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ob-sql-mode.el: Allow the use of sql-mode in Org Babel buffers.
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lisp/ob-sql-mode.el: Introduce ob-sql-mode, which allows Org Babel
buffers to use all of the backends supported by sql-mode.  Different
backends and SQL sessions in the same Emacs session or buffer are
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nikclayton committed Dec 16, 2016
1 parent a43eacc commit 106b22e
Showing 1 changed file with 239 additions and 0 deletions.
239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions lisp/ob-sql-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
;;; ob-sql-mode.el --- SQL code blocks evaluated by sql-mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;; Author: Nik Clayton

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Org-Babel support for evaluating SQL using sql-mode.
;; Usage:
;; Enter an Org SRC block that specifies sql-mode.
;; #+BEGIN_SRC sql-mode
;; <enter query here>
;; #+END_SRC
;; You can also type "<Q[TAB]" to expand a template that does this
;; (change `org-babel-sql-mode-template-selector' to use a key other
;; than "Q" to select the template).
;; Although all the statements in the block will be executed, only the
;; results from executing the final statement will be returned.
;; Supported params.
;; ":product productname" -- name of the product to use when evaluating
;; the SQL. Must be a value in `sql-product-alist'. The default is
;; given by the entry for ":product" in
;; `org-babel-default-header-args:sql-mode'.
;; ":session sessionname" -- name of the session to use when
;; evaluating the SQL. All SQL blocks that share the same product
;; and session settings will be executed in the same comint
;; buffer. If blank then the session name is "none".
;; Using Org property syntax you can set these on a per-file level with
;; a line like:
;; #+PROPERTY: :header-args:sql-mode :product sqlite
;; #+PROPERTY: :header-args:sql-mode+ :session mysession
;; Or in a per-heading property drawer
;; :header-args:sql-mode :product sqlite
;; :header-args:sql-mode+ :session mysession
;; :END:
;; (note the "+" on the second lines to append to the value -- you could
;; also place those on one line).
;; Supported hooks.
;; org-babel-sql-mode-pre-execute-hook
;; Hook functions take STATEMENTS, a list of SQL statements to
;; execute, and PROCESSED-PARAMS. A hook function should return
;; nil, or a new list that replaces STATEMENTS. Hooks run until
;; the first one returns success.
;; Typical use: Modifying STATEMENTS depending on values in
;; org-babel-sql-mode-post-execute-hook
;; Hook functions take no arguments, and execute with the current
;; buffer set to the buffer that contains the output from the
;; query (so variables like `sql-product' are in scope). Each
;; hook function can make any changes it wants to the contents of
;; the buffer.
;; Typical use: Cleaning up unwanted output from the buffer.
;; Recommended user configuration:
;; ;; Disable evaluation confirmation checks for sql-mode.
;; (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate
;; (lambda (lang body)
;; (not (string= lang "sql-mode"))))
;; Known problems / future work.
;; [note: these problems might be due to my cursory familiarity with
;; sql-mode]
;; * Calls `sql-product-interactive' from `sql-mode' to start a
;; session. This then calls `pop-to-buffer' which displays the
;; buffer. This is unwanted, so the code currently temporarily
;; redfines `pop-to-buffer'. It would be better if `sql-mode'
;; had a function that silently created the comint buffer.
;; * The strategy for sending data to the comint process is
;; suboptimal.
;; Broadly, there seem to be two ways to do it.
;; 1. Keep the entered query as a multi-line string, and try and
;; use `sql-send-region'. But `sql-send-region' can't redirect
;; into another buffer.
;; 2. (current code) Calls `sql-redirect' to send the query and
;; redirect the results to the session buffer. But
;; `sql-redirect' appears to want each statement to be a single
;; line. So the current code naively assumes it can split the
;; string on ';', remove "--.*$", and then replace newlines with
;; spaces to construct an acceptable statement. This works, but
;; is fragile.
;; * Does nothing with Org :vars blocks. I don't have a solid use for
;; them yet.
;; * Would be nice if there was a configuration option to include all
;; the results, not just the result from the last statement.
;; Requires changes to `sql-mode'.
;; * Some mechanism to translate between the SQL results tables and
;; Org table format would be interesting.
;; * Doesn't support header params to specify things like the database
;; user, password, connection params, and so on. That's probably best
;; left delegated to `sql-mode' and the various product feature options.

