of this method is build() so lets test it in last example we had html code and js code and now we want to add a line into our code so our code will be like this:

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var html =

and output is :

<html >
 <body > 
 <h1 id='text' >hi world</h1> 

but its not all of virdom options sometimes we need a event listener and virdom has a option for this work

i should to say my module cant help you completely for this work but you can use it

we have another method in virdom class ,this method can add a listener with html attribute and the name of this method is listening() and this method gets three parameters

  • parameters
  1. type :this parameter gets the attribute of listener for example onclick

  2. id:this parameter gets the id or class of a tag you select to add that attribute to it

  3. function : this parameter gets a function and thus function worked when event was called don't forget you should to use known function and this option can't work with anonymous functions now we know the parameter and rules so lets to test it our html code was:

<html >
   <body >      
      <h1 id='text' >hi world</h1>   

and our JavaScript code was:

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var html =

and we should to change code to this :

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
function hi(){ 
var html =

so our output is:

<html >
 <body >
  <h1 id='text' onclick='hi()' >hi world</h1> 
  <script >function hi(){   console.log('hi')}

whats new in version2?

in new version of virdom you can select a element and work with it how?? there is a method in virdom module its name is select() and it gets id of element then select it and give you a class(tool) for work with it , and you can get the html code with html property (the virdom module had this property too it mean if you want to get html code of dom you can use this property) so lets test it its our js code:

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var el ='text')

and its our html code

<html >
   <body >
      <h1 id='text' >hi world</h1>     

so the output is:

<h1 id='text' >hi world</h1>

but its not all of virdom tools you can change the inner of element with inner property its a setter, lets test it our js code will change to this:

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var el ='text')
el.inner = 'virdom power'

and our html code dont need to change so the output is :

<h1 id='text' >virdom power</h1>

if you want to set or change the attribute you can use setAttribute method it get the name of attribute and the value of this and change this , do you want to test it ? Lets test it we change our js code to this:

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var el ='text')

and html code dont need to change so the output will be:

<h1 id='text' class='green'>hi world</h1>

you change your element okey? Yes there is no problem but if you want to add it in your virdom object you should to use updateElement() method and you have to give it the selected element class it will make your change in html code so lets finish our change in element

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var el ='text')

so output will be:

<html >
   <body >      
      <h1 id='text' class='green'>hi world</h1>        

its about element changing and element selecting but its not end of virdom news in new version of virdom you can create an element with createElement() method it give a tag name and create element class and you can append it to code lets test them for example we want to add h1 tag beside a last h1 tag so we change code to this :

var virdom = require ('virdom')
var file = new virdom('./example.html')
var el ='text')
var el2 = file.createElement('h1')

and the output will be :

<html >
   <body >            
     <h1 id='text' >hi world</h1><h1></h1>            


my module has some bugs besides it's features and if you want yo work with this module you have to use this rules in your code to dont get an error

  1. use '' for all of your attributes
  2. add a enter before > tag like this : <h1 >

last talk

i tried to make this module for nodejs community and i hope you like it and use it if you like this module you can star and follow or github but your download of my module is enough too


a html parser






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