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Conway's Game of Life

Simulation in Unity3D
By: Nikhil Jolly


This is a simulation project made in Unity3D based on the Conway's Game of Life.
You can read more about it on the wiki page:


Open the "Game" scene in Unity.

  1. Create: Used to create a board of cells with specific dimensions.
    Caution: Keep them close to 100*100 (depending upon the system), otherwise you will face memory issues. No 'hardcore' optimizations have been implemented yet.

  2. Create a custom board: After generating a board, touch/cick on the cells to change there states. Clear the board if required.

  3. Next: Used to move to next generation of cells based on Conway's rules.

  4. Start/Stop: Used to start and stop a simulation of the board, creating next generation cells.

  5. Clear: Used to clear the board (kill all the cells).

  6. Camera: Slider to vary the size of camera.

  7. Speed: Slider to vary the speed of simulation.

  8. Gosper's Glider Gun: Used to initiate the cells with seed of Gosper's GG.


  1. Shows generation number for each generation of cells.

For further understanding:

Basic Flow:

  1. Board creation:

    • Board is created as per the dimensions passed whilst using the offset for apt position.
    • Each cell is populated with an array representing all of it's neighbours.
    • Sets neighbour as well as state of cells randomly (with 50% probability of dead and alive).
    • The generation counter is set to 0.
  2. Next generation:

    • Makes a copy of the state of the cells and evaluates the next generation of cells whilst modifying any changes to the new copy.
    • Modifies the current cells based on the changes stored in the new copy of states.
    • Also increments the generation counter.
  3. Simulation:

    • Calls next generation again and again after a delay whilst incrementing the generation counter.
  4. Custom board:

    • The board can be modified at any time by clicking/touching a cell, which results in change of state.
  5. Map management (Beta):

    • Can only be used in editor to save and load maps for testing of any map of cells.
    • By default contains a string representing a map of "Gosper's Glider Gun" which can be loaded via a button in the UI.

Misc notes:

  1. Cell:

    • Each is either dead or alive represented by the boolean values as follows; Dead: False, Alive: True
    • Each cell contains an array of neighbours (created on creating the board)
    • Doesn't use MonoBehaviour, instead is represented a custom class (minor memory optimization).
    • Cells start from (0, 0) to (sizeX-1, sizeY-1)
  2. Rules followed to evaluate a cell:

    • If cell is alive
      • <2 (0 or 1) alive neighbours: Cell dies
      • 3 alive neighbours: Cell dies

      • 2 or 3 alive neighbours: Cell lives
    • If cell is dead
      • 3 alive neighbours: Cell comes to life
      • Else stays dead
  3. Each script is well documented. Kindly refer to them if a part is not understandable.

  4. The code isn't highly optimized for handling large amount of dimensions for the board. Keep them close to 100x100 (depending upon the system).

Nikhil Jolly