;;; Code:

(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ob)
(require 'org)
(require 'sql)

(defcustom org-babel-sql-mode-template-selector
"Character to enter after '<' to trigger template insertion."
:group 'org-babel
:safe t
:type 'string)

(defcustom org-babel-default-header-args:sql-mode
'((:product . "ansi"))
"Default header args."
:group 'org-babel
:safe t)

(defvar org-babel-header-args:sql-mode
'((:product . :any)
(:session . :any)))

(defvar org-babel-sql-mode-pre-execute-hook nil
"Hook for functions to be called before the query is executed.
Each function is called with two parameters, STATEMENTS is a list
of the SQL statements to be run. PROCESSED-PARAMS is the
parameters to the code block.")

(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '("sql-mode" . "sql"))

(eval-after-load "org"
(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("sql-mode" . sql))
(add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist
"#+BEGIN_SRC sql-mode ?\n\n#+END_SRC"
"#+BEGIN_SRC sql-mode ?\n\n#+END_SRC"))))

(defun org-babel-execute:sql-mode (body params)
(let* ((processed-params (org-babel-process-params params))
(session (org-babel-sql-mode-initiate-session processed-params))
(vars (second processed-params))
(result-params (third processed-params))
(result-type (fourth processed-params))
(mapcar (lambda (c) (format "%s;" c))
"[[:space:]\n\r]+\\'" ""
;; Replace newlines with spaces
"\n" " "
;; Remove comments, as the query is going to be
;; flattened to one line.
(replace-regexp-in-string " --.*\n" "" body)))
";" t "[[:space:]\r\n]+"))))
(let ((adjusted-statements (run-hook-with-args-until-success
statements processed-params)))
(when adjusted-statements
(setq statements adjusted-statements)))
(sql-redirect session statements (buffer-name) nil)
(run-hooks 'org-babel-sql-mode-post-execute-hook)

(defun org-babel-sql-mode-initiate-session (processed-params)
"Return the comint buffer for this session.
Determines the buffer from values in PROCESSED-PARAMS."
(let* ((bufname (org-babel-sql-mode--buffer-name processed-params))
(sql-bufname (format "*SQL: %s*" bufname))
(buf (get-buffer sql-bufname))
(product (intern (cdr (assoc :product processed-params)))))
(unless (assoc product sql-product-alist)
(user-error "Product `%s' is not in `sql-product-alist'" product))
(unless (sql-buffer-live-p buf product)
(if (y-or-n-p (format "Interpreter not running in %s. Start it? "
;; Temporarily redefine pop-to-buffer to do nothing, so
;; that when sql-product-interactive calls it nothing
;; happens. Otherwise the frame is split to show the
;; interactive buffer, which is not wanted.
(let ((old-pop-to-buffer (symbol-function 'pop-to-buffer)))
(fset 'pop-to-buffer #'(lambda (&rest r)))
(sql-product-interactive product bufname)
(fset 'pop-to-buffer old-pop-to-buffer))
(user-error "Can't do anything without an SQL interactive buffer")))
(get-buffer sql-bufname))))

(defun org-babel-sql-mode--buffer-name (processed-params)
"Return a buffer name to use for the session.
The buffer name is (currently) derived from the :product and :session
keys in PROCESSED-PARAMS, but do not depend on this."
(format "%s:%s" (cdr (assoc :product processed-params))
(cdr (assoc :session processed-params))))

(provide 'ob-sql-mode)
;;; ob-sql-mode.el ends here

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