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Tri 2: Tech Talk 5 Data Ops

jm1021 edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 31 revisions

College Board Focused Concepts and Algorithms. Refer to the README for additional resources and details.

This Tech Talk will only focus on Statics, ENUMs, the Object Class, and Inheritance Hierarchies.

Runtime overview Data Ops Runtime.

The runtime illustrates usage of Radio Buttons (ENUMs) and Check Boxes which triggers backend Filtering

The result is displayed as a Sorted List

Hierarchy of Objects

Every 'Object' contains a Hierarch. 'Object' itself being the 1st or primordial object of Java. In DataOps the object 'Generics' was created to serve as an hierarchical basis of all object used in this package. All other objects in this example extend from 'Generics'. FYI, under the hood 'Generics' is extended from 'Object'.

Usage of Static, Interface, Implements, Abstract, Overrides

These key words are used several times in the Object Hierarchy described above. Take two minutes and find where they are used. Tell me line(s) of code to present and come up and tell me about usage and purpose (0.1 extra credit if we get applause from audience, any team that does not participate will receive a -0.1)

Information about Enums

Enums look confusing but are fairly simple. They are used to declare constants and are frequently used in higher-level Java to avoid errors and improve compile time. They are much more efficient at checking things in if/switch statements. An example of a enum can be whenever we need to utilize any color in Java - we depend on the built-in "Color" class and get a color by calling Color., for example Color.BLUE. Each color is constant and does not change - it simply holds RGB characteristics that allow Java to use that specific color.

Here's a simple example of the usage of an enum:

Required. Pull and/or copy code and run Alphabet, CupCakes, and Animal testers (Part of going beyond Warm body).

  1. Describe important Use Cases in these examples using Static.
  2. Explain default properties of an Enum ... Static? Public or Private? Final?
  3. Enumerate some methods of the Object Class, and why they are in any Class.
  4. Observe and describe class and object hierarchies when initializing and passing objects.
  5. Explain casting Objects, illustrate.

Extra Credit Challenges (Individual .25 grading in Tutorial this week).

  1. Fun. Solve the 3 Musketeer Password: 14*&*41
  2. CB learning. Hack: Add a new password generating Class that extends Generics to the package, create Tester and generate 10 random passwords. Each password is at least 8 characters—the more characters. A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters. A mixture of letters and numbers. Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @ # ? ], do not use < or >.